天津华苑枫叶国际学校 2015-2016学年第一学期校历 Maple Leaf International School-Tianjin, HuaYuan 2015-2016 school year-semester I-Calendar.


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Presentation transcript:

天津华苑枫叶国际学校 2015-2016学年第一学期校历 Maple Leaf International School-Tianjin, HuaYuan 2015-2016 school year-semester I-Calendar

August Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 初中学生军训开始、军训开幕式 Middle school students’ military training; the opening ceremony of military training 23 初中学生军训 Middle school students’ military training 24 初中军训 25 26 初中军训闭幕式 The closing ceremony of military training 27 28 29 除初中以外的新生报到(9:00-4:00) Welcome the students to come back to school 30 31 开学典礼 Semester beginning ceremony

September Cooperation 合作 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 假期实践作业展(小学) Summer holiday social practice report exhibition (elementary) 活动课报名表(初小) Make a confirmation of activity class registration (elementary & middle school) 4 5 6 7 8-1班升旗 Class1 Grade8 host the flag-raising ceremony 8 9 10 教师节庆祝活动 Teacher’s Day celebration 小一预备Teacher’s Day庆祝活动 Pre-school celebrate Teacher’s Day 11 初小学暑假作业展 Elementary and middle school summer holiday homework exhibition 12 13 14 6-1班升旗 Class1 Grade6 host the flag-raising ceremony 15 16 17 18 牛仔日 Jeans Day 19 20 21 8-2班升旗 Class2 Grade8 host the flag-raising ceremony 22 23 初小第一次月考 The 1st monthly test of elementary & middle school 24 布置国庆节的实践作业 Set the National Break social practice 小一预备班级活动 Pre-school class activity 25 26 国庆放假 National Break 27 28 29 30

October Understanding 谅解 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 国庆放假 National Break 2 3 4 5 全校启动布置万圣节 Halloween decoration 5-1班升旗 Class1 Grade5 host the flag-raising ceremony 6 7 8 初中国庆作业展示 Middle school National Break homework exhibition 9 Gr.2,4,5,6,8,9开放日 Open Day-Gr.2,4,5,6,8,9 10 11 12 8-3班升旗 Class3 Grade8 host the flag-raising ceremony 13 14 15 16 Gr. 1,3,7开放日 Open Day-Gr. 1,3,7 17 18 19 5-2班升旗 Class2 Grade5 host the flag-raising ceremony 20 21 22 23 Flea market筹委会筹备会-GEP Meeting of GEP Flea market committee 消防演习 Fire drill 24 25 26 9-1班升旗 Class1 Grade9 host the flag-raising ceremony 27 28 29 30 万圣节 GEP Halloween celebration 小一预备Happy Halloween家长开放活动 Open day in Pre-school for Halloween 31

November Consideration 体贴 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 4-1班升旗 Class1 Grade4 host the flag-raising ceremony 3 4 感恩节展板更新启动 Renew the bulletin boards with Thanksgiving elements 5 期中考试 Mid-term exam 6 7 8 9 7-1班升旗 Class1 Grade7 host the flag-raising ceremony 10 11 初中太极拳比赛 Middle school shadowboxing contest 12 13 初中家长会 Middle school parents meeting 14 15 16 4-2班升旗 Class2 Grade4 host the flag-raising ceremony 17 期中表彰大会 Gr.1-3 Awarding ceremony of mid-term exam-Gr.1-3 18 Gr.4-6 Awarding ceremony of mid-term exam-Gr.4-6 19 Gr.7-9 Awarding ceremony of mid-term exam-Gr.7-9 20 感恩义卖 Flea Market 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 领带日 Tie Day 28 29 30 3-1班升旗 Class1 Grade3 host the flag-raising ceremony

December Self-discipline 自律 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 全校Christmas装饰启动 Christmas Decoration 2 3 4 第二次月考 2nd monthly test 5 6 7 7-3班升旗 Class3 Grade7 host the flag-raising ceremony 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3-2班升旗 Class2 Grade3 host the flag-raising ceremony 15 16 17 18 19 冬季展演 上午 Gr.4-9 下午 Gr. 1-3 Winter show Morning: Gr.4-9 Afternoon: Gr.1-3 20 21 7-4班升旗 Class4 Grade7 host the flag-raising ceremony 22 23 小一预备班Christmas Day 班级庆祝 Pre-school’s Christmas Day celebration 24 25 圣诞节放假 Christmas Break 26 27 28 3-3班升旗 Class3 Grade3 host the flag-raising ceremony 29 30 31

January Patience 耐心 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 新年放假 New year break 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 期末考试 Final exam 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 家长会 Parents meeting 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31