Marketing & Public Relations in Academic Libraries 高校图书馆的营销与公共关系


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Presentation transcript:

Marketing & Public Relations in Academic Libraries 高校图书馆的营销与公共关系 Heidi Card ULS Librarian, Assistant to the Director on Research & Special Projects University of Pittsburgh

Outline 概要 History of libraries and marketing 图书馆和营销的历史 Why is Marketing Important in Libraries? 为什么营销对图书馆重要? Features of a Marketing Plan 营销计划的特征 Example of ULS Marketing Plan 匹兹堡大学图书馆营销计划实例 How ULS has moved forward with Marketing 匹兹堡大学图书馆是如何通过营销方式推进工作的

History of Libraries & Marketing 图书馆和营销的历史 Library-Centric view 图书馆中心论 Users were expected to be motivated enough to learn the “rules” 期望读者自己主动去学习图书馆“规则” Libraries had little incentive to make changes 图书馆缺乏变革的动力 Expectation was that users could be taught to deal with barriers 期望读者被教会自己去处理问题 Libraries “know what their users need” 图书馆“知道自己的用户需要什么”

A “Selling Orientation”: persuasion 销售导向:说服能力 Libraries would share the virtues of their products and services – without asking the user what they valued 图书馆愿意分享好的产品和优质服务,但却没有询问用户的价值取向 Libraries believed users could be taught to deal with barriers – instead of eliminating them 图书馆相信能够教会用户去解决困难,而不是致力于消除这些问题

Marketing Challenges for Today’s Academic Libraries 当今高校图书馆面临营销挑战 Coordinating efforts 协同努力 Consistent planning 计划一致 Competition 竞争性 Creativity 创造力 Communication 交流

How the ULS Marketed Services and Increased Use… 美匹大图书馆如何应用营销服务增加图书馆的使用… Be committed to change 承诺改革 Be committed to listening 努力倾听 Not defensively 不再保守 Thinking about what users want, not what you want them to want and creating services that meet their evolving needs 想用户之所想,而非你希望他们这样想。创建新的服务项目以满足用户不断发展的需求

Features of a Marketing Plan 营销计划的特征 Situation Analysis 情境分析 Objectives of Plan 目标计划 Define Target Audience(s) 确定目标读者群 Strategies 战略 Tactics 战术 Evaluation 评价

ULS Situation Analysis 匹兹堡大学图书馆的情境分析 Mission of ULS is to “…provide and promote access to information resources necessary for the achievement of the University’s leadership objectives in teaching, learning, research, creativity and community service, and to collaborate in the development of effective information, teaching and learning systems.” ULS的使命“…为完成学校的教育、学习、科研、创新和公共服务任务,提供和促进获取信息资源的途径与平台建设。同时与学校相关部门一起,合作开发成功的信息、教育和学习系统”

S.W.O.T. Analysis SWOT分析-态势分析法 S-Strength 优势 W-Weakness 劣势 O-Opportunity 机会 T-Threat 威胁 应用管理学的态势分析法,为本单位的发展规划和决策,制定战略目标和战术策略 SWOT分析法又称为态势分析法,它是由旧金山大学的管理学教授于20世纪80年代初提出来的,是一种能够较客观而准确地分析和研究一个单位现实情况的方法。SWOT四个英文字母分别代表:优势(Strength)、劣势(Weakness)、机会(Opportunity)、威胁(Threat)。从整体上看,SWOT可以分为两部分:第一部分为SW,主要用来分析内部条件;第二部分为OT,主要用来分析外部条件。利用这种方法可以从中找出对自己有利的、值得发扬的因素,以及对自己不利的、要避开的东西,发现存在的问题,找出解决办法,并明确以后的发展方向。根据这个分析,可以将问题按轻重缓急分类,明确哪些是目前急需解决的问题,哪些是可以稍微拖后一点儿的事情,哪些属于战略目标上的障碍,哪些属于战术上的问题,并将这些研究对象列举出来,依照矩阵形式排列,然后用系统分析的思想,把各种因素相互匹配起来加以分析,从中得出一系列相应的结论,而结论通常带有一定的决策性,有利于领导者和管理者做出较正确的决策和规划。

Background: Krakoff Communications 2005 背景: Krakoff 交流 2005 Key Findings 主要发现 Target audience (students, faculty, and staff) are often unaware of library’s central role within the University 目标群体(学生、教师和职员)在大学里经常不知道图书馆的角色是什么 General confusion as to the complete offerings of the ULS 大部分读者对ULS能够提供的整体服务都很模糊 General confusion as to how to most-efficiently access the offering of the ULS 大部分读者对如何最有效的获取ULS资源都不太清楚

Objectives 目标 Increase awareness and usage of resources and services while promoting and leveraging investments 在保证经费投入的同时,增强对资源和服务的使用意识 Increase support which will help to increase donations 在提高对图书馆捐款赠物工作方面增强支持力度 Enhance professional perception and knowledge about capabilities and resources, both internally, and externally 从内部和外部增强对馆藏资源的知识和专业认知能力 Establishing a uniform look in all publications and products for easy recognition 对所有的出版物和文献资源建立统一的外观标识以方便识别

