Starwood Preferred Guest 喜达屋顾客优先计划


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Presentation transcript:

Starwood Preferred Guest 喜达屋顾客优先计划

Starwood Preferred Guest 喜达屋顾客优先计划 Loyalty Guest Program. 忠诚顾客计划 Develop stronger relationships with our guests. 发展建立牢固的宾客关系

Benefits 优惠 Free membership and easy to enroll. 免费入会 Fastest way to earn free hotel stays. 快速获得酒店免费住房夜 Two points per dollar spent, which may be used for hotel, airline rewards or Instant Awards. 一美金消费可得积分二分,用于酒店,航空哩数奖励或即时兑现

Benefits 优惠 No blackout dates at Starwood hotels. 在任何喜达屋酒店使用无截止日期 Easy airline mile redemption. 快捷航空哩数兑现 Exclusive check-in/check out. 无入会/退会手续

Starwood Preferred Guest 喜达屋顾客优先计划 Preferred Guest = “ A ” 首选顾客 Preferred Plus = “ C ” Corporate Preferred = “ C ” 公司首选顾客 Gold Preferred = “ G ” 金卡首选顾客

Starwood Preferred Guest 喜达屋顾客优先计划 Platinum Preferred = “ P ” 白金卡首选顾客 VIP Preferred = “ V ” 贵宾首选 Employee Preferred = “ E ” 员工首选

Starwood Preferred Guest 喜达屋顾客优先计划 Eligible Rate 有效房价 ( Rack rate, Bar rate, Set rate etc. ) Food & Beverage * 餐饮消费 Dry cleaning & laundry 洗衣费 Telephone Charge 电话费用

Preferred Guest “ A ” 首选顾客 2 Starpoints per dollar spent on eligible charges. 每一美金有效消费可得积分二分 Personal Preference profile. 个人喜好档案 Preferred check-in. 入住手续单独办理

Preferred Guest “ A ” 首选顾客 Instant Awards. 即时兑换 No Free Night Award blackout dates. 免费住房夜申请无截止日期 Ability to convert Starpoints to airline miles. 积分可兑换航空哩数

Preferred Guest “ A ” 首选顾客 Ability to earn Starpoints on food & beverage charges, even as a non-guest. 非住店的会员在餐饮消费也可获得餐饮积分 Special toll-free number for membership services. 全球免费服务电话

Preferred Plus “ C ” 首选顾客 2 Starpoints per dollar spent on eligible charges. 每一美金有效消费可得积分二分 Personal Preference Profile. 个人喜好档案 Preferred check – in. 入住手续单独办理

Preferred Plus “ C ” 首选顾客 Instant Awards. 即时兑换 No Free Night Award blackout dates. 免费住房夜申请无截止日期 Ability to convert Starpoints to airline miles. 积分可兑换航空哩数

Preferred Plus “ C ” 首选顾客 Ability to earn Starpoints on food and beverage charges, even as a non-guest. ( USD 10N above ) 非住店的会员在餐饮消费也可获得餐饮积分 Special toll-free number for membership services. 全球免费服务电话

Preferred Plus “ C ” 首选顾客 4 p.m. late checkout. ( subject to availability at resorts ) 延迟退房至下午4点 ( 度假酒店视情况而定 ) Upgrade to a preferred Room the day of arrival, if available. 免费升级至首选房,视当天情况而定

Corporate Preferred “ C ” 公司首选顾客 2 Starpoints per dollar spent on eligible charges. 每一美金有效消费可得积分二分 Personal preference profile. 个人喜好档案 Preferred check-in. 入住手续单独办理

Corporate Preferred “ C ” 公司首选顾客 Instant Award. 即时兑换 No Free Night Award blackout dates. 免费住房夜申请无截止日期 Ability to convert Starpoints to airline miles. 积分可兑换航空哩数

Corporate Preferred “ C ” 公司首选顾客 Ability to earn Starpoints on food and beverage charges, even as a non-guest. ( USD 10N above ) 非住店的会员在餐饮消费也可获得餐饮积分 Special toll-free number for membership services. 全球免费服务电话

Corporate Preferred “ C ” 公司首选顾客 Bonus of 2,000 Starpoints after 5th and 10th stays. 第五次和第十次入住后,可得2,000分积分奖励 4 p.m. late checkout. ( subject to available at Resorts ) 延迟退房至下午4点 ( 度假酒店视情况而定 ) Upgrade to a Preferred Room the day of arrival, if available. 免费升级至首选房,视当天情况而定

Gold Preferred “ G ” 金卡首选顾客 Personal Preference profile. 个人喜好档案 Preferred check-in. 入住手续单独办理 Instant Awards 即时兑换 No Free Night Award blackout dates. 免费住房夜申请无截止日期

