Unit 4 New Horizon College English Book 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 4 New Horizon College English Book 2

Detailed Study of the Text Section B Reading Skills Words and Expressions Detailed Study of the Text

Reading for the Key Idea in a Sentence Reading Skill Reading for the Key Idea in a Sentence

Reading for the Key Idea in a Sentence Reading Skills Reading for the Key Idea in a Sentence Although a sentence may give much information, it usually offers one key idea. Readers should learn to find the key idea in order to clearly understand the meaning of a sentence. The key idea of a sentence usually tells: 1. what a person or an object is, and 2. what a person or an object is doing

Words and Expressions Translation Key 1. security n. the state of being protected against dangers Translation They do not have security in their work. Key 他们对工作没有安全感。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 2. mechanical a. (of an action, reply, etc.) done without thinking Translation The children were being taught to read in a mechanical way. Key 孩子们正接受那种公式化的阅读方式。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 3. landscape n. an area of land that is beautiful to look at Translation The landscape was destroyed by coal mining. Key 自然景观由于挖煤而受到了破坏。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 4. kneel v. put one or both knees on the ground Translation She knelt down on the grass to examine a flower. Key 她跪在草地上观察一朵花。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 5. timber n. wood used for building or other purposes Translation Much timber was destroyed in the forest fire. Key 许多木材在这次森林大火中烧毁了。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 6. item n. a single article of sth. Translation The museum displayed several items from the Ming Dynasty. Key 博物馆展出数件中国明朝时期的物品。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 7. gravity n. the force that causes sth. to fall to the ground Translation Anything that is dropped falls towards the centre of the earth because of the pull of gravity. Key 因为重力的缘故,掉下来的东西都向着地心方向坠落。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 8. fairy n. an imaginary creature with magic powers, which looks like a small person Translation She used to think there were fairies at the bottom of her garden. Key 她以前一直认为她的花园下头藏着小精灵。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 9. toll n. the number of people killed or injured in a particular accident, by a particular illness, etc. Translation The death toll on the roads at Christmas is usually heavy. Key 圣诞节期间因道路交通事故的伤亡人数很高。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 10. stain v. make a mark on sth. in a way that is hard to remove Translation He had smoked for so many years that his teeth were permanently stained yellow. Key 他吸了这么多年烟,牙齿都被熏黄,刷不干净了。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 11. crystal n. rock that is transparent like ice Translation The physical structure of crystals is fascinating. Key 水晶的物理结构非常迷人。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 12. magnetic a. connected with or produced by magnet Translation An iron bar can be made magnetic by wrapping wire around it and passing an electric current through the wire. Key 可以通过在铁棒上缠绕电线并通电的方法使其具有磁性。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 13. trace n. a sign showing that sb. or sth. was present or existed Translation The police found traces of struggle in the room. Key 警察发现房间里有搏斗过的痕迹。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 14. descend v. move down from a higher level Translation We turned the corner and saw that the road descended sharply. Key 我们转过弯,看到路陡然下斜。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 15. accustomed a. taking sth. as normal or natural because you have experienced it many times Translation They became accustomed to living together. Key 他们已经习惯了住在一起。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 16. scenery n. the natural features of an area, such as mountains, rivers, forests, etc. Translation They stopped at the top of the hill to admire the scenery. Key 他们在山顶驻足欣赏风景。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 17. prosperity n. the state of being successful or rich Translation A country's future prosperity depends, to a degree, upon the quality of education of its people. Key 从某种意义上讲 一个国家未来的繁荣,取决于其国民的受教育质量。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 18. installation n. the act of installing a piece of equipment somewhere Translation Hundreds of lives could be saved if the installation of alarms were more widespread. Key 要是能更大范围地安装报警器,数百人的生命可以被拯救。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 19. recycle v. treat waste materials so that they can be used again Translation Don't throw away your plastic bags—recycle them! Key 不要扔掉塑料购物袋,再利用它们吧!

