Sports I - About exercises Objectives 1. Name some popular sports. 跑步, 網球,籃球,足球, 手球, 棒球,乒乓球, … 2. Describe how often you exercise. 一個星期運動兩次, 每次半個小時 3. Explain the reason why you lack/hesitate of exercises. 天氣太熱, 太花錢, 找人麻煩,… 4. Give suggestions of exercises.(let students to make up sentences regarding the benefits of exercises) 如果怕胖, 每天運動一個小時 最簡單的運動是跑步 不花錢 游泳不用花很多錢, 也不用去找人
How to say it in Chinese? Click the picture to hear the sound, and click again to see the words 網球 網球拍 棒球 足球 排球 難受 足球 藍球 乒乓球 危險
Name the sports 運動 足球 足球 游泳 網球 棒球 跑步 藍球 排球
Sports I Vocabulary 當然 如果 胖 怎麼辦 怕 越來越 簡單 最 跑步 那麼 難受 得 網球 貴極了 網球拍 每次 籃球 找人 游泳 麻煩 危險 便宜 淹死 什麼時候 願意 都可以 Dāng rán Rú guŏ pàng Zĕn me bàn pà Yuè lái yuè Jiăn dān zuì Păo bù Nà me Nán shòu dĕi wăng qiú Guì jí le Mĕi cì wăng qiú pāi zhăo rén lán qiú Má fán Yóu yŏng Pián yí Wéi xiăn Yān sĭ Shén me shí hòu Yuàn yì Dōu kĕ yĭ
Sports I Vocabulary Of course If Fat What to do Afraid More and more Simple The most Jogging So/such Suffering de Tennis Extremely expensive Tennis racket Every time Basket ball Find someone else Swim Troublesome Danger cheap Drown When Willing to Either way is fine
Read and Translate Sports I 一 二 三 四 五 1 2 3 4 5 胖 當然 籃球 游泳 網球 簡單 網球拍 危險 淹死 願意 跑步 怎麼辦 越來越 麻煩 那麼 - 難受 每次 貴極了 找人 什麼時候 最 都可以 怕 便宜 如果
1 2 3 4 5 胖 當然 籃球 游泳 網球 簡單 網球拍 危險 淹死 願意 跑步 怎麼辦 越來越 那麼 難受 每次 都可以 如果 麻煩 TIC TAC TOE Sports I 一 二 三 四 五 1 2 3 4 5 胖 當然 籃球 游泳 網球 簡單 網球拍 危險 淹死 願意 跑步 怎麼辦 越來越 麻煩 那麼 - 難受 每次 貴極了 找人 什麼時候 最 都可以 怕 便宜 如果
Sports I- Time Word + 沒…了 Txbk p233A, p234B Wkbk p164 Ex. 我兩個星期沒游泳了. Translate the following: My dog hasn’t eaten anything for a day. I haven’t sleep for two nights. I haven’t gone home for two months. I haven’t gone online for a year. I haven’t done the homework for two weeks. The teacher hasn’t given us a test for a long time. I haven’t study (read books) for a long time. I haven’t spoken English for two hours. I haven’t gone to swim for two weekends. I haven’t done exercises for a year.
Sports I- 覺得, V + 下去 覺得: 你覺得中文難不難? Person+跟我一樣, 都覺得… 小英跟我一樣都覺得游泳很危險. Txbk p235-6C Wkbk p165C D165-6D 覺得: 你覺得中文難不難? Do you think writing Chinese characters hard or not? Do you feel Chinese characters hard or not to write? Person+跟我一樣, 都覺得… 小英跟我一樣都覺得游泳很危險. She and I both think the same way, watching ball game is interesting. V+下去… 我喜歡打網球, 我要一直打下去. I feel speaking Chinese is interesting, I want to continuing learning it.
Sports I What do you say in the following situations? 1. Ask your friend what is her/his favorite sports, and can he/she do it? 你最喜歡什麼運動? 你會不會打網球? 2. If she/he jogging in the Summer, why (not)? 你夏天跑步不跑步? 為什麼? (不跑步,因為太熱了) 3. Does he/she swimming in the Winter, why (not)? 你冬天游泳嗎? (不游泳, 因為太冷了) 4. How often she/he does exercise? 你 多久運動一次?/你一個星期運動幾次? (你常不常運動?) 5. What is the easiest and hardest exercises for him/her to do, and why? 你覺得什麼運動最簡單/難? 因為跑步最便宜,什麼地方都可以做,也不用找人一起跑步. 游泳最貴,我家沒有游泳池,每次去YMCA游泳都要付十塊錢
Sports I What do you say in the following situations? 1. Ask your friend what is her/his favorite sports, and can he/she do it? 2. If she/he jogging in the Summer, why (not)? 3. Does he/she swimming in the Winter, why (not)? 4. How often she/he does exercise? 5. What is the easiest and hardest exercises for him/her to do, and why?
Sports I Write a dialogue and act it out with your partner Ask your partner what is her/his favorite sports, and can she/he do it? If she/he jogging in the winter, why (not)? Does he/she swimming in the summer, why (not)? How often she/he does exercise? What is the easiest and hardest exercises for him/her to do, and why? Give suggestions. EX. 如果一天運動半個小時,一定不會胖 跑步是很好的運動.每天跑二十分鐘,又健康又不花錢. (At least 12 sentences each)
Sports I Quiz Find someone else Of course So/such What to do Afraid More and more Every time Fat Simple The most Jogging Tennis Suffering Extremely expensive Tennis racket Either way is fine Basket ball Troublesome Swim cheap Danger Drown If When Willing to