A bus descends the serpentine turns of Tongtian Avenue on Tianmen Mountain near Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province 湖南省 World Diary 131107 地球日誌.


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Presentation transcript:

A bus descends the serpentine turns of Tongtian Avenue on Tianmen Mountain near Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province 湖南省 World Diary 131107 地球日誌

An electronic screen is seen on a building amid heavy smog in Shenyang, Liaoning province 瀋陽市煙霧

A Balinese man walks among the blazing coconut husks during a sacred ritual called ‘Mesabatan Api’ or fire fight at a temple in Tuban, Bali, Indonesia. 印尼宗教儀式

Jennifer Lawrence 珍妮佛·勞倫斯 2013奧斯卡最佳女主角

Jennifer Lawrence 珍妮佛·勞倫斯 2013奧斯卡最佳女主角

The beauty

Selma Lagerlöf 塞爾瑪·拉格洛夫 20 November 1858 – 16 March 1940 1909年諾貝爾文學獎獲得者,她是瑞典作家,也是世界上第一位獲得這一文學獎的女性。 She was the first female writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Selma Lagerlöf 塞爾瑪·拉格洛夫 And her adventure

Selma Lagerlöf 塞爾瑪·拉格洛夫 And her adventure

Selma Lagerlöf 塞爾瑪·拉格洛夫 And her adventure

Selma Lagerlöf 塞爾瑪·拉格洛夫 And her adventure

The bare feet of a student are pictured below a table in a flooded classroom in Lopang Domba Elementary School in Serang, Indonesia‘s Banten province. 印尼

Shadow 影子

Shadow 影子

Shadow 影子

Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2013

Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2013

Caroline Kennedy, U. S. Ambassador To Japan

Caroline Kennedy

Caroline Kennedy

Caroline Kennedy

Caroline Kennedy

Caroline Kennedy

Caroline Kennedy

Caroline Kennedy

Veil, An Iraqi Shiite girl. 面紗, 伊拉克什葉派女孩

UAE (United Arab Emirates) Air Force. 阿拉伯聯合大公國空軍

Vanessa James and Morgan Cipres of France

Small boats sit on the shore of Guanabara Bay in the suburb of Sao Goncalo

Against corruption, low incomes and high unemployment, in front of the parliament in Sofia, Bulgaria. 反 腐敗,低收入和高失業率, 索非亞議會面前, 保加利亞.

Somali coast guard. 索马里/ 索馬利亞 海岸警備隊

Vittoria, daughter of Italy's Member of the European Parliament Licia Ronzulli. 維多利亞, 歐洲議會意大利成員Licia Ronzulli的女兒




Two explosions in Beirut, Lebanon. The blasts in south Beirut's neighborhood of Janah

Foggy forest, Fog blanketed a forest, in Glashuetten, Germany. 霧籠罩的森林

Isabella Blow: Fashion Galore! exhibition. 展覽

Isabella Blow: Fashion Galore! exhibition. 展覽

Isabella Blow: Fashion Galore! exhibition. 展覽

Isabella Blow: Fashion Galore! exhibition. 展覽

Two tankers, gale wind, Sardinia, Italy. 兩艘油輪, 強風

'Free Birds'. '火雞反擊戰'

'Free Birds'. '火雞反擊戰'

'Free Birds'. '火雞反擊戰'

'Free Birds'. '火雞反擊戰'

Ken Matsudaira, robot suit, android robot. 機器人裝 coconut husk. 椰子殼

Placard, Political asylum. 標語牌, 政治庇護

A gallery assistant stands on the new spiral staircase at Tate Britain in central London.

The eternal flame burns atop the gravesite of President John F The eternal flame burns atop the gravesite of President John F. Kennedy at Arlington National Cemetery. Friday, Nov. 22, will mark the 50th anniversary of Kennedy's assassination in Dallas.

A worker walks past graffiti denouncing the Interior Ministry and the Egyptian uprising near Tahrir Square in Cairo.

Door To Hell, Karakum Desert, Turkmenistan. 地獄之門, 卡拉庫姆沙漠, 土庫曼

Door To Hell, Karakum Desert, Turkmenistan. 地獄之門, 卡拉庫姆沙漠, 土庫曼

Sabine Lisicki. 利斯基/ 里希琪

Sabine Lisicki. 利斯基/ 里希琪

Sabine Lisicki. 利斯基/ 里希琪

National geography

李常生 Eddie Lee Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. 11/21/2013 leechangsheng6666@gmail.com From est100, internet….