DSS #1:決策支援系統概論 一、管理與決策制定 二、資訊系統及其演進 三、決策支援系統的定義


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Presentation transcript:

DSS #1:決策支援系統概論 一、管理與決策制定 二、資訊系統及其演進 三、決策支援系統的定義 參考書目:Turban, E., Aronson, J. E., and Liang, T. P., Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Seventh Edition, Prentice Hall, 2004. Chap 1, 3

一、管理與決策制定 管理 a process by which organizational goals are achieved through the use of resources Resources: Inputs Goal Attainment: Output Measuring Success: Productivity = Outputs / Inputs Inputs Output process

管理人員的可能角色 Mintzberg [1980] 重點:need information Interpersonal (人際角色) Figurehead (象徵首腦,精神領袖); Leader (領導者); Liaison (聯絡人) Informational (資訊角色) Monitor; Disseminator (傳播者); Spokesperson (發言人) Decisional (決策角色) Entrepreneur (企業家); Disturbance Handler (危機處理者); Resource Allocator; Negotiator (談判者) 重點:need information

管理與決策制定的關係 All managerial activities revolve around decision making The manager is a decision maker Decision making was considered a pure art Individual styles used, not systematic quantitative scientific methods Now fast changing, complex environment

電腦化決策支援的需求 Speedy computations 快速運算 Overcoming cognitive limits in processing and storage 克服處理及貯存的認知限制 Cognitive limits may restrict an individual’s problem solving capability Cost reduction 降低成本 Technical & Quality support 技術及品質支援 Competitive edge: business processes reengineering and empowerment 競爭優勢

二、資訊系統及其演進 資訊系統:藉由提供資訊來支援組織的系統,以達到組織的目標

電腦化支援系統之演進 mid-1950s Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) 1960s MIS 1970s Office Automation Systems DSS 1980s Commercial applications of expert systems Executive Information Systems 1990s Group Support Systems Neural Computing Integrated, hybrid computer systems


三、決策支援系統的定義 Simon: Decision-making along a continuum DSS的定義 DSS名詞內涵

Simon: Decision-making along a continuum Three Phase decision-making process Intelligence: searching for conditions that call for decisions Design: inventing, developing, and analyzing possible courses of action Choice: selecting a course of action from those available Unstructured problem has no structured phases (often solved with human intuition Semistructured problem has some (or some parts with) structured phases Solve with both standard solution procedures and human judgment Structured problem has all structured phases Procedures for obtaining the best solution are known Objectives are clearly defined

DSS的定義 Scott Morton [1971] Keen and Scott Morton [1978] DSS are interactive computer-based systems, which help decision makers utilize data and models to solve unstructured problems Keen and Scott Morton [1978] Decision support systems couple the intellectual resources of individuals with the capabilities of the computer to improve the quality of decisions. It is a computer-based system for management decision makers who deal with semi-structured problems.

DSS名詞內涵 Content-free expression DSS as an Umbrella Term Means different things to different people There is no universally accepted definition of DSS DSS as an Umbrella Term DSS sometimes describes any computerized system used to support decision making Narrow definition: specific technology

DSS的理想特徵與能力 造模與分析 資料存取 1.半結構化程式 使用者容易自行建造 不同階層的管理者 決策者可控制此系統 針對群體及個人 強調效果而非效率 相互依賴或循序決策 互動且容易使用 支援決策各階段 調適性及彈性 支援各種決策風格

DSS的實用定義 A DSS is an interactive, flexible, and adaptable CBIS, specially developed for supporting the solution of a non-structured management problem for improved decision making. It utilizes data, it provides easy user interface, and it allows for the decision maker’s own insights DSS may utilize models, is built by an interactive process (frequently by end-users), supports all the phases of the decision making, and may include a knowledge component