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Presentation transcript:

INNOVATION FOR CHINA’s STRATEGIC TRANSFORMATION 为推动中国环境与发展战略转型而创新 CCICED Policy Recommendations 国合会政策建议

1. Strengthen & add new policies & mechanisms to achieve emission reduction targets. 强化并建立新的政策与机制,以实现减排目标

Assess local officials on energy and emission reduction success 评估地方官员的节能减排绩效 Improve local technical support capacity for emission reduction indicator, surveillance, and evaluation systems 改善地方在减排指标、监督和评判系统方面的技术支持能力 Move towards total emissions reduction 转向全面减排

2. Integrate chemical management strategy into China’s overall national env. & health management systems. 将化学品管理战略纳入国家环境与健康管理体系

Environmentally Sound and Strategic Management of Chemicals System 环境友好的化学品战略管理体系 Special law or regulations on chemical environment administration 对化学品的环境行政管理制定专门的法律法规 Right-to-know system to inform Chinese public on toxic chemical pollutants 建立知情权体系向公众传达有毒化学污染物的信息 Promote voluntary action by industry 倡导企业界的自愿行动

3. Take advantage of China’s. strategic transformation of. its env 3. Take advantage of China’s strategic transformation of its env. and development mode. 抓住中国环境与发展战略转型的机遇

Awareness & participation of whole society, with local capacity building for coordination & implementation skills 提高全社会的意识和参与,加强地方在协调和 实施技能等方面的能力建设 Reform of existing environmental system nationally & locally 改革现行国家与地方环境体系

Full use of environment taxation, resource-energy taxation, green credits, environment insurance, ecological compensation, and emission trading 全面使用环境税、资源能源税、绿色信贷、环境保险、生态补偿及排污交易 Redirect env. & dev. investment into highest priorities, with more private sector investment 对环境与发展最优先的领域重新部署投资,吸收更多私营部门投资

Address in a more timely and effective way the challenges brought by economic and environmental globalization. 及时有效地应对经济与环境全球化带来的挑战

Change the current growth mode of trade 改变现有贸易增长模式 Expand import of goods with high embodied energy & reduce export of such goods 增加进口高内含能源的货物并减少这类货物的出口 Move from reliance on price competition, quantity and high growth rates, to quality improvement, value-added, and better structure 从依赖价格竞争、数量扩张及高增长率转向改善质量、增加附加值及优化结构 Expand the export of services, and strengthen their international competitiveness 增加服务业出口,加强其国际竞争力

Optimize regional industrial strategy on env Optimize regional industrial strategy on env. concerning goods produced for export 从环境保护角度出发,优化区域工业产品出口的战略 Strengthen environmental aspects of recyclable and waste goods entering China 对进入中国的可回收资源和废物加强环境管理 Assess market supply chains to prevent negative env. influences in countries of origin 评估市场供应链,防止对原产国的负面环境影响 Strengthening env. practices of Chinese companies that invest or operate overseas 加强中国在海外投资或经营公司的环境保护措施

Promote implementation of int’l env Promote implementation of int’l env. conventions within China through domestic implementation mechanisms, management systems and framework of policies and regulations. 通过国内实施机制、管理体系和政策规章框架来促进履行国际环境条约

Construct an “ecological civilization” through innovation

Move beyond environmental compliance towards sustainable development solutions, including regional “innovation clusters” 超越环境守法问题,放眼可持续发展层面,例如建立区域性“集合创新” Enterprises lead development and implementation of env. technologies 企业带头研发和使用环境技术 National and local green procurement policies 国家与地方的绿色采购政策 Scientifically-literate population 公众科普教育

Road-map towards a Low-Carbon Economy for China. 中国低碳经济的路线图

Building China’s future economy will require new options based on improved understanding of technology choices, the effects of changing energy pricing taxes & subsidies, carbon sources and sinks, carbon trading, and other relationships affecting energy & environment. 中国未来经济发展需要新的选择,这些选择将基于对技术的选择、能源价格税和补贴作用的变化、碳汇和碳交易等因素,以及这些因素与能源和环境的关系。