Gold Preferred “ G ” 金卡首选顾客 Ability to convert Starpoints to airline miles. 积分可兑换航空哩数 Ability to earn Starpoints on food and beverage charges, even as a non-guest. 非住店的会员在餐饮消费也可获得餐饮积分 Special toll-free number for membership services. 全球免费服务电话

Gold Preferred “ G ” 金卡首选顾客 50% bonus on earnings ( = 3 Starpoints ) on eligible charges. 每一美金有效消费可得积分三分 4 p.m. late checkout. ( subject to available at resorts ) 延迟退房至下午4点 ( 度假酒店视情况而定 ) Upgrade to a Preferred Room the day of arrival, if available. 免费升级至首选房,视当天情况而定

Platinum Preferred “ P ” 白金卡首选顾客 Personal Preference profile. 个人喜好档案 Preferred check-in. 入住手续单独办理 Instant Awards. 即时兑换 No Free Night Award blackout dates. 免费住房夜申请无截止日期

Platinum Preferred “ P ” 白金卡首选顾客 Ability to convert Starpoints to airline miles. 积分可兑换航空哩数 Ability to earn Starpoints on food & beverage charges, even as a non-guest. 非住店的会员在餐饮消费也可获得餐饮积分 Special too-free number for membership services. 全球免费服务电话

Platinum Preferred “ P ” 白金卡首选顾客 50% bonus on earnings ( = 3 Starpoints ) on eligible charges. 每一美金有效消费可得积分三分 4 p.m. late checkout. ( subject to availability at resorts ) 延迟退房至下午4点 ( 度假酒店视情况而定 ) Complimentary Concierge Desk available 7 days a week. 每星期七天免费礼宾服务

Platinum Preferred “ P ” 白金卡首选顾客 Upon check-in, receive the best available room, including Select Standard Suites. 入住时可免费提升至酒店最好房间,包括酒店所指定的标准套间 Guaranteed room availability if guest makes reservations 72 hours or more in advance. 72小时确保房间预定

Platinum Preferred “ P ” 白金卡首选顾客 Complimentary health club access. 免费使用酒店健身中心 Club and Executive Level privileges. 享受行政楼宾客待遇

Personal preference profile. Preferred check-in. Instant Awards. VIP Preferred 贵宾首选 Personal preference profile. 个人喜好档案 Preferred check-in. 入住手续单独办理 Instant Awards. 即时兑换 No Free Night Award blackout dates. 免费住房夜申请无截止日期

Ability to convert Starpoints to airline miles. VIP Preferred 贵宾首选 Ability to convert Starpoints to airline miles. 积分可兑换航空哩数 Ability to earn Starpoints on food & beverage charges, even as a non-guest. 非住店的会员在餐饮消费也可获得餐饮积分 Special toll-free number for membership services. 全球免费服务电话

VIP Preferred 贵宾首选 50% bonus on earnings ( = 3 Starpoints ) on eligible charges. 每一美金有效消费可得积分三分 4 p.m. late checkout. ( subject to availability at resorts ) 延迟退房至下午4点 ( 度假酒店视情况而定 ) Complimentary Concierge Desk available 7 days a week. 每星期七天免费礼宾服务

VIP Preferred 贵宾首选 Upon check-in, receive the best available room, including Select Standard Suites. 入住时可免费提升至酒店最好房间,包括酒店所指定的标准套间 Guaranteed room availability if guest makes reservations 72 hours or move in advance. 72小时确保房间预定 .

VIP Preferred 贵宾首选 Complimentary health club access. 免费使用酒店健身中心 Club and Executive Level privileges。 享受行政楼宾客待遇

Employee Preferred 员工首选 Employee only can earn Starpoints through SPG Enrollments. 员工只能从吸收加入新会员中得到积分 Every qualify Enrollment , can get 100 Starpoints. ( additional 50 Starpoints for Enrollment with guest’s E-mail address ) 每个有效入会,员工可得100积分 ( 如有E-mail 地址可多得50积分 )

Employee Preferred 员工首选 Starpoints can use for Instant Awards, Free Night Award, USD cheque request. 员工积分可用于即时兑换,申请免费住房夜, 美金支票兑换

Starwood Preferred Guest 喜达屋顾客优先计划 From Level “ A ” & Level “ C ” upgrade to Level “ G ”10-19 stays or 25-39 nights per year 只需10-19次入住或25-39个住房夜,首选顾客和公司首选顾客就可免费升级至金卡首选顾客

Starwood Preferred Guest 喜达屋顾客优先计划 From Level “ A ”, “ C ” & “ G ” upgrade to Level “ P ” 20 above stays or 40 above nights per year 只需20次入住以上或40个住房夜以上,首选顾客就可免费升级至白金卡首选顾客