句子重音的一般规则 实词重读 虚词不重读 名词 一般都重读 There is a 'book on the 'desk


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Presentation transcript:

句子重音的一般规则 实词重读 虚词不重读 名词 一般都重读 There is a 'book on the 'desk 句子重音的一般规则 实词重读 虚词不重读 名词 一般都重读 There is a 'book on the 'desk. My 'sister 'put up a 'picture on the 'wall. 'John 'wants to 'see the 'teacher after 'class. An 'elephant is an 'animal. 句子重音 Sentence Stress

一些含义较广,本身没有很确切内容的名词,如thing, person, place, 或指一大类人或事物的名词,如 man, woman, fellow, time, ship,前面有修饰语缩小其范围时,这类名词通常不重读 'That’s a 'nice thing. (比较: 'That’s a 'nice 'picture.) He’s an 'easy person to 'get a'long with. He’s the 'right man for the 'job. It’s al'ready 'lunch time. (比较; It’s 'time for 'lunch.)

代词重读 1.指示代词 'This is 'not what I 'mean 代词重读 1.指示代词 'This is 'not what I 'mean. 'That 'isn’t the one I 'asked for. 'Do you 'like (')these 'flowers? 但如指示代词前后都有重音时,该指示代词可失去重音 'How do you 'like those 'little ones? 'Who 'wrote this 'interesting 'story?

2. 名词性物主代词 'Yours is 'much 'nicer than 'mine. The 'red one is 'his 2. 名词性物主代词 'Yours is 'much 'nicer than 'mine. The 'red one is 'his. 但在双重所有格中,物主代词往往不重读 I’m 'writing to a 'friend of mine. 3. 强调代词 I 'saw it my'self. The 'man him'self 'told me so. 4.疑问代词 'Who are you 'talking to? 'What can I 'do for you? 'Who 'came to 'see you this 'morning?

不重读的代词有:人称代词,反身代词,物主代词(形容词性),相互代词,关系代词 He 'hasn’t 'seen my 'brother yet. He 'hurt himself when he was 'playing 'football. They 'often 'help each other. The 'girl who 'spoke to you just 'now is my 'sister.

形容词(包括分词作形容词)一般都应重读 数词一般都应重读 The 'streets are 'wide, 'clean and 'beautiful. 'This 'narrow 'valley was the 'scene of a 'famous 'battle. His 'first daughter is fif'teen. It’s a 'dull and disap'pointing film. 'That’s ex'citing news. The 'worried man 'entered the 'crowded 'street. He 'bought 'ten 'cups and 'I bought only 'four.

冠词一般都不重读 He 'lives in a 'house 'not 'far from the 'school 冠词一般都不重读 He 'lives in a 'house 'not 'far from the 'school. It's an 'hour’s 'drive from the 'old 'station. The 'man 'over there is my 'brother. An 'elephant is an 'animal.

动词 主要动词,或称实意动词、行为动词(notional verb)都要重读 (be、have 除外) He ‘takes a ’walk after ‘supper ’every ‘day. ’Don’t for‘get your ’homework. I sup‘pose you ’know him. 非限定动词一般也都要重读 不定式 We de‘cided to ’start the ‘next ’day. 分词 We 'sat at the 'desk 'writing a 'letter. 动名词 It’s 'no 'use 'asking him about 'that.

Do 用于肯定句中表示强调时,总是重读的 I 'do hope 'this will be ef'fective Do 用于肯定句中表示强调时,总是重读的 I 'do hope 'this will be ef'fective. He 'does need your 'help. We 'did warn you be'fore. 'Do 'drop 'in when you are in 'Xuzhou.

不重读的动词 助动词 He did 'not work 'hard for the e'xam 不重读的动词 助动词 He did 'not work 'hard for the e'xam. We were im'pressed by their a'chievements. 'Much has been 'said a'bout it. They will be sur'prised at 'that. 情态动词 He should be 'criticized for 'doing 'that. 'Mary could 'do it 'better than 'Herbert. I must 'go 'now. 'Who can 'answer this 'question?

