Classification of Mining Methods


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Presentation transcript:

Classification of Mining Methods Lesson Four Classification of Mining Methods 采矿方法分类

Classification 分类/分级/分粒; fume ~ 炮烟分级; hydraulic ~ 水力分级; rock drilling hardness ~ 岩石可钻性分级; rock mass ~ 岩体分类; roof ~ 顶板分类; ~ of minerals 矿物分类; ~ of subsidence damage 沉陷破坏分类; Mining 采矿/矿业; adit-cut/tunnel ~ 平硐开采; advance/outward ~ 前进式开采;

retreat (ing) ~ 后退式回采; actual ~ 回采; cut-and-fill ~充填开采; grade ~阶段采矿法; sublevel caving ~分段崩落采矿法; layer/slice ~分层开采; manless/ minerless ~(遥控)无人开采法; metal ~ 金属矿开采; multi-metal ~ 多金属开采; open-stope ~空场采矿;

downward/descending ~ 下行开采; pillar ~矿柱回采; room-and-pillar ~ 房柱式开采; sill ~拉底回采;rip挑顶; downward/descending ~ 下行开采; upward/ascending ~上行开采; glory-hole ~ 露天-地下联合开采;

Factors determining the application of underground metal mining methods are: Shape, size, regularity and dip of the orebody, distribution of ore, strength and physical character of the ore and wall rocks or overlying material, relation of deposit to surface and to other orebodies or to existing shafts on the same property; 决定地下金属采矿法应用的因素是:矿体的形状、大小、规律性和倾角,矿石分布,矿石及两帮与上覆岩层的强度和物理特性,矿体与地表以及与其它矿体的联系或与同一区域内现存井筒的联系;

Size大小/尺寸/粒度/粒级; drift ~ 巷道断面/巷道尺寸; hole ~钻孔孔径/钻孔规格; mine ~ 井型; ~of business 企业规模; medium ~ 中等大小/中等尺寸; bucket ~ 铲斗容积/铲斗规格/铲斗尺寸; correct ~ 合格粒/块度; over ~过大[块] fragment ~ 碎块尺寸{爆} regularity 规律性/规则性;

dip 倾角/倾斜/下山/挖掘/浸入; central ~中央下山; main ~主要下山/主要倾斜; fault~ 断层倾斜; local~ 局部倾角; gentle/flat ~微倾斜; moderate ~缓倾斜; steep ~急倾斜; Strength强度; physical 物理的/物质的; character特性/特征/性质;

wall 墙/巷道壁/盘(矿床); firm/hard ~ 坚实围岩;soft ~软围岩; bottom/foot ~下盘;hanging ~上盘; fault ~断层盘; brattice ~(井筒)风墙/风幕; curtain ~ 隔离矿柱; overlying覆盖的; deposit矿床/沉积/沉淀物; bedded ~层状矿床; commercial ~工业矿床/可采矿床; contact metamorphic ~接触变质矿床;

disturbed ~ 扰动矿床; exposed ~ 暴露矿床; high-grade ~ 富矿床; low-grade ~贫矿床; intrusive-magmatic~岩浆侵入矿床; massive ~块状矿床; thick/thin~ 厚/薄矿床; metallic ore/ metalliferous ~金属矿床; non-metallic/non-metalliferous ore ~非金属矿床 oxidized ~ 氧化矿床; overlying/underlying ~上覆/下伏矿床; workable/unworkable~ 可采/不可采矿床; property性质/特性/财产/地产/矿地;

availability, character and cost of timber and material for filling These factors are interdependent and of varying importance, the method chosen must be safe and give maximum extraction. 矿体的可用性、性质、充填的材料和木材的费用,这些因素相互依赖且具有不同的重要性,选择的采矿方法须保证作业安全且最大的回收资源。

availability有效/可用性/采用价值/可获量; cost 成本/费用/价格; extraction~开采成本;maintenance~维修费; Interdependent相互关联的/相互依赖的; extraction回采/采掘/提取/萃取; complete/total ~全部采出; partial ~部分回采/条带开采;

A logical classification of mining methods based on the factors outlined above is impossible because of their complex relations. 采矿方法因其关系复杂,要合理分类仅基于以上所概述的因素是不可能(实现)的。 logical a逻辑上的/合理的; outline n/vt轮廓/画出…..的轮廓/概述; because of prep因为/由于; based on vt 基于

