聖心小學102學年度 下學期學習成果發表會 2014/05/24
熱舞非洲 藝術代表隊 指導老師:張以暄老師、廖祖儀老師 藝術與人文領域(表演藝術)
熱舞非洲 今天是我們一年一度的成果展,讓我們歡迎遠從非 洲來的國際好友,熱情的他們相信,手舞足蹈是人 類本能,只要旋律響起,就別壓抑熱情,讓每個細 胞跳動活躍起來,這一刻,請將時間空間留給自 己,讓我們一起歡迎開場熱舞~活力聖心~躍動非洲 ~
媽媽與AGOGO 四年望班 指導老師:翁麗君老師、張蕙瑂老師 藝術與人文領域(音樂)
媽媽與AGOGO 合唱曲是以輕快的Agogo節奏呈現,歌詞內容以媽 媽與Agogo為主題,展現孩子心目中媽媽多變化的 樣子。直笛曲~棕色小壺為一首變奏曲,活潑可愛 的曲風則深受小朋友的喜愛。
ELLA SARAH GETS DRESSED 四年愛班 指導老師:孫婷婷老師、賴慧觀老師
ELLA SARAH GETS DRESSED Song(all): Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes, Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear. How do you measure, measure a year?
ELLA SARAH GETS DRESSED In daylights, in sunsets In midnights, in cups of coffee In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes How do you measure, a year in the life?
ELLA SARAH GETS DRESSED All: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. N1: We are a group of happy fourth graders. N2: In our school, we have morning prayer, we will say what we hope for that day and will say : (All) in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. N3: Our school is located in the beautiful Bali area, in the heart of the Guan-in mountains, where we read and play.
ELLA SARAH GETS DRESSED (Song(all): Let’s read and play together, together, together, Let’s read and play together, how happy we'll be.) N4: Now, we will read a story about a pretty girl, her name is Ella Sarah. N5: Ella Sarah is a pretty girl, she has style, and it’s time for her to show it! N6: Ella Sarah isn’t like her sister, or her mother, or her father. She’s like Ella Sarah. She is Ella Sarah. And when it’s time to get dressed, She knows just what to do. N2:This is our story: All: Ella Sarah gets dressed.
ELLA SARAH GETS DRESSED (Song) All: Ha, ha, ha, beautiful Sunday. This is my, my, my beautiful day. When you say, say, say, say that you love me. Oh, my my my, it’s a beautiful day. N: On a beautiful Sunday morning. the sun is shining, the bird is singing. (Song) All: Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, Please shine down on me. Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, please shine down, please shine down, please shine down on me.
ELLA SARAH GETS DRESSED Ella: Dear Mom! Mom: Oh, dear! Sister: What’s up? Ella: I want to wear my pink polka-dot pants, my dress with orange- and green flowers, my purple-and-blue striped socks, my yellow shoes and my red hat. Mom: Oh, dear, That outfit is too dressy. Why don’t you wear your nice blue dress with matching socks and your beautiful white sandals.
ELLA SARAH GETS DRESSED (Song) Pretty Sarah, walking down the street, Pretty Sarah! The one I want to meet! Ella: No, I want to wear my pink polka-dot pants, my dress with orange- and green flowers, my purple-and-blue striped socks, my yellow shoes and my red hat. Sister: Oh my oh my. My little sister. That outfit is too silly. You should wear these overalls that are too small for me. Oh, you could wear my old boots too.
ELLA SARAH GETS DRESSED Song: Oh, Sarah, Sarah, your clothes are so silly you see. Please listen and change them for me. Oh, Sarah Sarah. Ella: No, no. I want to wear my pink polka-dot pants, my dress with orange- and green flowers, my purple-and-blue striped socks, my yellow shoes and my red hat. Brother: Silly Sarah, that will make you look so dumb. Why don’t you wear a cool T-shirt with jeans and a Houston Rocket’s cap.
ELLA SARAH GETS DRESSED Song: Change your clothes silly Sarah. Please wear jeans and cool caps. I’m so a shamed when friends see you. Please put those clothes away. Ella: No, I told you. I want to wear my pink polka-dot pants, my dress with orange- and green flowers, my purple-and-blue striped socks, my yellow shoes and my red hat. Father: Oh, dear, listen to me, I am your father, I think that outfit is too fancy. Why don’t you wear your yellow T-shirt with white shorts, and tennis shoes. Ella: No.
ELLA SARAH GETS DRESSED Father: Oh, Family, Please help me! (Everyone stand up) Change your clothes. Don’t wear those pants anymore. Change your clothes, throw those shoes and socks out the door. I don’t think polka dots are cool! Please change your clothes Sarah, orange and pink don’t match anyway!
ELLA SARAH GETS DRESSED Ella Sarah! Oh, family! You know I love it when you sing, but I won’t change my mind. All: So, Ella Sarah put on her pink polka-dot pants, her dress with orange-and-green flowers, her purple-and-blue striped socks, her yellow shoes, and her red hat. Ella: You see, I think this outfit is just right.