Words and Expressions Translation Key He sells life insurance. 20. insurance n. an arrangement with a company in which you pay them money each year and they pay you if sth. bad happened to you Translation He sells life insurance. Key 他兜揽人寿保险生意。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 21. reluctant a. unwilling and therefore slow to do sth. Translation She was very reluctant to admit the truth. Key 她很不情愿地承认了事实真相。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 22. exile v. force sb. to leave their country, esp. for political reasons Translation She was exiled from her country because of her part in the plot against the government. Key 她因参与反政府阴谋而被放逐国外。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 23. specify v. state sth. in an exact and detailed way Translation It is specified that you may use a dictionary in the examination. Key 按规定考试时可使用辞典。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 24. tedious a. boring, tiring, and continuing for a long time Translation We had to sit through several tedious speeches. Key 我们不得不耐着性子听完那几个冗长乏味的发言。

Words and Expressions Translation Key 25. embrace v. hold sb. into one's arms in a friendly or loving way Translation She embraced her son before leaving. Key 她临行前拥抱了儿子。

Detailed Study of the Text 1. from day to day. in a way that changes quickly or often Translation He just lived from day to day without seeking to plan ahead. Key 他就这么日复一日地过着,不为今后作些计划。

Detailed Study of the Text 2. from hour to hour. continuously or all the time Translation The price of the stock is rising from hour to hour. Key 这只股票的价格不断上涨。

Detailed Study of the Text 3. on occasion. sometimes but not often Translation We no longer keep up the close friendship of a few years ago, though we still visit each other on occasion. Key 我们已不像几年前那样关系密切,但是偶尔也会去看望对方。

Detailed Study of the Text 4. take its toll on. have a bad effect on sb. or sth.损害;破坏 Translation Too much hard work has taken its toll on his health. Key 辛苦的工作严重损害了他的健康。

Detailed Study of the Text 5. cling to. continue to believe sth., even though it may not be true坚持;忠于 Translation Always cling to your beliefs. Key 要永远坚持你的信念。

Detailed Study of the Text 6. lose control. no longer have control over oneself 失去控制 Translation He lost all control when he heard the good news. Key 听到这个好消息,他完全失去了控制。

Detailed Study of the Text 7. be/become accustomed to (doing) sth.. be or become used to (doing) sth. |习惯于(做)某事 Translation The old man has been accustomed to the life in country. Key 老人已习惯了乡下的生活。

Detailed Study of the Text 8. a far cry from. completely different from |与...相距很远;与...大相径庭 Translation The state of affairs in the country is a far cry from what it used to be a few years ago. Key 该国的事态与几年前大不一样了。

Detailed Study of the Text 9. have sth. in common. share interests, characteristics, etc. |有共同之处 Translation Tom and I have nothing in common. Key 汤姆和我毫无共同之处。

Detailed Study of the Text 10. on earth. (used for adding emphasis to questions) ever |到底;究竟 Translation What on earth are you talking about? Key 你们到底在谈什么呢?

Detailed Study of the Text 11. One day I hear frightening news: I am being shipped to another camp. (Para. 6). Meaning One day I hear terrible news: I will be sent to another concentration camp . Tip In English, the structure "be doing" is very often used to describe a future event that is scheduled to happen in the near future

Detailed Study of the Text More examples: Translation 1.The plane is taking off at 5 o'clock . 2.None of the shops in the town is closing tomorrow. Key 1.飞机5点起飞。 2.明天城里的商店都不关门。

Detailed Study of the Text 12. I don't specify which camp, or give any other details right then. (Para. 10). Meaning I don't say definitely which concentration camp I was in, or give any details right then.

Detailed Study of the Text 13. Roma gets a faraway look in her eyes, as if she is remembering something painful yet sweet. (Para. 11) Meaning Roma's eyes start to show that her mind has traveled far back to the past years, as if she is remembering some painful but sweet things .

Detailed Study of the Text 14. "Why, yes," Roma says, her voice trembling. "But how on earth could you possibly know that?" (Para. 15) Meaning "Oh, yes," Roma says, her voice trembling with excitement. "But how could you ever possibly know that?" .

Detailed Study of the Text 15. I get up from the table, embrace her... (Para. 16) Meaning I get up from the table, take her into my arms... .

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