副词一般都重读 They 'came 'back 'early 'yesterday. 'Where did you 'buy it 副词一般都重读 They 'came 'back 'early 'yesterday. 'Where did you 'buy it? 'Why do you 'come? You 'meet 'people 'everywhere. I’ve 'never 'heard of 'such a thing be'fore. Per'haps she’ll ar'rive to'night. 'Tell him to 'come 'in. A 'car 'dashed 'past. 'Thank you for 'coming to 'see me 'off.

但关系副词不重读 He 'visited the 'small 'village where he was 'born 但关系副词不重读 He 'visited the 'small 'village where he was 'born. They 'came 'right at the 'time when we 'needed their 'help. 'This is the 'reason why they 'failed. 介词 单音节介词一般都不重读 'All but 'one of the 'family are at 'home. 'How 'far is it from 'Paris to 'London? 'What are you 'looking at? 'That’s what I was 'thinking of.

多音节的介词常重读,但也可不重读 I’ll 'do it (')after 'lunch 多音节的介词常重读,但也可不重读 I’ll 'do it (')after 'lunch. He 'finished the 'article (')during the 'holidays. The 'man 'walked a(')long the 'street. He 'searched a(')mong the 'papers. I for'got 'all a(')bout it. I have 'nothing to 'say con(')cerning this 'problem. 'Put it 'opposite the 'door.

在不重读的连系动词be或人称代词后, 不论是单音节或多音节介词都重读 They’re 'by the 'window 在不重读的连系动词be或人称代词后, 不论是单音节或多音节介词都重读 They’re 'by the 'window. He was 'in the 'sitting-room. Is it 'near the 'post office? The 'teacher was 'with us at the 'picnic. It was 'during the 'interval. He was be'side himself with 'rage. They are be'hind the 'door.

介词在句首时常可重读 'On his 'way 'home he 'met an 'old 'friend 介词在句首时常可重读 'On his 'way 'home he 'met an 'old 'friend. 'In the 'room they 'found a 'little 'boy. 'Under the 'tree 'stands a 'tall man.

连接词 单一的并列连接词(包括关联连接词both … and neither…nor等)和从属连词都不重读 He 'came and 'spoke to us. I 'saw it but 'didn’t 'read it. 'Let’s 'run or we’ll be 'late.

从句放在主句前面时,处于句首的连接词常重读 (that 除外) 'When he 'comes I’ll intro'duce him to you. 'After I’ve 'finished it I’ll 'show it to you. 'As I was 'waiting for the 'bus, it 'suddenly be'gan to 'rain. 但 That we can 'do it with'out him is ab'surd.

连接代词who (whom, whose) what, which 和连接副词 when, where, how, why 可以重读,也可以不重读 I 'wonder 'who 'that was. 'Ask him 'which is 'better. I 'don’t 'know 'how they 'are. I 'don’t 'know how 'things are in 'their 'school. I’m 'not sure 'when he’s 'coming. I 'can’t under'stand 'why he re'fuses to 'go. Do you 'see what I 'mean? He 'doesn’t know 'what he should 'do 'next.

名词 street 在街名中不重读 'Oxford Street 'Downing Street 'Eighth Street ‘Wall Street 但road, avenue, lane, way, hill, town, park, palace等词在街名地名中都要重读 'York 'Road 'West 'Lake 'Hyde 'Park 'Buckingham 'Palace 'Hampton 'Court

节奏 O O O O 'time’s 'up. 'make 'haste 'next 'week 'what’s 'this 'work 'hard 'well 'done 'all 'right 'quite 'good 'Yes, 'please. 'hold 'on 'that’s 'true 'too 'bad 'good 'news 'this 'month 'not 'yet 'come 'in

O o O O o O 'never 'mind 'wait and 'see 'leave at 'once 'word by 'word 'let me 'see 'thanks a 'lot 'out of 'date 'quite a 'lot 'try it 'out 'good i'dea 'come a'long 'far and 'wide 'time and 'tide 'little 'girl 'what a 'day