ELLA SARAH GETS DRESSED (song): Going to a party, leaving right away. If it doesn’t rain we’ll stay all day. Friend 1: Will you wear a plaid hat? Friend 2: Yes, I’ll wear a plaid hat. Friend 1: Will you wear the striped pants? Friend 3 : Yes, I‘ll wear the striped pants. Friend 1: Will you wear the checked skirt? Friend 4: Yes, I’ll wear the checked skirt.
ELLA SARAH GETS DRESSED Friends: Ready for the party! Here we go. Ding Dong! Is Ella Sarah home? (F, M, B and S) : Who’s there? Friends: We are her friends, She invited us to a tea party here. Father: Oh, that’s why she’s so dressy. (F, M, B and S): So are her friends. Ella: Please come in my friends, let’s play in our backyard.
ELLA SARAH GETS DRESSED All: Cinderella, dressed in yellow, went upstairs to kiss a fella, made a mistake,kissed a snake, how many doctors did it take? One two three four five… Friend 1: How about we sing a song together! Friend 2: That’s a great idea. All: Wonderful! Let’s begin!
ELLA SARAH GETS DRESSED Song(All): Sing. Sing a song. Sing out loud, sing out strong. Sing of good things, not bad. Sing of happy, not sad. Sing. Sing a song. Make it simple to last your whole life long. Don´t worry that it´s not good enough for anyone else to hear. Just sing. Sing a song. la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la Party rock is in the house tonight. Everybody just have a good time. And we gonna make you lose your mind. Everybody just have a good time.
四年信班 指導老師:廖祖儀老師、王若窕老師、鄭雪雲老師 兒童瑜珈&現代律動 四年信班 指導老師:廖祖儀老師、王若窕老師、鄭雪雲老師
兒童瑜珈&現代律動 新世紀的音樂,喚醒了心靈的感動,連結了肢體的記 憶。 深吸入大口氣~讓身體活力充滿。 長吐出大口氣~讓壓力隨之釋放。 請隨著平緩自然的呼吸,與之遨遊於美聲樂音中;看看 呼吸啟動的能量,將有如萬花筒,變化萬千!
指導老師:翁麗君老師、邱珮玟老師、陸佩琪老師 鼓與笛 六年望班 指導老師:翁麗君老師、邱珮玟老師、陸佩琪老師
鼓與笛 手鼓具有溫暖明亮的音色,運用手指在鼓面不同位置拍擊出或沉或硬或輕 或重的音響,從簡單伴奏到獨立的演奏;從單純的同聲齊奏到複雜的分部 合奏,皆可有所表現。 此次表演我們將2首愛爾蘭風格的直笛舞曲搭配手鼓,讓古老的舞曲充滿思 古之情懷。 曲目: God Rest You Merry Gentlemen Irish Suite:第1樂章
指導老師:吳若瑜老師、鍾穎香老師、王蘭斐老師 七彩繽紛歡欣鼓舞 二年信班 指導老師:吳若瑜老師、鍾穎香老師、王蘭斐老師
七彩繽紛歡欣鼓舞 看繽紛的彩虹劃過天際~那是遠眺雨後的觀音山, 最常看到的美景。在這裡,有一群開心的小孩,當 我們翩翩起舞時~靈巧如仙子、優雅如貴族,那是 我們最快樂的時光,歡迎您參與這個饗宴,期待和 您分享這平安喜樂的時刻。
SINGING IS WHAT WE CAN DO WHEN WE MISS EACH OTHER 那一天知道妳要走,我們一句話也沒有說,我知道 妳有千言你有萬語,卻不肯說出口,你知道我好擔 心,我好難過,卻不敢說出口,我們面帶微笑,用 力的揮手,祝彼此一路順風。 當思念對方一起唱唱過的歌,我們一起勇敢,一起 加油,一起為彼此獻上最深的祝福。
SINGING IS WHAT WE CAN DO WHEN WE MISS EACH OTHER Shimei: Hey, do you remember the song a sailor went to sea ? All: Yes. Rita / Renee: Let’s sing together. Ready go… Emily / Elton : A sailor went to sea
A sailor went to sea sea sea To see what he could see see see But all that he could see see see Was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea
Nicole: I have bad news. All: What? Nicole: I am going to a new school. Harry: Baby, don’t go. Nicole: Bye, my friends
It's so very cold outside Like the way I'm feeling inside I'm a big, big girl In a big, big world It's not a big, big thing If you leave me But I do, do feel That I do, do will Miss you much Miss you much Outside it's now raining
And tears are falling from my eyes Why did it have to happen Why did it all have to end I'm a big, big girl In a big, big world It's not a big, big thing If you leave me But I do, do feel That I do, do will Miss you much Miss you much
I have your arms around me Warm like fire But when I open my eyes You're gone I'm a big, big girl In a big, big world It's not a big, big thing If you leave me But I do, do feel That I do, do will Miss you much Miss you much
石:好,來…有一個好消息告訴大家,Nicole很想念 大家,所以這學期她會轉回來班上. All :YA! 石:好啦…讓我們一起來練習一下成果展的歌吧! Nicole: 報告,石老師好,我回來了!
