Intellectual Property Department


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Presentation transcript:

Intellectual Property Department 香港特別行政區 知識產權制度的最新發展 Latest Developments in the Intellectual Property System of Hong Kong SAR 梁家麗 香港特別行政區政府 知識產權署 Ada Leung Intellectual Property Department The Government of the Hong Kong SAR

內容 Contents 版權及商標的新法例及擬訂法例 New legislation or proposed legislation - copyright & trade marks 電子商貿模式 E-business Model 商標、專利及註冊外觀設計的最新統計數字 Updated trade marks, patents and registered designs statistics 推廣及公民教育 Promotion and Public Education TRIPS Agreement (與貿易有關的知識產權協議) - complied with by IP (WTO Amendments) Ord. in 1996 New TMO - greater transparency of our compliance.


2003年版權(修訂)條例 Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance 2003

2003年版權(修訂)條例 Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance 2003 2003年11月28日開始生效 Came into effect on 28.11.03 取消對平行進口電腦軟件產品的限制 Remove existing restrictions on parallel importation of computer software products 目的:促進市場競爭,令產品供應增加,讓消費者有更多選擇和能夠以較低價格購買產品 Purpose: increase competition and availability of products in the market - more choices, lower price for consumers

2003年版權(修訂)條例 (續) Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance 2003 (cont’d) 不包括:以音樂聲音或視像紀綠、電影、電視劇或電視電影、電子書或上述各項的組合為主要賣點的電腦軟件產品 Exclude: computer software products if the principal attraction is musical sound or visual recordings, movies, television dramas, e-books or a combination of them

2003年版權(修訂)條例草案 Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2003

2003年版權(修訂)條例草案 Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2003 2001年11月進行公眾諮詢 Public consultation in November 2001 2003年2月7日刊登憲報 Publication in Gazette: 7.2.03

2003年版權(修訂)條例草案 (續) Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2003 (cont’d) 主要修訂建議包括 - Major proposed amendments include - (1) 將現時在業務中最終使用者刑責的安排落實為長期措施 Making permanent the existing arrangements concerning end-user liabilities in business 使用盜版複製品的刑事責任只適用於四類版權作品(電腦程式,電影,電視劇或電視電影以及音樂紀錄) criminal liability for using infringing copies of four types of copyright works only (computer programs, movies, television dramas and musical recordings)

2003年版權(修訂)條例草案 (續) Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2003 (cont’d) (2) 改進版權條例第118(1)(d)及(e)條 Improvements to section 118(1)(d) and (e) of the Copyright Ordinance 刑責限於主要為商業性質並涉及就侵犯版權複製品進行交易的若干指定行為 offences limited to certain specified acts of dealing with infringing copies which are mainly commercial acts

2003年版權(修訂)條例草案 (續) Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2003 (cont’d) (3) 為僱員增訂免責辯護 New defence for employees 在受僱工作期間管有侵犯版權的複製品,而該複製品是由其僱主或他人代其僱主向他提供 Possession of infringing copies in the course of employment where the copies were provided to him by or on behalf of his employer 免責辯護追溯至2001年4月1日起生效 defence with retrospective effect from 1.4.01

2003年版權(修訂)條例草案 (續) Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2003 (cont’d) (4) 收緊對非法影印店舖的刑事制裁 Tightening criminal sanctions against illicit copy-shops 任何人如為複製服務業務的目的或在該項業務的過程中管有一份在書本雜誌或期刊發表的版權作品的翻印複製品,而該複製品為侵犯版權複製品,該人即屬犯罪 a person commits an offence if for the purpose of or in the course of a copying service business, he possesses an infringing reprographic copy of a copyright work as published in a book, magazine or periodical

2003年版權(修訂)條例草案 (續) Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2003 (cont’d) (5) 撤銷有關平行進口最終使用者責任 Removal of end-user liability in relation to parallel imports 平行進口版權作品的複製品及管有該平行進口的複製品 有關的民事及刑事責任,限於主要是商業交易的作為 Limit civil and criminal liability in relation to parallel importing of copies of copyright works and possession of such parallel-imported copies to where the importing or possession is for commercial dealings


新商標條例 New Trade Marks Ordinance 2000年通過,2003年4月4日開始生效 Enacted in 2000, in force from 4.4.03 令商標註冊制度現代化 modernise the trade mark registration system

新商標條例 (續) New Trade Marks Ordinance (cont’d) 加強保護 Increased Protection 更多種類的標記可註冊為商標 wider range of signs can be registered as trade marks 為馳名商標提供更佳保護 better protection for well-known trade marks 引進集體商標註冊 introduces registration of collective marks

新商標條例 (續) New Trade Marks Ordinance (cont’d) 簡化及放寬寛 Simplifies and Liberalizes 簡單、單一部的註冊紀錄冊及於申請人要求下才紀錄棄 simple, unified register and disclaimers only entered at applicant’s request 減省有關轉讓註冊商標和商標註冊申請的繁鎖手續removes red tape on assignment of trademarks and applications for trade marks 減省有關商標特許的繁鎖手續 removes red tape on licensing of trade marks

新商標條例 (續) New Trade Marks Ordinance (cont’d) 平衡利益 Balance of Interests 容許平行進口商標產品,只要貨品狀況沒有改變或受損 allows parallel importation of goods, provided their condition is not changed or impaired 容許按照在工業或商業事宜中的誠實做法而作出的比較性廣告宣傳 allows comparative advertising, in accordance with honest industrial and commercial practices 引進對無理威脅提出侵權訴訟的防護措施,與其他的知識產權法例一致 introduces safeguards against groundless threats of infringement proceedings in line with other IP legislation