Target Audiences: Internal 目标用户群体:校内 ULS Faculty & Staff ULS 的全体职员和教员 University of Pittsburgh Decision Makers 匹兹堡大学的决策者 Faculty 全体教员 Undergraduate and Graduate Students 本科生和研究生

Target Audiences: External 目标群体:校外 Current and Potential Donors 目前或潜在的捐赠者 Current and Potential Users 目前或者潜在的用户 Decision Makers 决策者 Groups & Associations 团体组织和学、协会

Marketing Strategy 营销策略 Mix of strategies (direct marketing, email, internal advertising, public relations, etc.) 多种策略(直接推销、电子邮件、校内广告、公关等) Need a standard “look” or logo 需要一个标准的外观或标志 Overall message “what the ULS can do for me” 总体信息:“ULS能为我做什么” Different strategies for different programs and audiences 针对不同的项目和用户群制定不同的策略 Web site will be redesigned to have separate “spaces” for different clientele重新设计网站为不同用户提供独立的“空间” Tie website information to publicity, postcards, etc. 将图书馆网站信息公布在各种宣传品、明信片上

Development of the ULS Mark ULS标志的发展 Execution of Mark 匹大图书馆标志的产生 Internal 校内 ULS faculty and staff ULS的全体职员 Pitt faculty 大学教员 Pitt staff 大学职员 Students 学生 External 校外 Local and Regional 本地和地区的 National 全国的

Further Branding at ULS 匹大图书馆的其他标志

Marketing Tactics 营销策略 Printed Pieces with unified look 以统一外观印刷宣传单 Postcard mailers 明信片类邮寄性印刷品 User testimonials 用户证书 Quick resource guide to service/resource 服务/资源快速导航 Folders into which other information can be placed (faculty) 向全体教员散发包括其他信息的宣传品 Contain general information about ULS on folder 宣传品内容包括ULS的整体信息 Cover letter 封面文字 Postcards, etc. inside 内有图书馆明信片等 Updates on programs, etc. 各类服务项目的最新信息和动向 List of pertinent collections 馆藏资源内容介绍和列表

Marketing Tactics 营销策略 Website 网站/主页 Web site will be redesigned to have separate “spaces” for different clientele 重新设计图书馆主页,为不同用户提供独立的“空间” Tie web information to publicity, postcards, etc. 将图书馆的网站信息公布在各种宣传材料和明信片上

Promotional Items 促销奖品打上图书馆的标识 Students and External targets 学生和校外用户 Mouse pads 鼠标垫 Backpacks 背包 Bookmarks 书签 Notebooks 笔记本 Calendar 日历 Key Tag 钥匙扣 Highlighters 记号笔 ULS Faculty and Staff 馆内教职员工 Shirts 衬衫 Lapel Pins领带夹 Hats and Caps 帽子 Mugs 杯子 Pens 笔

Digital Signage 数字化标识 Continuous Updateable Information about ULS Services 持续更新ULS的服务内容信息

Display Cases 展示台

Printed Publications and Articles 印刷型出版物和文章 Internal 馆内出版物 Blue, Gold, and Black 蓝色、金色和黑色 Pitt Magazine 匹兹堡杂志

Printed Publications and Articles印刷型出版物和文章 Internal 馆内出版物 Pitt Chronicle 匹兹堡编年史 Pitt News 匹兹堡新闻 University Times 大学时代

Printed Publications and Articles印刷型出版物和文章 External 对外出版物 D-Lib Magazine 数字图书馆杂志 New Pittsburgh Courier 新匹兹堡快递 Pittsburgh Post Gazette 匹兹堡邮政公报

E-Publications and Articles 电子出版物和文章

Development of Communications and Marketing Position (October, 2005) 设置图书馆交流与营销岗位 Implementing the ULS marketing and communications plan (execution of new mark) 实施ULS营销和交流计划(执行新标志) Generating appropriate external communications about ULS programs and services 发展适应于ULS的对外交流项目与服务 Creating content for major reports 为图书馆起草重要报告的内容 Event and program planning 编制活动和服务项目计划

Development of Communications Specialist (February 2006) 开展专家交流 Work collaboratively in the development and creation of websites, web pages, and graphics that have national and international distribution 共同合作开发网站、主页和数字图形项目,并在国内外公开发布 Provide creativity and expertise in the creation of marketing and communications media 在营销和交流媒体上提供富有创意的专业性建议 Create and design content for signs, handouts, banners for internal and external use 设计制作图书馆专用的标识、印刷品、横幅等用于馆内外宣传

Evaluation of Plan 评估计划 Survey users to judge effectiveness of communication strategies 开展用户调查,评判图书馆交流策略的效果 Continuing assessment of marketing to ensure that ongoing communication is successful! 持续开展对图书馆营销策略的评价,以保证实施中的交流活动取得成功

Conclusion: Marketing = Communicating 结论:营销=交流 Gather info on what your users want 搜集用户所需要的信息 Publicity is a waste of time if there is no coordinated marketing plan 没有营销计划协助与合作的宣传就是浪费时间 Create marketing position 设置图书馆营销岗位 Be sure your enthusiasm shines – the best advertisement! 请记住:你的热情和阳光般的微笑——就是图书馆最好的广告!

Any Questions? 任何问题?