According to the particularity of the contradiction between mining and ground pressure possessed by mining methods, in general they may be grouped as follows: open stope, shrinkage stope, filled stope and caving methods. 根据采矿方法所据有的开采和地压管理之间的矛盾特点,一般来说,采矿方法可分类如下:空场法,留矿法,充填法和崩落法。 particularity特殊性/特点; contradiction矛盾/违背/抵触;

stope回采工作面/采场/矿房/回采; back~上向回采/倒台阶工作面; bottom ~下向回采/正台阶工作面; blast-hole~深孔崩落回采工作面; finished/drawn/emptied ~采空区; open~ 空场回采法; open~ with random pillars留贫矿为矿柱的空场法; open~ with regular pillars留规则矿柱的空场法; sublevel~ 分段回采法; shrinkage ~留矿回采法; filled/filling ~充填回采法; caving ~ 崩落采矿法; caving垮落/放顶/崩落开采法; artificial/controlled ~人工崩落/人工(控制)放顶; first[roof] ~[直接顶]初次垮落;main roof ~老顶垮落;

An open stope is stope in which no timber or filling is used to support walls, a finished stope is an open caving, the walls are supported by pillars of ore. 空场法就是在采场内没有应用支柱或充填支撑围岩,采空区处于敞空状态任其崩落,围岩由矿柱支撑。

Sublevel stoping is an open stope method, it is a relatively low cost method. It does not permit very effective sorting and is therefore applied where values are fairly uniform. This method may not be advantageous in very hard ore due to the high cost of driving sublevel, it is best adapted to steep dips, but has been successful on flat dips too. 分段采矿法是空场法的一种,它相对来说是一种低成本的采矿法,其不能进行有效的选别采矿,因此应用于开采价值相同的矿体。此方法应用于坚硬的矿石中,由于掘进分段平巷费用高,其可能是不利的,此方法比较适合于急倾斜矿体开采,但是也成功地应用于微倾斜矿体。

permit n通行证/许可证/执照/v许可/允许/ 准许; effective adj 有效的/有影响的/显著的/实在的; sorting 捡选/选别/分级/分类;hand ~手选; magnetic ~磁选; value价值/矿石所含金属/意义/估价/评价; fairly adv 相当地/完全地/清楚地; uniform adj 相等的/一致的/均匀的/均一的; advantageous adj 有利的/有益的; due to/because of prep 因为/由于; drive 驾驶/掘进(巷道)/(沿脉)平巷; adapted adj 适合的; successful adj 成功的;

Shrinkage stopes are overhand stopes where part of the broken ore remains in the stope as a means of support and affords a working platform until the stope is completed. 留矿法是上向梯段工作面,部分的爆落矿石留在矿房内,既作为一种支护方式,又提供了一个工作平台,直到这个矿房回采结束。 overhand上向梯段的{金}/倒台阶式的{煤}; overhand stope 上向梯段回采/倒台阶工作面 open overhand ~ 空场上向梯段回采工作面 open underhand ~ 空场下向梯段回采工作面

broken adj破碎的/已部分开采的/中断的; the broken ore爆落的矿石 remain vi剩余/保留/留下; means n方法/手段; afford vt提供/给予/供的起; working platform 工作平台; platform 平台/工作台/站台; cage ~罐笼台; ladder landing ~梯子平台 sinking ~凿井吊盘; double-deck sinking ~双层凿井吊盘; multi-deck sinking ~多层凿井吊盘;

In mining large orebodies it can be applied where the orebody itself is self-sustaining across its width and where the wall are sufficiently firm to stand without support over a considerable length along the strike of the vein. 在开采厚大矿体时,留矿法可应用于矿体自身沿厚度方向足够稳固以及围岩充分稳固不垮落,沿着矿脉走向横跨较长距离而不需支护的位置。(可以这样理解:即在开采厚矿体时留矿法矿块垂直于矿体走向方向布置,矿块长度为矿体厚度,然后再沿矿体走向方向确定矿块宽度)

mine n矿山/矿井/矿/vt挖掘/开采/采矿; abandoned ~ 废弃的矿山; exhausted ~采完的矿山 automated ~ 自动化矿山; barren ~ 无开采价值的贫矿; drowned ~淹没的矿山; hard-rock~硬岩矿山; robbing a ~掠夺式开采; data mining 数据挖掘; sustain支撑/撑住/承受住/维持; self-sustaining 自身能支撑; across prep 横过/越过/穿过;

firm 牢固的/稳固的/坚固的; sufficiently十分地/充分地; stand v持久/经受/坚持; considerable相当大的(多的) strike 罢工/走向/回收支架; fault ~断层走向; joint set ~节理组走向; seam ~矿层走向; Vein 矿脉 gold ~ 金矿脉;bedded ~层状矿脉; narrow ~窄/薄矿脉;saddle ~ 鞍状矿脉;

