The main idea of ONE PIECE is about a pirate named Gold Roger


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Presentation transcript:

The main idea of ONE PIECE is about a pirate named Gold Roger The main idea of ONE PIECE is about a pirate named Gold Roger.He obtained Wealth, Fame, and Power to earn the title as the Pirate King. When he was captured and about to be executed. He reveals that his treasure called One Piece, is hidden somewhere at the Grand Line. This made all people set out to search and uncover the One Piece treasure. But no one has ever found the location of Gold Roger‘s treasure, and the Grand Line is too dangerous of a place to over come. 22 years after Gold Roger’s death, a boy named Monkey D. Luffy has decided to become a pirate and search for One Piece to become the next Pirate King.

ONE PIECE 的主要思想是关于一个名叫哥尔·D·罗杰,他拥有财富、名望、能力去得到一个海贼王的称号。当他被捕后,要执行死刑时,他透露他把他所有的财产都埋在伟大的航路,就是one piece,他临死前的一句话趋势所有的人去搜索和发现宝藏。但是没有人发现宝藏的位置,伟大航海真是一个太危险的地方。在海贼王死后的22年,一个名叫蒙其·D·路飞的男孩已经决定成为海贼,寻找宝藏,并且成为下一个海贼王。

Monkey D. Luffy The main character, a 17 year-old boy. He is the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. He is carefree and sometimes air-headed. He generally has a huge appetite, for meat in particular. By accidentally eating a Devil Fruit, a fruit that grants special abilities to those who eat them, his body gained the properties of rubber. Luffy's dream is to become the Pirate King.. 蒙其·D·路飞 主要的角色,一个17岁的男孩。他是草帽海贼团的船长。他是无忧无虑的,有时不像领导。通常他有一个巨大的食欲,特别是对肉类。无意中吃了恶魔果实,这个水果授予吃它的人某种特殊能力,他的身体得到橡胶的属性。路飞的梦想是成为海盗王。

Roronoa Zoro He was the first to join the crew as a swordsman,He is 19 years old and extremely poor at understanding directions and gets lost very easily. He also sleeps a great deal and loves to drink beer. His goal is to become the greatest swordsman in the world. 罗罗诺亚·索隆 他是作为一名剑客第一个加入草帽海贼团,他是19岁,他方向感很差而且经常走失。他“一天到晚”都在睡而且爱喝啤酒。他的目标是成为世界上最伟大的剑客。

Nami Nami is 18 years old. She is the crew's navigator and the second to join group. She is a strong girl and she likes money best. Her dream is to draw a complete map of the world 奈美是18岁。她是海贼船的航海家和第二个加入组织。她是一个坚强的女孩,她最喜欢钱。她的梦想是画一个完整的世界地图。

Usopp The crew's 17 year-old marksman and the third to join. He is a liar, clever inventor and has famous artistic talent, shown in his painting and sculptures. Usopp's dream is to become a "brave warrior of the sea". 乌索普 这个海贼船17岁的阻击手,是第三个加入。他是一个骗子,聪明的发明家和有著名的艺术天赋,显示在他的绘画和雕塑。乌索普的梦想是成为一个“勇敢的海洋战士”。

Sanji:He is 19 years old who likes smoking very much Sanji:He is 19 years old who likes smoking very much. As a cook, he will never refuse someone who want to have a meal and he would become upset when food is wasted. Also he would never use his hands in the fight, because he think that the cook's hands is precious. He has his own chivalry, he never boot women even if she is the enemy. His dream is to find the All Blue, a famous sea, containing every kind of fish in the world. 山治 19岁的他非常喜欢吸烟。作为厨师,他永远不会拒绝想要吃饭的人,当食物被浪费时,他会变得心烦意乱。他也永远不会用他的手去战斗,因为他认为厨师的手是宝贵的。他有他自己的骑士精神,他从不出手打女性即使她是敌人。他的梦想是要找到所有的蓝色,一个著名的海,包含各种鱼。

Tony Tony Chopper : The crew's 15 year-old doctor and the fifth to join. He is a blue-nosed reindeer, who gained human abilities by eating a Devil Fruit. He can communicate with humans and animals alike. He has a tendency to believe anything told to him.Tony Tony Chopper‘s dream is becoming a "panacea" (no matter what disease can be healed as a doctor) 托尼托尼·乔巴:这个海贼船15岁的医生和第五个加入。他是一个蓝鼻子的驯鹿,通过吃恶魔果实增加人类的能力。他能和人类交流,和动物也一样。他倾向于相信任何告诉他的东西。他的梦想是成为“万能药”(不管什么都能医治的医生)

Nico Robin An archaeologist who’s the sixth to join. She ate a Devil Fruit and gained the ability to create copies of any part of her body on surfaces in her proximity. She is extremely intelligent. Her dream is to find and decipher the Rio Poneglyph, an ancient stone telling a long lost part of history. 一个考古学家,他是第六个加入。她吃了一个魔鬼果实,能够在她接近的地方创造身体的任何一个部位。她非常聪明。她的梦想是要找到并破译力拓Poneglyph,一个诉说着丢失已久的部分历史的古老石头。

Franky He is a shipwright and seventh to join. He is a cola-powered cyborg. His artificial body grants him incredible strength, as well as making him almost invulnerable to most frontal attacks. It is equipped with countless weapons. Nevertheless, Franky is very sensitive. His dream is to build a dream ship and sail it around the world. 弗兰奇 他是一个造船工人和第七加入。他是一个可乐驱动的半机械人。他的身体授予他难以置信的强度,和人工的身体一样,以及他几乎无懈可击的大多数额的攻击。它配备了无数的武器。然而,弗兰奇是非常敏感的。他的梦想是建立一个梦想船和远航在全世界。

Brook He is a musician and eighth to join. He is a living skeleton, resurrected by means of a Devil Fruit. He has a strange personality. He speaks in a dignified, while having amazingly bad manners. His goal is to circle the Grand Line and return to Reverse Mountain to see his old friend Laboon, fulfilling a 50-year-old promise. 布鲁克 他是一个音乐家和第八个加入。他是一个活生生的骨架,是通过一个恶魔果实复活的。他有一个奇怪的人格。他有高贵的说话方式,同时也有有令人惊讶的不礼貌的语气。他的目标是重新回到红土地去看他的老朋友Laboon,实现一个50岁的承诺。

this is a story about dream, but how can they achieve it .....

They achieve their dream by improve the reward as a pirate。 他们 通过提高自己的海盗悬赏金额来实现自己的梦想。

将来的海贼悬赏令, 我猜的 the reward command of pirate in future, which i guess .

The sight partners,have their own beliefs and dreams, They face difficulties together, and they came to a great route, on the way to the One Piece ,they defeated many powerful enemies. They are still sailing on the great route to fight for their own dreams. 他们和路飞一样,也拥有各自的信念和理想,并结识在了一起。 经历了种种困难,他们来到了伟大航路,途中打败了许多强大的敌人,为着理想而努力战斗,至今仍航行在伟大航路上。

For those brave risk-takers, their dream at the end of sea For those brave risk-takers, their dream at the end of sea.I believe that he can do it.Hope all of us can fight for our own dreams and achieve them. 对于那些勇敢的冒险者,他们梦想着最后的海洋,我相信他能做到。希望我们可以争取自己的梦想和实现它们。

I am the man that will to be the King of the pirate! 我是要成为海贼王的男人!

The End--Thank you!