新商標條例 (續) New Trade Marks Ordinance (cont’d) 節省費用 Cost Effectiveness 減低商標註冊申請人所須付的費用 reduces costs to applicants for registration 容許公眾免費查閱商標資料 allows public search of trade mark information free of charge 容許多類別申請 allows multi-class applications

新商標條例 減省費用的例子 New Trade Marks Ordinance Example of cost savings


電子商貿模式 E-business Model 網上檢索商標、專利及註冊外觀設計資料 On-line search for trade marks, patents and registered designs information 以電子形式提交申請 electronic filing 以電子形式公布註冊申請 electronic publication 無紙化運作 paperless operation

電子商貿模式 時間表 E-business Model Time table 網上檢索Online search 商標trade marks 2003年1月 (January 2003) 專利及外觀設計 2004年3月 (March 2004) patents and designs 電子公告Electronic publication 商標trade marks 2003年4月 (April 2003) 電子提交Electronic filing  商標trade marks 2003年12月 (December 2003)


註冊商標 Registered Trade Marks 直至2003年10月31日為止,已註冊商標的總數目︰169,073 Total number of registered trade marks as at 31 Oct 2003︰169,073 每年註冊商標的數目 Annual trade mark registrations (一至十月) (Jan-Oct) 25

申請商標的來源地(2002年) Places of Origin of Application for Trade Mark (2002) 美國 USA 19% 中國台灣省 Taiwan, Province of China 2% 其他 Others 12% 英國 United Kingdom 5% 意大利 Italy 瑞士 Switzerland 3% 英屬維爾京群島 British Virgin Islands 內地 Mainland 法國 France 4% 德國 Germany 香港特別行政區 HKSAR 29% 日本 Japan 13% 26

標準專利 Standard Patents 直至2003年10月31日為止,在註冊紀錄冊仍然有效的標準專利的總數目︰16,282 Total number of standard patents in the register that are still in force as at 31 Oct 2003: 16,282 每年註冊 標準專利的數目 Annual standard patent registrations (一至十月) (Jan-Oct) 27

短期專利 Short-term Patents 直至2003年10月31日為止,在註冊紀錄冊仍然有效的短期專利的總數目︰1,065 Total number of registered short-term patents in the register that are still in force as at 31 Oct 2003: 1,065 每年註冊 短期專利的數目 Annual short-term patent registrations (一至十月) (Jan-Oct) 28

申請標準專利的來源地(2002年) Places of Origin of Application for Standard Patent (2002) 29

申請短期專利的來源地(2002年) Places of Origin of Application for Short-term Patent (2002) 30

註冊外觀設計 Registered Designs 直至2003年10月31日為止,在註冊紀錄冊仍然有效的外觀設計的總數目︰21,408 Total number of designs in the register that are still in force as at 31 Oct 2003: 21,408 每年註冊 外觀設計的數目 Annual registered design registrations (一至十月) (Jan-Oct) 31

申請註冊外觀設計的來源地 (2002年) Places of Origin of Application for Registration of Design (2002) 32

推廣及公民教育 Promotion & Education

推廣及公民教育 Promotion & Education 「香港巿民保護知識產權意識調查」 “Survey on Public Awareness of the Importance of Protecting Intellectual Property Rights” 調查始於1999年 This survey commenced in 1999 在2003-4年度之調查將擴展至商界 In 2003-4, the scope of the survey has been expanded to measure the awareness of business sectors

推廣及公民教育 (續) Promotion & Education (Cont’d) 製作政府宣傳及電視短片 Production of Announcement of Public Interests (API) & TV Segments 反盜版軟件宣傳短片 (已於2003年8月推出) Software Anti-piracy API (August 2003) 知識產權與你息息相關-致富系列宣傳短片 (已於2003年10月推出) Making IP Your Business - A Wealth Creation Series (TV segments, October 2003)

推廣及公民教育 (續) Promotion & Education (Cont’d) 「正版正貨承諾」 行動 “No Fakes Pledge” Campaign 由一九九八年開始推行 Launched in 1998 加強香港作為「購物天堂」的地位 Reinforce Hong Kong’s reputation as a “Shopping Paradise” 與香港海關、香港旅遊發展局、香港旅遊業議會及消費者委員會於明年二月起聯合推行「正版正貨承諾」 Join hands with Hong Kong Customs, Hong Kong Tourism Board and Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong and Consumer Council and other issuing bodies in re-launching the campaign in February 2004

推廣及公民教育 (續) Promotion & Education (Cont’d) 來年在港舉行之地區性會議 Upcoming Regional Symposium organised in HK 世界知識產權組織地區會議-在數碼時代圖書館及教育機構面對的版權問題 (2004年2月5-6日) WIPO Regional Symposium on Copyright in Libraries and Educational Institutions in the Digital Era (5-6 February 2004)

推廣及公民教育 (續) Promotion & Education (Cont’d) 網上粵港澳知識產權資料庫 (2003年12月3日出台) An Internet-based Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao IP Database (Launched on 3 Dec 2003) 幫助於珠江三角洲營運之香港及其他企業了解三地知識產權法例和制度 To help Hong Kong and other enterprises operating in the PRD to understand IP laws and systems in the three regions 提供有關執行反侵犯知識產權行動之有用資料 To provide practical information on enforcement against IP infringement

謝謝 Thank you