第八次实验课 呼吸系统疾病
目的要求 掌握大叶性肺炎、小叶性肺炎、肺癌、鼻咽癌的病理形态变化。 结合大体和玻片标本,进一步理解这些疾病的发病原理及由此引起的临床表现。
实验课内容 大体标本: 玻片标本:大叶性肺炎(No.32) 小叶性肺炎(No.33) 肺小细胞癌(No.34)
Lobar pneumonia
NO.32×100 纤维素 中性粒细胞 肺泡 肺泡间隔 小血管 In this slide, not all vessels dilated, instead of that, many vessels are ompressed. Why? The disease is during the gray hepatization stage. A lot of fibrin and neutrophils exudate in the alveolus, these exudate press the wall of alveolus, the vessels in the alveolar septum are compressed. 小血管
NO.32×400 纤维素 肺泡 中性粒细胞 含铁血黄素 含铁血黄素haemosiderin How did the haemosiderin form? The macrophage engulf the erythocytes leaking in the alveolus, and lyse them, haemosiderin is separated . 分叶核 sublobe nuclus 含铁血黄素
Questions 该大叶性肺炎位于哪一期? 该期病理变化特点是什么? 当大叶性肺炎发展到该期,会出现哪些临床表现?
NO.33×40 充满中性粒细胞的细支气管 “正常”肺泡 实变肺泡 How do you know this is a bronchiole? It has collumnar or cubic epithelium. 柱状的 Is the normal alveolus really normal? No, it is emphysema(肺气肿). Why? 实变肺泡
NO.33×100 血管充血 含铁血黄素 脱落:shedding 部分上皮细胞脱落
NO.33×400 中性粒细胞 巨噬细胞 柱状上皮
Questions 大叶性肺炎与小叶性肺炎的区别? 小叶性肺炎的X光表现是什么? 医生检查患小叶性肺炎的病人,可发现哪些体征? Fever, cough, mucoid or mucopurulent sputum, moist rales diffused in lung.
Small cell lung carcinoma
NO.34×100 凝固性坏死 癌巢
NO. 34×400 小而深染的核,胞浆很少
Questions 肺癌大体分几型?各型的部位、临床特征和与组织学类型的关系? 小细胞肺癌是从什么细胞起源的? 小细胞肺癌的特点? 区分小细胞肺癌和非小细胞肺癌的意义? Neuroendocrine cells. Most of them are nearby the lung hilum; growth fast, often metastasis by vessel; some them can secrete hormones to cause the paraneoplastic syndrom, often display varies over hormone symptoms------hypercalcemia, cushing syndrom, so on. For theropeutic purpose. NSCLC can be ectomized if at its early stage but not sensitive to the chemotherapy. While the SCLC often cannot be ectomized for metastasis but sensitive for chemotherapy.
Questions 该大叶性肺炎位于哪一期?该期病理变化特点是什么?当大叶性肺炎发展到该期,会出现哪些临床症状?(图) 大叶性肺炎与小叶性肺炎的区别? 小叶性肺炎的X光表现是什么? 医生检查患小叶性肺炎的病人,可发现哪些体征?(图)
肺癌大体分几型?各型的部位、临床特征和与组织学类型的关系? 小细胞肺癌是从什么细胞起源的?(图) 小细胞肺癌的特点?区分小细胞肺癌和非小细胞肺癌的意义? 鼻咽癌的组织学分型?其临床意义?鼻咽癌的转移途径?(图)