Review of Overnight Questions 复习昨晚的问题


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Presentation transcript:

Review of Overnight Questions 复习昨晚的问题 Review the answer sheet and ask questions on anything your are not clear about 复习答卷,并对任何不清楚的地方提问 Class discussion on which questions were the most difficult to answer 对最难解答的问题进行班级讨论

Today’s Topics 今日主题 Control banding exercise – COSHH Essentials (group exercise) 控制能力练习——健康危害控制法规(COSHH)要点(小组练习) Process design principles 工艺设计原则 Ventilation systems 通风系统

Group Exercise - Control Banding 小组练习—控制能力

Control Banding Exercise 控制能力练习 Group Exercise (45 Minutes) 小组练习(45分钟) Visit the HSE website and become familiar with the COSHH Essentials process 访问健康、安全与环境(HSE)网站并熟悉健康危害控制法规要点的方法 Follow the worked example through until the final stage 从头到尾对范例过一遍,直至最后一步

Control Banding Exercise (cont) 控制能力练习(续) Use the link to the UK HSE COSHH Essentials website to develop appropriate control strategies for the situation provided by the lecturer 登陆英国健康、安全与环境健康危害控制法规要点网站,对授课老师讲解的情况,制定出合理的控制战略 Discuss if the recommended strategy is appropriate 讨论所推荐的战略是否恰当 Prepare a 2 minute presentation on your findings 根据个人调查结果,准备2分钟陈述 *******Lecturer to choose a product appropriate to the group being taught*****