Welcome to EFCOC August 29, 2010.


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【上帝能夠】 那些眼睛 未曾看過的事情 還有耳朵 未曾聽過的事 甚至心裡 還沒有想過的事 上帝早已預備 給那些愛祂的百姓

禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
Index 1 祢的同在 主是我力量 主,我跟祢走 看见复兴 光明之子 喜乐的旋律 天天赞美 差遣我(中/英) 最深爱的主 永远唱着赞美
Please prepare our hearts for worship with silent prayers.
無論是住在美麗的高山 或是躺臥在陰暗的幽谷 當你抬起頭你將會發現 主已為你我而預備 雲上太陽它總不改變 雖然小雨灑在臉上
全年经文:「将来雅各要扎根,以色列要发芽开花,他们的果实必充满世界。」 - 以赛亚书二十七章六节
懇求主使用我們 我們心中有個熾熱盼望 直到主耶穌再來那日 懇求主使用我們 我們心中有個熾熱盼望 直到主耶穌再來那日.
This is Amazing Grace 這是奇妙恩典 Who breaks the power of sin and darkness 罪惡和捆綁 已得著釋放 Whose love is mighty and so much stronger 全因你恩典 愛何等偉大 The King of Glory,
Welcome to EFCOC
禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
坐在宝座上圣洁羔羊 The Holy Lamb on the Throne
禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
榮耀歸於真神 To God be the glory
主,我感謝祢/ I Thank You, Lord 主啊!每當我思量生命的旋律, 喜樂的歌,夜裡愛的樂曲。
禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
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Praise the Lord ! Praise the Lord !
在主愛中 In God’s Love Stream of Praise CCLI #
禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
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讚美昇起 Praise Is Rising 讚美昇起 眼目都轉向你 都轉向你 盼望燃起 人心嚮往著你 嚮往著你
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I will give You all my life
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坐在宝座上圣洁羔羊 The Holy Lamb on the Throne
雲上太陽 e w e r 5 -| q U q w 3 -| Y T Y U 1 % | r e
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and help us all to find our way. 聖嬰,預言裡的嬰孩,他們說有一天你將來臨,
讓我們來慶賀 無比大愛 我們來慶賀 神兒子因愛我們 捨了生命 讓我們來歡呼 主賜喜樂無人能相比 我們歡然向祢獻祭 高聲歡呼讚美
Celtic Psalm of Praise 凱爾特讚美詩
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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
重 生 Born Again.
击鼓跳舞赞美他 Praise Him with Tambourine and Dancing
敬拜主 Majesty 〈華〉敬拜主 敬拜全能的主 榮耀能力一切讚美都歸給祂 Majesty, worship His majesty, Unto Jesus be all glory, power and praise, 〈台〉敬拜主,敬拜全能的主 榮光、權能一切讚美都歸於祂.
Presentation transcript:

Welcome to EFCOC August 29, 2010

滿有能力 I Am Strengthened in Him 我的盼望 就在耶穌基督裡 All of my hope lies in Jesus Christ alone 在祢裡面 滿有平安 For I know that He is my peace 生命泉源 就在耶穌基督裡 All of my joy lies in Jesus Christ alone 有主在我 裡面活著 He lives in me forever more 1 0f 4

我宣告在我裡面的 比世上一切更有能力 我不屬這世界 我高舉耶穌的名 Declare, “the One who’s within me is greater than the one in the world” 我不屬這世界 I’m not of this world 我高舉耶穌的名 I belong to Jesus, the King Chorus 1a 2 0f 4

我宣告在我裡面有 活水湧流滿有能力 有耶穌在我裡面活著 我勇敢站立 Declare, “the one who’s within me is greater than the one in the world” 有耶穌在我裡面活著 I know that the King lives in me 我勇敢站立 I am strengthened in Him 3 0f 4 Chorus 1b

有主在我裡面 沒有懼怕能戰勝仇敵 有主在我裡面 沒有懼怕還得勝有餘 My Lord, who lives in me conquers 有主在我裡面 沒有懼怕能戰勝仇敵 My Lord, who lives in me conquers all of my enemies 有主在我裡面 沒有懼怕還得勝有餘 My Lord, who lives in me is my portion, my victory 4 0f 4 Bridge

Forever Give thanks to the Lord Our God and King His love endures forever For He is good He is above all things Sing praise sing praise 1 0f 5

With a mighty hand And an outstretched arm His love endures forever For the life that's been reborn Sing praise sing praise Verse 2 2 0f 5

Sing praise Sing praise Pre- Chorus 3 0f 5

Forever God is faithful Forever God is strong Forever God is with us Forever forever Chorus 4 0f 5

From the rising to the setting sun His love endures forever And by the grace of God We will carry on Sing praise sing praise Verse 3 5 0f 5

雲上太陽 The Sun Above the Clouds 無論是住在美麗的高山 When you soar on high in the sunny sky 或是躺臥在陰暗的幽谷 Or walk through the valley far below the sky 當你抬起頭你將會發現 Wherever you are, you will see a star 主已為你我而預備 God prepared it for you and me 1 0f 2

雲上太陽它總不改變 雖然小雨灑在臉上 哈 它不改變 High above the rain the Sun stays the same Tearful raindrops will be dried away High above the rain the Sun never faint 哈 它不改變 Ah… It stays the same Chorus 2 0f 2

惟有祢 It is You 惟有祢 惟有祢 惟有祢是我所愛 惟有祢 我主我王 我願能更認識祢 It is You, It is You It is You that I love 惟有祢 我主我王 It is You, my Lord and King 我願能更認識祢 I apprehend to know and be known 1 0f 2

我全心 我全人 都向祢深深敬拜 聖潔聖潔尊貴尊貴之主 我愛祢耶穌 You, it is You, it is You that I worship 聖潔聖潔尊貴尊貴之主 Holy, holy, worthy, yes, You're worthy 我愛祢耶穌 How I love You, Lord Chorus 2 0f 2

我們是祢的百姓 We Are Your People 我們屬於祢都是祢的百姓 We are Your people, who are called by Your name 我們正呼求祢宣揚祢的聖名 We call upon You now, to declare Your fame 在這黑暗的世代祢召我們發光 In this nation of darkness, You've called us to be light 當我們尋求祢面 主啊 顯祢大能 As we seek Your face, Lord stir up Your might

Build Your church and heal this land 建立祢教會 來醫治這地 Build Your church and heal this land 願祢國度降臨 Let Your kingdom come 願祢旨意成全 Let Your will be done Chorus 2 0f 2

Welcome to EFCOC August 29, 2010