Positive Psychology (积极心理学)


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Presentation transcript:

Positive Psychology (积极心理学) Dr. Randee L. Sanders 7/6/18

What is Positive Psychology? (什么是积极心理学?) “the scientific study of what makes life most worth living” Christopher Peterson(“让生命最值得活下去的科学研究”) “the scientific study of positive human functioning and flourishing on multiple levels that include the biological, personal, relational, institutional, cultural, and global dimensions of life“ – Martin Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi(对积极的人类功能和多层次繁荣的科学性研 究,包括生命的生物、个人、关系、制度、文化和全球维度) In response to the tradition psychology field that focused on “mental illness.” This focused on Positive psychology complements, without intending to replace or ignore, the traditional areas of psychology. By emphasizing the study of positive human development this field helps to balance other approaches that focus on disorder, and which may produce only limited understanding(针对传统心理学 领域关注“精神疾病”的问题,积极心理学关注的是互补方面,而不是试图取代或忽略传统的心理学领域。通过强调对积极人类发展的研究,这一领域有助 于平衡其他关注疾病的方法,那些方法可能只能产生有限的理解。) Wikipedia 2018

Origins of Positive Psychology (积极心理学的起源) (参与) Martin Seligman’s PERMA (马丁的PERMA模型) (关系) (幸福理论) (积极情绪) (活力) (意义) (成就) Martin Seligman’s, Flourish, 2011

Positive Emotions (积极情绪) Positive emotions are an essential part of our well-being. Happy people look back on the past with delight; look into the future with hope; and they enjoy and cherish the present. (积极情绪是我们幸福的重要组成部分。快乐的人带着喜 悦回顾过去; 带着希望展望未来; 他们享受并珍惜现在。) Formula: The Past is history, the Future is a mystery and the Present is a gift. (公式: 过去是历史,未来是神秘,现在是礼 物。) Enjoy your gifts daily(享受每一天的礼物) Martin Seligman’s, Flourish, 2011

How to Increase Positive Emotions (如何增加积极情绪) (3种方法增加积极情绪:) Gratitude – Be Thankful(感恩-感谢他人) Affirmations – Speak positivity over your life(肯定-在生活中说积极的话) Live in the Present – Enjoy each day as if it were your last(活在当下-享受每一天,就像它是你的最后一天)

Martin Seligman’s, Flourish, 2011 Engagement (参与) When you focus on doing the things you truly enjoy and care about, you can begin to engage completely with the present moment and enter the state of being known as “flow.” (当你专注于做你真正喜欢和关心的事情时,你会开始全身心地投入到当下,进入一种被称为“心流”的状态。) Martin Seligman’s, Flourish, 2011

Engagement Activity (参与活动) Take a moment and reflect on the following statements: (花点时间思考一下如下表达:) I feel most alive, most engaged, most proud of my involvement when… (当我参与……时我感到最有活力、最投入、最自豪。) What I believe most excites and energizes me is… (我相信最让我兴奋和充满活力的是……) My strengths are… (我的优势是……) Martin Seligman’s, Flourish, 2011

Martin Seligman’s, Flourish, 2011 Relationships (关系) We enhance our well-being and share it with others by building strong relations with people around us – family, friends, coworkers, neighbors. Everyone needs someone (每个人都需要别人) (通过与我们周围的人—家人、朋友、同事、邻居—建立牢固的关系 来提高我们的幸福感,并把这种幸福感与他人分享。) (人与人之间的联系是我们存在的最重要方面。 没有别人甜蜜的接触,我们就像空虚宇宙中孤独的星星, 等待着光芒灿烂地闪耀。) Martin Seligman’s, Flourish, 2011

