Pre-registration for 2018 Spring Semester


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Presentation transcript:

Pre-registration for 2018 Spring Semester 预注册 2018 春季学期 Pre-registration for 2018 Spring Semester

网上预注册正式开启 Online registration system starts from 12/03/2017! 12/03/2017正式开始网上登记注册 Website:

First Day of School: 1/7/2018 CNY Celeb: 2/25/2018;              ACCA West Campus 2018 Spring School Calendar  First Day of School: 1/7/2018 CNY Celeb: 2/25/2018; Last of School: 5/06/2018 Week Date Students/Teachers Notes 1 1/07/2018 中文课开始/Chinese Class Start First Day of School,  Registration/ Refund 2 1/14/2018 副科课开始/Enrichment Class Start Registration/ Refund 3 1/21/2018   No tuition refund after this day 4 1/28/2018 5 2/04/2018    6 2/11/2018 2/18/2018 Cobb Break No class Cobb School closed 7 2/25/2018  Chinese New Year week  8 3/04/2018 Midterm Exam 9 3/11/2018 Daylight Savings Time Starts  10 3/18/2018 11 3/25/2018 4/01/2018 Spring Break (No School)   12 4/08/2018 13 4/15/2018 14 4/22/2018 15 4/29/2018 副科课结束/Last Day of EC Pre-registration $10 discount 16 5/06/2018 Final Exam, Last Day of Registration  17 5/12/2018 Graduation 毕业典礼 Saturday, on North Campus

在校生预注册一览表 Current Student Pre-Registration at a Glance                          Please make check payable to ACCA 课 程 Class Registration Tuition 学费(预注册学费) 中文学前班 Pre-K $175($165) MLP中文一到四年级 MLP1 - 4 普通中文一到十年级  (暨南大学教材)  P01 - 10 中文提高班 AP Chinese 双语班1-4年级 Bilingual 1 - 4 $185($175) 双语班五年级 Bilingual-5, 6 副科班 Enrichment Classes (including Ping Pong) $135($125) or $195($185) 太极拳 Taichi  (14 classes, 1.5 hrs ) $160, $130 (P), $100 (T)

中文课 Chinese Classes 普通中文班 P01 to P10 Chinese 中文学前班 K1, 普通中文P01 – P10 年级,有完整的教学大纲;暨南大学《中文》教材 Tuition: pre-$165 /reg -$175; Textbook: $15 (1st grade $20) 中文学前班 K1, 为4-5岁学前儿童所开;用北京华文学院编的《幼儿汉语》及马立平学前班课本为教材 Tuition: pre- $165 / reg -$175; Textbook: $20 for Pre-K1, $60 for Pre-K MLP 马力平中文班 MLP1 – MLP6 1 – 6年级,先认字后学拼音;用马力平博士编写的《中文》作教材。 Tuition: pre- $165 / reg -$175; Textbook: $60 双语中文班 Bilingual Chinese grade Pre-K-7 Grade 1 – 4 use textbook “Chinese Made Easy for Kids”; Grade 5and above use “Integrated Chinese” as textbook. Tuition: pre- $175 / reg -$185; Textbook: $50 for grade 1-4, the 5 and above use electronic books 幼儿趣味中文Pre-school fun Chinese 为3.5~4岁学前儿童所开; 采用说,唱,游戏的方式训练幼儿的中文听,说和认字。 Tuition: pre- $185 / reg -$195;

副科班 Enrichment Classes ** We offer the following Enrichment Classes: 儿童绘画 班 Arts I ----- Mrs.Ling Liu 刘玲;3:00 – 4:00; Tuition: pre- $125/ reg- $135 儿童合唱班 Children’s Choir----- Mrs. Hu 胡辰 ;3:00 – 4:00; Tuition: pre- $125 / reg - $135 Chinese Brush Painting 国画 ---- Tehwan 曹德菀; 3:00 – 4:30; Tuition: pre- $185 / reg - $195 Chinese Calligraphy 书法----- Mr. Law 罗源; 1:00 – 2:30; Tuition: pre- $175 / reg - $185 太极拳 Tai chi ----- 曲教授; Time: 3:00 – 4:00; Tuition: pre-$150 / reg - $160 (15 classes) ; Parents: pre- $120 / reg - $130, Teacher tuition: pre -$100 / reg -$110. Ping Pong 乒乓球 ---- Amy Feng,1:30 – 2:30 or 3:00 – 4:00; Tuition: pre- $125/ reg- $135 Sun’s Chinese Martial Art阳光功夫班---- Mr. Sun孙帅帅, 3:00 – 4:00; Tuition: pre- $125/ reg- $135 Guzheng古筝---- Mrs. Xie 谢徽茵, 1:00 – 2:00 or 2:00 – 3:00 or 3:00 – 4:00 or 4:00 – 5:00; Tuition: $250/10 Lessones ** The Enrichment class is open when there are 7 and above number of students registered.

新生预注册 New Student Pre-Registration 新生年龄要求: Age Requirements 学前班Pre-K:4岁以上的孩子可以报名. Pre-K students must be 4 years old or older. 一年级:5岁以上的孩子可报普通班一年级。MPL1 年级必须在6岁以上. First grade students must be 5 years old. 新生学杂费 New Student Fees: make check pay to ACCA $165 or $175 tuition 学费, $10 discount at pre-registration $textbooks 书费, price varies by textbooks $25 non-refundable registration fee 注册费 $30 duty deposit (refundable) 值班费 (学生离校时退回) $15 equipment fee 设备费* $5 PTA fee 家长协会会费* *只报名副科班的新生无需交设备费和PTA费。New students who register enrichment classes ONLY do not pay the equipment fee and PTA fee.

For 2018 Spring