Buyer Training Program 采购培训计划


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Presentation transcript:

Buyer Training Program 采购培训计划 Merchandise Division March 4th, 2003

坚持为顾客提供高质量的每日低价商品的原则。 Overview概要 Lotus : “Remains dedicated to the philosophy of serving the customer by providing quality merchandise at everyday low price”. 坚持为顾客提供高质量的每日低价商品的原则。

Overview 生鲜 硬货 服装 干货

Increase Sales & Margin Overview Target目标 : Increase Sales & Margin 增加销售和毛利

Merchandise Structure 商品部组织结构 Mr.Alex President SEVP Mr. Wang SVP Ms. Ying Fresh Dry Grocery Hardline Apparel MDSE BD QC IM/AR SPT Procurement TAB In-Store Promotion Mr. Micheal

Merchandise Support Structure 商品支援部门结构 Mr.Alex President SVP Ms. Ying MDSE BD QC IM/AR SPT Procurement TAB In-Store Promotion Mr. Micheal

Merchandise Functional 商品 Customer’s Need顾客需要 Adjustment 调整 - Display Selling Techniques 展示销售技巧 Re-forecast重新预测 Analyzing分析 Forecast Sale预测销售 Reforecast 重新预测 Develop Merchandise Plan 发展商品计划 Negotiation谈判 Get Info.得到信息 Supplier 供应商 Determine Styles/ Products & Sourcing 决定商品型号和寻找商品 Supplier Performance 供应商业绩 Receiving 收货 Distribution转运 Determine in-store transfer or other action 决定店内转库或其他行动 Store Sale / Inventory店销售/库存

Work Flow IM / Replenishment 商品资料/补货 Merchandise商品 Marketing市场 Operation营运 1. Open new item创建新商品 2. Update item information 更新商品信息 3. Replenishment - all item 补货-所有商品 4. Maintain & order DC item 维护和订DC商品 5. Barcode & EDI条形码 Schematic 商品陈列 Finance & Accounting财务

Work Flow 工作流程 Marketing 市场 Merchandise商品 IM/Replenishment 商品资料/补货 Operation营运 1. Tab Production 海报制作 2. Promotion Strategy & Plan 促销战略和计划 3. Signage 广告牌 4. PR 公关 Schematic商品陈列 Finance & Accounting财务

Work Flow Operation 营运 Merchandise商品 IM / Replenishment 商品资料/补货 Marketing市场 1. Sale 销售 2. Receiving / RTV 收货/退货 3. Set up schematic 建立商品陈列 4. Price change 改变价格 5. Physical Inventory 盘点库存 6. Transfer 移库 Schematic商品陈列 Finance & Accounting 财务

Work Flow Space Management 空间管理 Merchandise商品 IM / Replenishment 商品资料/补货 Marketing市场 Operation营运 1. Prepare schematic 预先准备商品陈列 2. Space Analysis 空间分析 3. Lay out coordination 布局协调 Schematic 商品陈列 Finance & Accounting 财务

Commercial Team Work Flow Finance & Account 财务 Merchandise Supply Chain Marketing Operation 1. Debit balance 借方余额 2. Inventory Aging 资产折旧 3. Creditor Day 付款日 4. Allowance Collection 津贴收取 5. Margin Performance 毛利状况 Space Management Finance & Accounting

Commercial Team Communication交流 Meeting Structure 会议安排 In Lotus we have four primary meeting forums for Commercial 在易初莲花我们有4种主要的商务会议论坛 Merchandise Meeting (Margin Meeting and Merchandise Update) 商品会议(毛利会议和商品更新) This meeting is held every Tuesday - AM for 2 hours. The purpose is to share division performance and report on exception areas. 会议每周二举行-上午2个小时。目的是通报部门业绩和报告异常领域 Key strategies for the Commercial division are discussed and planned. Commercial direction is set. 讨论和计划商业区域的关键战略。下达商业指令。 People changes are discussed and major supply chain problems are shared. A series of next steps are assigned to an individual to be presented at the next trade council. 讨论人事变动,共商重大的供应链问题。 一系列应对策略由一人在下一次交易大会上汇报。 On the second week of each month will use this Meeting for P&L meeting 每月的第二周将把这次会议作为P&L会议。

Commercial Team Communication Meeting Structure 会议安排 Marketing Meeting 市场会议 This meeting is held every Tuesday - PM for 2 hours. The purpose is to share the promotional activity, update the Merchandise Calendar, inform the Tab selection and Tab content. Marketing initiatives are presented. 该会议每周二举行-下午2小时。目的是通报促销活动,更新商品年历,通告海报选择和内容。由市场部汇报情况。 Key strategies for the Promotion activity and strategy are discussed and planned. 讨论和计划促销活动的重要战略。 The tab and promotional activity will be updated and discuss in the meeting. 将在会议上更新和讨论海报和促销活动。

Commercial Team Communication Meeting Structure 会议安排 Merchandise Control Meeting : New item Presentation 商品控制会议:新商品展示 This meeting is held on Wednesday – PM weekly. The SVP of Merchandise chairs the meeting. The Merchandise AVP level and up attend. 该会议在每周三下午举行。由商品部的助理副总裁主持会议。商品部的助理副总裁以上级别参加。 Their various buyers come in and present new line items to be introduced to our business.他们各自的采购将展示他们的新商品。 We also use this time to update Commercial on any company issues. 我们也借这一时间就公司的任何问题更新。 Marketing gathers collective opinion on marketing programs. 市场部汇总对营销计划的意见。

Commercial Team Communication Meeting Structure 会议安排 Merchandise & Operation Meeting 商品和营运会议 On Saturday every week Retail Operation District attends and presents Merchandising issues such as packaging problems, out of stocks or competitive challenges that need to be addressed. Also present new item or suggest other. 每周六营运区域经理参加并就需要解决的诸如包装问题,缺货或竞争威胁发言。也展示新商品或提出其他建议。 This meeting is for the discuss and find the solution to solve the operation and merchandise problem. Major marketing events are presented. It is from this meeting, 会议讨论和为营运和商品上的问题寻求解决方法。介绍重大的营销活动。

Commercial Team Communication Meeting Structure 会议安排 Replenishment Meeting 补货会议 Every Tuesday – PM : Retail Operation, Replenishment Representative. attends and presents the inventory issues such as out of stock and over stocks problem 每周四下午:营运部和补货部门代表参加,并提出诸如缺货和存货积压之类的库存问题 Also DC item is part of the meeting 配送中心商品也是会议内容 This meeting is to follow up and find the solution to solve the inventory problem. 该会议目的是跟踪和解决库存问题
