在道中不冷不熱 If I’m Lukewarm In the Word.


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1.願你蒙基督施恩包圍, 願主愛與祂的靈 滿溢你的心,使你靈魂滿足;
彼此相愛 Words & Music:盧弘傑 Paul Lu 讓我們彼此相愛 因為愛是從神來 讓我們彼此相愛 因為愛是從神來 耶穌為我們的罪作了挽回祭 這就是最偉大的愛 Let us love one another Because love come from the Lord Let us Love.
Copyright : Stream of Praise
Presentation transcript:

在道中不冷不熱 If I’m Lukewarm In the Word

在道中不冷不熱,主說:「我要吐棄。」 求主用祭壇之火,化我冰冷心地。 If I'm lukewarm in the Word, God said I'll spit out. Lord use fire from the altar, soften my ice-code soul 副歌:化我心,化我心,用愛化我冷心, 使我心火熱如焚,被主熱愛鎔化。 Melt my heart, Melt my heart, Melt my cold heart with love, Make it hot like burning fire, Melted by Lord’s deep love. 1/4

時覺靈交極冷淡,俗情纏繞心間, 未能踴躍直向前,奔往基督標竿。 I have lost my Zeal for God, Earthly things vex my heart, I can’t march heartily forward, can’t run toward Christ’s goal. 副歌:化我心,化我心,用愛化我冷心, 使我心火熱如焚,被主熱愛鎔化。 Melt my heart, Melt my heart, Melt my cold heart with love, Make it hot like burning fire, Melted by Lord’s deep love. 2/4

望十架聖火能力,彰顯在我心裏, 使我靈奮然興起,與主日加親密。 Let the Power of the cross, shine brightly in my heart, wake up my soul with vigor, make closer with God. 副歌:化我心,化我心,用愛化我冷心, 使我心火熱如焚,被主熱愛鎔化。 Melt my heart, Melt my heart, Melt my cold heart with love, Make it hot like burning fire, Melted by Lord’s deep love. 3/4

靈火熱愛滿心中,頓覺新力加增, 不疲不倦奔靈程,天天歌唱主名。 Spiritual love fills my heat, New strength I’m regaining, I’ll run my course tirelessly, and praise His name each day. 副歌:化我心,化我心,用愛化我冷心, 使我心火熱如焚,被主熱愛鎔化。 Melt my heart, Melt my heart, Melt my cold heart with love, Make it hot like burning fire, Melted by Lord’s deep love. 4/4