Sandy / Nina: Nicole, long time no see. Sara / Tim: We are singing the incy wincy spider, come and join us. Judy/ Melody: We can show you, listen and look. Ready go… Optima / Wesley: an incy wincy spider
An incy wincy spider went up the water spout. Down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain. And the incy wincy spider went up the spout again.
Nicole: It’s fun. May I sing with you? All: Of course. Nicole: An incy wincy spider…It’s fun. I’m happy to be back to Sacred Heart school.
指導老師:張以暄老師、廖祖儀老師、 詹詩韻老師、吳嘉峯老師 拳擊戰鬥舞 六年信班、六年愛班男生 指導老師:張以暄老師、廖祖儀老師、 詹詩韻老師、吳嘉峯老師
拳擊戰鬥舞 瞧他一拳,看我一腳,你以為我們血氣方剛?逞凶 鬥狠?年少輕狂嗎?No~No~No~我們只是迷上了 最時尚流行的拳擊熱舞;它讓我們筋骨舒展、活力 充滿,歡迎你加入我們熱力拳擊行列,各種壓力 ~out~
COUNT ON ME 依靠我 六年信班、六年愛班女生 指導老師:詹詩韻老師、吳嘉峯老師
COUNT ON ME 依靠我 藉由同學會的餐敘,讓好久不見的同學團聚在一 起,透過彼此的對話,彷彿坐著時光機回到過去, 一起回到那童真的時代,細細品味二十年前的點點 滴滴,有歡笑,有淚水,無形之中,讓彼此的感情 更加緊密。
PARTY ROCK 藝術代表隊 指導老師:張以暄老師、廖祖儀老師
PARTY ROCK 國語70分?您別擔心 這是我的母語,我和國人溝通沒問題… 英文40分?您別憂心 這是我的特色,陽光笑臉沒有失禮過… 國語70分?您別擔心 這是我的母語,我和國人溝通沒問題… 英文40分?您別憂心 這是我的特色,陽光笑臉沒有失禮過… 數學50分?您別煩心 這是我的堅持,買東西找錢我一點也不馬虎… 自然雖然30分,但是我了解必須與大自然友善共存的道理… 健康雖然60分,但是大家誇我吃飽睡足很健康… 老師常常教誨…,爸媽老是叮嚀…,但是我樂觀地看著這一切,只希望和我的死黨們 開心的過每一天~閉上眼,讓我帶您進入時光隧道,回憶您的快樂童年!
老頭與丫頭 二年愛班 指導老師:陳麗如老師、詹小文老師
老頭與丫頭 「歌聲」是天主賜給我們的樂器。在低年級的課程 裡,我們開心的唱,愉快的學習樂理,認識音符。 在節目裡,我們以戲劇方式連結課程裡豐富的學 習,如:歌唱、唱名手號、指揮、律動、口技… 等。 今天的歌曲皆為五聲音階,故帶有濃濃的中國風 情。
小麻雀,吱吱喳, 一隻在唱歌,一隻學說話, 吱吱喳喳,吱吱吱吱喳, 下來吧!下來吧!下來陪我玩泥沙。 小麻雀,吱吱喳, 一隻在唱歌,一隻學說話, 吱吱喳喳,吱吱吱吱喳, 下來吧!下來吧!下來陪我玩泥沙。
臭豆腐熱,臭豆腐脆。 臭豆腐熱又脆,快來買。 我愛它熱,我愛它脆 我愛它滿街的臭氣味。 臭豆腐熱,臭豆腐脆。 臭豆腐熱又脆,快來買。 我愛它熱,我愛它脆 我愛它滿街的臭氣味。
熱饅頭~熱饅頭~ 一個一塊,二個二塊 熱饅頭 熱饅頭~熱饅頭~ 一個一塊,二個二塊 熱饅頭
一個老頭穿靴頭 一個老頭穿靴頭,拿著斧頭上山頭, 上山頭去砍木頭,砍了這頭砍那頭, 後面來個小ㄚ頭,端了一盤小饅頭, 地上一塊小石頭,絆倒那個小ㄚ頭, 撒了一地小饅頭,回家挨了小拳頭。
我有一個好爸爸 我有一個好爸爸 寬寬肩膀厚手掌 為我辛苦為我忙 給我做人好榜樣 好像一個避風港 在你懷裡無風浪 爸爸~我愛您! 不知如何報答您 獻上我的禱告心 願天父看顧您~