Princeton WordNet Ontology


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Presentation transcript:

Princeton WordNet Ontology 瞿裕忠 王远 施林峰

Noun基本架构 part_of_speech Noun reference 25+tops lexical_domain meronym substance_meronym(749) part_meronym(9114) member_holonym(12299) 互不相交 synset4 synset2 instance_hpernym hypernym synset3 meronym synset1 part_of_speech Noun reference lexical_domain 1个缺失 LexicalSense1 25+tops lexical_domain LexicalSense2 Antonymy synset_member sense LexicalEntry

Noun hierarchy in WordNet plant ~ -> tree ~ -> oak tops(51 Synsets)

Noun中的概念和实例 按照下列原则判定instance 若<s instance_hypernym o> ,则s是instance 若<s hypernym o>并且o是instance,则s是instance 概念和实例分别有多少个? synset instance_hyponym instance_hypernym hypernym concept instance

Adjectives in WordNet noun part_of_speech part_of_speech attribute (620) noun part_of_speech attribute Synset (320) lexical_domain Adjective_satllite Synset similar adj.all LexicalSense part_of_speech antonym adj.all(3743) adj.pert(3665) adj.ppl(60) adj.all(3743) adj.pert(3665) adj.ppl(60) lexical_domain Synset1 Synset2 part_of_speech AdjSense (3872) adj.all(3758) adj.pert(98) adj.ppl(16) adjective LexicalSense1 antonym LexicalSense2 • Heads 是Synsets,part_of_speech为adjective;lexical_domain为adj.all; • 3743个Heads中有2506个Heads有similar属性; • 3743个Heads中存在7个Heads的LexicalSense都没有antonym属性。

advPertainsToAdj_sate Pertainym属性 adjective Synset part_of_speech noun adjPertainsToAdj adjPertainsToNoun 3739 34 LexicalSense LexicalSense LexicalSense Synset adverb Adjective_satellite adjective part_of_speech advPertainsToAdj advPertainsToAdj_sate 1239 2013

Participle属性 participle属性只作用在ppl中的LexicalSense(共76个) adjective verb adj.ppl part_of_speech part_of_speech lexical_domain Synset Synset reference reference participle LexicalSense LexicalSense participle属性只作用在ppl中的LexicalSense(共76个) ppl中只有3个LexicalSense没有participle属性 Participle取值唯一

adjposition adjposition取值唯一 adjposition attributive | immediately_postnominal | predicate 有adjpostion的LexicalSense总共有1054个:adjSense(86)、adj_satelliteSense(968) adjSense(86)中lexical_domain为adj.pert(2);为adj.all(84) 没有发现(结构上)仅仅adjectivepostion不同的LexicalSense存在 adjposition取值唯一 reference LexicalSense Synset AdjectivePosition adj.all/adj.pert adj/adj_Satellite part_of_speech adjectiveposition

Phrase基本架构 rdf:type idiom PhraseType phrase_type part_of_speech phrase LexicalEntry(361) LexicalSense Synset(361) part_of_speech phrase adj.all phrase_type lexical_domain idiom PhraseType rdf:type antonym

Verbs in WordNet verb part_of_speech entail(408) cause(221) • hypernym、entail、cause两两互不相交;但是,hyponym与entail存在2个相交 hypernym(13251) (+troponym?) verb part_of_speech entail(408) cause(221) Synset LexicalSense1 LexicalSense2 antonym 5个缺失 Literal verb_frame_sentence lexical_domain(15) verb_group hyponym lexical_domain rise-v The moon will soon %s verb_frame_sentence wax-v The moon will soon %s verb_frame_sentence disappear-v The moon will soon %s verb_frame_sentence
