Teen Challenge Core Values


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Teen Challenge Core Values 青年挑战核心价值观 T101.05 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

Something they think has worth 一些他们认为有价值的东西 b. Things like gold 诸如黄金 Diamonds 钻石 and antiques 和古董 T101.05 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

c. Things that contribute to their activities and goals 看重对他们的活动和目标有帮助的东西。 For example a runner, a swimmer, and a soldier would value different kinds of footwear. 例如一个跑步者,游泳者和一名士兵会对所穿的鞋子有不同的要求 T101.05 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

A priority – something that is important to a person 重点—对自己很重要的东西 A key influence – something that gives guidance to everyday decisions and actions 核心影响力---对每天所做的决定和采取的行动起到指 引的作用 A matter of the heart – something that is a personal conviction, something a person feels strongly about 良知的问题---个人强烈坚持的某种观点,个人的良知 所持的观点 A choice – something that a person chooses to make important 一 种选择—一个人选择使其当作重点的事物 T101.05 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

A source of unity – something that gives a group of people direction and purpose 凝聚力的源泉---给一个团队指明方向和目标的事物 A legacy – something we want to pass on to future generations 我们的遗产—我们想传给下一代的东西 For the Christian, a core value is something God values. 对基督徒来说,核心价值观就是神所看重的事物 T101.05 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

They provide focus. 他们指明了关注焦点。 Hebrews 12 They provide focus. 他们指明了关注焦点。 Hebrews 12.2 “Fix your eyes on Jesus” 希伯来书 12:2 “专一注视耶稣” They provide boundaries. 他们限定了界限。 Hebrews 12:1 “the race marked out for us.” 希伯来书 12:1 “那摆在我们前面的赛程” They provide a way to get rid of distractions. 他们为我们摆脱拖累提供了方法。 Hebrews 12:1 “Throw off everything that hinders” 希伯来书 12:1 “脱下各样的拖累” They provide a goal and a reward. 他们为我们提供了目标和奖赏 Philippians 3:14 “I press toward the goal to win the prize” 腓力比书 3:14 “向着目标竭力追求,得奖赏。” T101.05 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

7 T101.05 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

Teen Challenge Core Values Integrity正直 Servanthood 仆人的心 Teen Challenge Core Values 青年挑战核心价值观 Faith 信心 Compassion 同情心 Community 团契 Stewardship 管家的心 Vision 异象 T101.05 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

The mission of Teen challenge is to bring people with life-controlling problems into relationship with Jesus and disciple them to live out this relationship in every area of their lives. 青年挑战的使命就是把有生命控制问题的人与耶稣 建立起关系,进行门徒训练,使他们能在生活的各 个方面活出这种关系 In order to fulfill this mission, Teen Challenge staff members chose these seven qualities. 为了完成这个使命,青年挑战员工挑选了这7个品质 T101.05 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

Because we are followers of Jesus, we want to value what He does Because we are followers of Jesus, these values are based on the Word of God. 因为我们是基督的追随者,这些价值观是以神的话语为基础的 Because we are followers of Jesus, these are the values we feel Him leading us to embrace. 因为我们是基督的追随者,我们觉得这是他想让我们拥有的价值观 We feel these qualities are central to the ministry of Teen Challenge. 我们觉得这些品质是青年挑战事工的中心 T101.05 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

Realize these are values God wants you to have. 认识到这是神想让你拥有的价值观 Let the Word of God and the Spirit of God personalize these values in your life. 让神的话语和神的灵使这些价值观个人化 Choose to make them a big part of your everyday decisions and actions. 使这些价值观成为自己每天决策和行动中的一个重要 组成部分 T101.05 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

关于青年挑战的核心价值观我们思考如下问题 We will consider these questions about Teen Challenge core values. 关于青年挑战的核心价值观我们思考如下问题 How are these core values defined? 这些核心价值观是如何被定义的? How does the Bible teach these core values? 圣经对这些核心价值观是如何教导的? How do you develop these values? 你如何培养这些价值观? How can you apply these values in a Teen Challenge setting? 在青年挑战你应如何应用这些价值观? T101.05 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

关于青年挑战的核心价值观我们思考如下问题 We will consider these questions about Teen Challenge core values. 关于青年挑战的核心价值观我们思考如下问题 How do students from a background of drug addiction view these core values? 一个有吸毒背景的学员如何看待这些价值观呢? How can you help Teen Challenge students develop these values? 你如何帮助青年挑战的学员培养这些价值观? What have been your experiences in applying these values? What questions do you have about these values? 在应用这些价值观时,你自己有何经验? 对于这些价值观你有何问题? Where can you start today in growing these core values in your live? 培养这些价值观,今天应从何做起? T101.05 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

Contact: 联系: Global Teen Challenge 全球青年挑战 gtc@globaltc Contact: 联系: Global Teen Challenge 全球青年挑战 gtc@globaltc.org Training materials for this course are available at the following address: 培训教材可以在如下网站查询: www.iTeenChallenge.org www.globaltc.org T101.05 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009