中英口譯基本類別 同步口譯(大陸:同聲傳譯,簡稱同傳) 逐步口譯(大陸:連續傳譯/交替傳譯) 差異為何? 產出時間: 同步:大約同時,不超過數秒 逐步:依使用者需要,一前一後,從數十秒至 數分鐘、或進行數十分鐘的摘要解說。
同步口譯:二種口譯方式:(booth (最常見) & whispering (1-3人) 國際慣例的同步口譯:2-3譯員一組,每人輪流翻20分。 接力口譯(relay interpreting):日翻中 中翻英 何時會需要接力口譯?? 口譯場合及內容:會議口譯、商務口譯、法庭口譯、 媒體口譯 (現場直播的節目,包括新聞、時事座談)、 社區口譯、電話口譯。 使用媒體口譯的節目多屬現場直播的節目,包括新聞、時事座談等。 媒體口譯的形式分為逐步口譯(consecutive interpreting)與同步口譯(simultaneous interpreting)二類。 電視節目使用逐步口譯的情況多在有外籍來賓參加討論的節目,口譯員將節目內容以耳語(whispering)方式翻譯給外賓了解,再將外賓的談話以逐步口譯方式翻譯出來(Kurz, 1990)。 電視節目的同步口譯則是在原音軌道上另外加上口譯員的聲音,原音仍以背景聲音的方式出現。同步口譯在這種電視節目中可被視為一種口語字幕 (黛安娜王妃的同步口譯),主要目的是傳遞訊息(Kurz, 1990),聲音性別的搭配與嘴型的配合通常不在考量範圍內。 電話口譯(Telephone Interpreting),由口譯員為電話兩端的話者進行口譯,通常應用於醫療、國際公司客服等方面。 "The community interpreter has a very different role and responsibilities from a commercial or conference interpreter. She is responsible for enabling professional and client, with very different backgrounds and perceptions and in an unequal relationship of power and knowledge, to communicate to their mutual satisfaction."(1) This definition still applies today. The clients it refers to are mainly immigrants, refugees of all age groups, migrant workers and their children. Even if they have been living in their host country for years, their community, like New York's "Little Italy" or the Polish area of Chicago, has protected them from the need to learn English until they need social security or health care. The settings are hospitals and doctors' offices, schools, the various offices dealing with immigrant matters, housing and social security, and police stations. Compared to conference interpreting, the range of languages needed is enormous, even when compared to what is in store for the European Union. Moreover, the language level may be quite different from that of a diplomatic conference: regional variations and dialects can be a problem. Previously, the difficulties of dealing with this population have only been described by psychologists in the literature on the questioning of suspects or victims of accidents. The clients are worried, afraid, and sometimes illiterate. They find themselves in strange surroundings. Add to these difficulties the fact that the professionals -- the doctors, nurses, police officers, social workers etc. -- are usually in a hurry. They have a given case load to take care of and are disinclined to let the interpreter do "a beautiful consecutive." In a nutshell, community interpreters need people skills as well as language and cultural knowledge -- and interpreting know-how.
中英口譯訓練步驟 步驟:視譯逐步口譯同步口譯 (研究所) 三種過程。 走向:英至中視譯、中至英視譯 英至中逐步口譯、中至英逐步口譯 英至中同步口譯、中至英同步口譯。 題材:一般題材、領域或專門題材。 國內:以英至中為主(國際化:外語至母語多)、中至英為 後。
國內 國內需求: 約50%的會議口譯:商貿和理工 國內研究所口譯考試:資格考 & 專業考 資:視譯雙向、逐口雙向、同口英譯中 (一般題材) 專:發音、語調、美聲及基礎技巧 (如增補、省略、 精確度等)。
最近相關研究結論 翻譯產業發現,學生中文程度不足。 劉敏華(2005)等學者所使用文稿資料以演講抄本為 主,選稿時應考慮:「訊息密集度、專業領域知識 或詞彙、數字、抽象用詞、不好的句子、空洞不具 體的言論、接性弱的訊息」
美國前總統卡特訪問1997/12 卡特:我希望了解你們的觀點和欲望 翻譯員 我對你們有色欲之感
2006/1/16 CNN 報導 報導伊朗總統的談話時 總統說:伊朗擁有和平利用核能的權利, 這樣的權利是不可剝奪的, 這樣的權利是不可剝奪的, 我們國家不需要核武器。 翻譯員:擁有核武器是伊朗不可剝奪的權利 兩句有何差別?態度是否不同? 為何翻譯員為這樣翻? 結果:CNN 需透過各種國際頻導和伊朗政府道歉。