充填采矿法是利用废石、尾矿和砂石等作为充填体支撑围岩,有时也支撑矿体的采矿法。 Filled stope is the stope in which support for walls and, at times, for the back of ore is furnished by waste rock, tailings or sand. 充填采矿法是利用废石、尾矿和砂石等作为充填体支撑围岩,有时也支撑矿体的采矿法。 support 支护/支架/支撑; masonry ~砖石支架;roadway ~巷道支架; shaft ~井筒支护;temporary ~临时支架; at times adv 有时/不时; back 悬帮/巷道顶板/支持/支撑/回填采空区/后部 furnish vt 供应/供给/提供/布置/装备;

waste 废石/矸石/采空区/老塘/废物/废料; wastefill 废石充填; sorted-out ~拣出的废石; packed ~充填废石; development ~ 开拓/掘进(产出的)废石; tailings 尾矿; mill ~选矿厂尾矿;tailings pile 尾矿堆; stacked ~堆积尾矿;~ pond尾矿库(池); ~ dam 尾矿坝;

Caving methods, strictly speaking, are those in which the ore is first undercut and then broken down by its own weight or by the weight of overlying rock, or by a combination of both. 严格地说,崩落采矿法是一类首先在矿体中底部掏槽,然后矿石依靠自身重力崩落或者在上覆岩层的压力作用下崩落或者在上述二者的联合作用崩落下来的采矿方法。(实际这里定义的是自然崩落法)

strictly speaking 严格地说; broadly speaking 一般地说/泛泛地说; frankly speaking 坦率地说/老实说; generally speaking 总的来说; properly speaking 确切地说; personally speaking 就个人来说/ 就自己而言; undercut底部掏槽;~ stope 掏底工作面; break down 使崩溃/毁坏/使破碎; combination结合/联合/混合/化合/联合装置; skip-cage ~ 罐笼箕斗联合装置; jackhammer-pusher leg ~风钻和自动推进气腿联合装置;(jackhammer手提钻)

But as a result of custom operation involving caving of the material overlying an orebody, as a systematic and essential part of the work, are also classed as caving methods. Though all the ore is broken by drilling and blasting, three distinct methods, sublevel caving, block-caving and top-slicing result from this classification. 但是由于习惯性做法,包括崩落矿体的上覆岩层,这是崩落采矿法系统中必不可少的一部分工作,也被看作崩落法。虽然全部矿体爆落通过钻眼和爆破,但三种截然不同的方法,分段崩落法,分块崩落法,下向分层崩落法产生于这种分类法。

as a result of 作为...的结果/ 由于...; custom operation习惯性操作(做法); custom习惯/惯例/常规/传统; operation运转/操作/做法; systematic系统的/体系的; essential 不可少的/必要的/主要的/重要的; class 分类/定等级; be classed as 把…..分类/被看作…..; drill钻头/钻杆/钻机/打钻;drilling 钻眼/凿岩/穿孔 compressed-air ~ 风钻; core ~岩心钻; crawler ~履带式钻机; column ~柱架式钻机 down-hole ~潜孔钻机; electric ~电钻; hand-held ~手持式凿岩机; roof-bolt ~ 顶板锚杆钻机;

wagon[-mounted] ~凿岩钻车; water flush/wet rock ~湿式凿岩机; light hammer ~轻型钻机/轻型凿岩机; rubber-tired~胶轮钻机; blasting 爆破/放炮/鼓风; controlled ~控制爆破;pre-shear~ 预裂爆破; perimeter~光面爆破; pin-point~ 抛掷爆破; angle-cut ~中心掏槽爆破; contour~周边爆破; millisecond delay ~毫秒延期爆破; sequence ~ 顺序爆破。

distinct 清楚的/明显的/截然不同的; sublevel caving分段崩落采矿法; block-caving 分块崩落开采法; top-slicing下向分层崩落采矿法; room-and-pillar ~房柱式崩落开采法; result from 由…..产生/由…..而造成; result in 致使/导致;