O o O o O o O o 'wait a 'moment 'give me 'this one 'let’s get 'started 'spring is 'coming 'Merry 'Christmas. 'come and 'help me 'glad to 'see you 'very 'funny 'let me 'help you 'who can 'help me 'quite a 'lot of 'rather 'boring 'go and 'get it 'when to 'do it 'just ‘imagine 'time is 'precious

o O o O o O o O the 'latest 'news a 'waste of 'time he’s 'late for 'class she’s 'gone 'away a 'lot of 'noise I’d 'like to 'come it 'doesn’t 'work we’d 'better 'go a 'sign of 'smoke he 'always 'sings it’s 'time for 'lunch I’ll 'see you 'off it’s 'hard to 'say a 'day of 'work I’ve 'no 'idea I’m 'sure you 'will

O o o O 'lots to be 'done 'lend me a 'hand 'get in the 'crops 'nothing at 'all 'bring him 'along 'send it by 'mail 'not in the 'least 'clear it 'away 'once in a 'while O o o o O 'carry it 'away 'follow my 'advice 'see you in a 'week 'try to be in 'time 'come and have a 'look 'leave it on the 'desk 'cut it with a 'knife 'everything is 'clear 'bring along your 'friend

o O o O o I’m 'glad to 'see you. You’re 'always 'welcome o O o O o I’m 'glad to 'see you. You’re 'always 'welcome. I 'hope you 'like it. I’d 'like to 'hear it. I 'beg your 'pardon. You’d 'better 'hurry. I’m 'very 'sorry. It doesn’t 'matter. He’s 'rather 'funny.

o O o o O o o I’ll 'borrow a'nother one. You’ll 'get it on 'Saturday o O o o O o o I’ll 'borrow a'nother one. You’ll 'get it on 'Saturday. Per'haps you’ve 'heard of it. They’ve 'all gone on 'holiday. It’s 'very un'fortunate. Let’s 'open the 'other one.

语调 英语语调主要有降调、升调和平调三大类。 不同的语调可以表示说话人不同的态度和不同的隐含意思。 英语中同一句话采用不同的语调会产生截然不同的语意概念。如“Yes” 语调具有强烈的感情色彩,它使语言更富有表现力。

降调 用于陈述句 I have already read that book. ↘ That street is two miles long. ↘

例: 1. I understand.↘ 2. It’s difficult.↘ 3. Beijing is the capital of China.↘ 4. There is a book on the desk.↘ 5.They are going to have a picnic.↘ 6. The balloons are flying away.↘ 7.The birds are singing in the trees.↘ 8.Daming is having a birthday party.↘

用于特殊疑问句 What has happened to him? ↘ Which direction is it to the post office? ↘ 注意:特殊疑问句有时可用升调表示请别人重复刚说过的话: What is your major? ↗ Where shall we go for the holiday? ↗

练习: 1.What do you want to eat? 2.How much is a hamburger? 3.When are we going to eat? 4. Who can help me? 5.Where is Simon’s mum? 6. How does Amy go to school?

用于祈使句 Go back to your seat! ↘ Please do not hesitate to contact me. ↘ 用于感叹句 What a small world! ↘ Oh! My poor Mathilde, how you’ve changed! ↘ 用于选择疑问句中“or”之后的部分 Do you want to ride or walk? ↘ Would you like coffee or tea? ↘

升调 用于一般疑问句 Do you mind if I sit here? ↗ Can you hand in your compositions today? ↗ 注意:一般疑问句有时也可用降调,表示一种不耐烦的口气,或表示命令等。 Are you satisfied? ↘ Will you take off your hat, please? ↘

用于罗列中最后一项之前的各项 For each incomplete sentence, there are four choices marked A↗, B↗, C↗, and D. ↘ We study Chinese ↗, history ↗, geography ↗, and English. ↘ 用于陈述句,表示疑问、怀疑、未定、猜测或期待等 Your really want to do it? ↗ She might have gone. ↗ I think so. ↗

用于置于句首的状语短语或状语从句 After dinner ↗, I read a magazine and made telephone calls. ↘ While you were writing letters ↗, I was reading a book. ↘ 用于并列句的第一个分句,表示句子还未说完 My fever is gone ↗, but I still have a cough. ↘ My major is English ↗, and I like it. ↘ 用于委婉祈使句 Excuse me, sir ↗. Can you help me? ↗ 用于称呼语 Mrs. Smith ↗, this is Tom Jones. ↘

平调 用于直接引语后,表示话是谁说的 “We are going to Florida,” she said brightly. → “How do you feel, boy?” I asked him. →

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