Who is in your Tribe of Five? (谁是你的五大同伴?) According to Motivational speaker Jim Rohn, we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. This relates to the Law of Averages, which is the theory that the result of any given situation will be the average of all outcomes. We are influenced in all aspects of life by these individuals. (根据激励性演讲者Jim Rohn的说法,我们是我们花最多时间相处的五个人的平均水平。这与平均值定律有关,它是指任何给定情况下的结果都是所有结果的平均值。我们在生活的各个方面都受到这些人的影响。) Who is in your Tribe of Five? (谁是你的五大同伴?) List the people you have built strong relations with. It can be a combination of family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, partners, associates, etc.(列出与你建立了牢固关系的人。可以是家人、朋友、同事、邻居、伙伴、合作人等的组合。) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Groth, A. (2012). You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

Martin Seligman’s, Flourish, 2011 Meaning (意义) We are at our best when we dedicate time to something greater than ourselves. This might be religious faith, community work, family, politics, charity affiliations, and a professional or creative goal. 我要去哪? 我在做什么? 我的人生有什么意义? (当我们把时间投入在比我们自己更伟大的事情上时, 我们会处于最佳状态。) (这可能是宗教信仰、社区工作、家庭、政治、慈善组织, 以及专业或创造性的目标。) Martin Seligman’s, Flourish, 2011

Meaning Activity (有意义的活动) How are you adding meaning to your life? (你如何为你的生命增添意义?) 意义不是你偶然发现的东西,就像谜语的答案或寻宝的奖品。意义是你在生命中构建的东西。你用你的过去,你的感情和忠诚,人类传递给你的经验,你自己的才华和理解,你相信的事情,你爱的东西和人,你愿意为此作出牺牲的价值观来构建意义。元素都在这儿。你是唯一一个可以将它们整合成独特模式的人,那就是你的人生。让它成为一种对你而言有尊严和意义的人生吧! 不要问生命的意义是什么。 --你来定义。

“I did it, and I did it well!” Accomplishment (成就)  Everyone needs to win sometimes. To achieve well-being and happiness, we must be able to look back on our lives with a sense of accomplishment and say “I did it, and I did it well!” 有时每个人都需要胜利。为了获得幸福和快乐,我们必须能够带着一种成就感来回顾我们的生活, 并说“我做到了,而且我做得很好!”

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed Think about one of your biggest accomplishments. How are you feeling?  (思考一个你最大的成就,感觉如何?) 我最大的成就 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed

Tips for Overall Well-Being (提升总体幸福感小窍门) 接受你自己 保持联系 做一个乐观主义者 练习专注力 运动 寻找目标 幸福小窍门 表达感恩 拥有希望 掌控你的环境

Five Habits to Practice Daily (日常练习的5个习惯) Practice a New Gratitude Journal for Two Minutes Fifteen Minutes of Fun Focus on Deep Breathing Reach Out and Connect 练习一种新的感恩 2分钟的日记 15分钟的娱乐 关注深呼吸 接触外界并产生联系 These Photos by Unknown Author is licensed

Resources on Positive Psychology (积极心理学的相关资源) Flourish by Martin Seligman《繁荣》 Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids by Carol McCloud and David Messing《你今天装满水桶了吗?-孩子们的日常快乐指南》 Positivity: Top-Notch Research Reveals the 3 to 1 Ratio That Will Change Your Life by Barbara Fredrickson《积极:一流研究揭示改变你生活的3:1定律》 StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath《优势发现者2.0》 The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work by Shawn Achor《快乐的优势:积极心理学的7个原则——工作成功和高效的助推器》 The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky《快乐的方式》

References (参考文献) Peterson, C. (2008). What Is Positive Psychology, and What Is It Not? Groth, A. (2012). You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. http://www.businessinsider.com/jim-rohn-youre-the-average-of-the-five- people-you-spend-the-most-time-with-2012-7 Seligman, M. E. P. (2013). Flourish: A visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being. Seligman, M.E.P.; Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000). "Positive Psychology: An introduction," American Psychologist, 55 (1): 5–14. Wikipedia contributors. (2018, May 15). Positive psychology. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 20:10, June 29, 2018, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Positive_psychology&oldid=841303 124

Feel free to contact me: Dr. Randee L. Sanders School of Business Email: rsanders@ncu.edu