中五級 資訊科技科 3.4.1互聯網.


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Presentation transcript:

中五級 資訊科技科 3.4.1互聯網

教學重點 認識互聯網的發展 分辨內聯網和互聯網 研究典型學校內聯網的功能 認識連接互聯網的必要組成部分 介紹傳輸控制協議/互聯網協議的 認識網域名稱系統和路由器 認識代理伺服器和防火墻

參考 http://www.pbs.org/internet/timeline/index.html 互聯網的歷史 參考 http://www.pbs.org/internet/timeline/index.html 1962 - The RAND Corporation begins research into robust, distributed communication networks for military command and control. 1962- RAND公司開始研究更強大的通訊網絡,用以加強軍事上的控制。 1962 ~ 1969 – The Internet is first conceived in the early '60s. Under the leadership of the Department of Defense's Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA), it grows from a paper architecture into a small network (ARPANET) intended to promote the sharing of super-computers amongst researchers in the US. 1962~1969 – 互聯網早於60年代初期開始有人構思。在美國國防部的領導下,這個概念開始實施,成為一個小型的網絡系統(ARPANET),開始分享研究。

互聯網的歷史 1965- ARPANET正式啟用於「高級研究計畫協會」。 1965 - The DOD's Advanced Research Project Association begins work on 'ARPANET' 1965- ARPANET正式啟用於「高級研究計畫協會」。 1969 - ARPANET connects first 4 universities in the United States. Researchers at four US campuses create the first hosts of the ARPANET, connecting Stanford Research Institute, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah. 1969 – ARAPNET聯系了首4所美國的大學,並於4個學園設立ARAPNET主機。 1970 ~ 1973 - The ARPANET is a success from the very beginning. Although originally designed to allow scientists to share data and access remote computers, email quickly becomes the most popular application. The ARPANET becomes a high-speed digital post office as people use it to collaborate on research projects and discuss topics of various interests. 1970~1973 – ARPANET相當成功,快捷的電子郵件極受歡迎,很多人用以協作研究、討論等,將之視作一電子郵局。

互聯網的歷史 1971 – ARPANET成長至聯系了23台主機,包括大學和一些政府研究中心。 1971 - The ARPANET grows to 23 hosts connecting universities and government research centers around the country. 1971 – ARPANET成長至聯系了23台主機,包括大學和一些政府研究中心。 1973 - The ARPANET goes international with connections to University College in London, England and the Royal Radar Establishment in Norway. 1973 – ARPANET衝出美國,開始與英國、挪威的大學聯系。 1974 ~ 1981 - The general public gets its first vague hint of how networked computers can be used in daily life as the commercial version of the ARPANET goes online. The ARPANET starts to move away from its military/research roots. 1974~1981 – ARPANET開始滲入商業元素,走出軍事和學術的範疇。 1979 - USENET was started; newsgroups emerged. 1979 – USENET開始提供新聞組服務。

互聯網的歷史 1981 – ARPANET成長至聯系了213台主機,平均每20日增加一台主機。 1981 - ARPANET has 213 hosts. A new host is added approximately once every 20 days. 1981 – ARPANET成長至聯系了213台主機,平均每20日增加一台主機。 1982 - The term 'Internet' is used for the first time. 1982 – “INTERNET”這個名詞正式被使用。 1983 - TCP/IP becomes the universal language of the Internet. 1983 – TCP/IP正式成為互聯網的普及語言。 1984 - The number of Internet hosts exceeds 1,000. 1984 – 互聯網主機數量超越1,000。 1985 - Internet e-mail and newsgroups now part of life at many universities. 1985 – 電子郵件和新聞組漸成為許多大學生生活的一部份。

互聯網的歷史 1987 - The number of Internet hosts exceeds 10,000. 1987 –互聯網主機數量超越10,000。 1988 ~ 1990 - By 1988 the Internet is an essential tool for communications, however it also begins to create concerns about privacy and security in the digital world. New words, such as "hacker," "cracker" and" electronic break-in", are created. 1988~1990 –互聯網成為溝通的主要工具,但私隱、保安等問題亦開始受重視,“駭客”、“解碼” 和 “入侵”等字眼相繼出現。 1989 - The number of Internet hosts exceeds 100,000. 1989 –互聯網主機數量超越100,000。 1990 - A happy victim of its own unplanned, unexpected success, the ARPANET is decommissioned, leaving only the vast network-of-networks called the Internet. The number of hosts exceeds 300,000. 1990 –ARPANET正式退役,由互聯網取代;互聯網主機數量超越300,000。

互聯網的歷史 1991 –萬維網 (全球資訊網) 誕生。 1991 - The World Wide Web is born! 1991 –萬維網 (全球資訊網) 誕生。 1991 - Traffic on the NSF backbone network exceeds 1 trillion bytes per month. 1991 –NSF網絡主幹的數據流量超過每月1,000,000,000,000 bytes。 1992 - The first audio and video broadcasts take place over a portion of the Internet known as the "MBONE." More than 1,000,000 hosts are part of the Internet. 1992 – 第一次影音於網上出現,名為 “MBONE”;主機數量超越1,000,000。 1993 - Mosaic, the first graphics-based Web browser, becomes available. Traffic on the Internet expands at a 341,634% annual growth rate. 1993 – 第一次個以圖形為本的瀏覽器終於出現;網上的數據流量每年上升341,634%。

互聯網的歷史 1994 –主幹的數據流量超過每月10,000,000,000,000 bytes。 「網景」進入瀏覽器市場。 1994 - Backbone traffic exceeds 10 trillion bytes per month. Netscape begin to committed to the Internet。 1994 –主幹的數據流量超過每月10,000,000,000,000 bytes。 「網景」進入瀏覽器市場。 1995 – Microsoft begin to committed to the Internet。 1995 - 「微軟」進入瀏覽器市場。 1996 - As the Internet celebrates its 25th anniversary. Users in almost 150 countries around the world are now connected to the Internet. Nearly 10 million hosts online. The Internet covers the globe. Approximately 40 million people are connected to the Internet. More than $1 billion per year changes hands at Internet shopping malls. 1996 –互聯網25周年紀念,全球超過150個國家已上網,主機數量接近10,000,000,互聯網真正全球化。約40,000000人上網,每年在電子商貿上流通的金額超過1億。

互聯網的歷史 Within 30 years, the Internet has grown from a Cold War concept for controlling the tattered remains of a post-nuclear society to the Information Superhighway. Just as the railroads of the 19th century enabled the Machine Age, and revolutionized the society of the time, the Internet takes us into the Information Age, and profoundly affects the world in which we live. 30年之內,互聯網由“冷戰”時期為核戰預備開始,發展出一條資訊高速公路。由19世紀鐵路帶領機械時代的出現,互聯網帶領另一次的社會時代革命,將人類正式帶入一個資訊年代。 另一參考網址 http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~csc1720/lecture.notes/history/history/index.html

互聯網的歷史 – 一些統計數字 參考網址 http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~csc1720/lecture.notes/history/statistics/index.html At January 2000, there are 72,398,092 hosts connecting to the Internet. 2000年1月,互聯網主機數量為72,398,092。 At June 2000, there are 17,119,262 web servers. 2000年6月,有17,119,262台網頁伺服器。 At July 1997, there are 1,301,000 domains. 1997年7月,有1,301,000個網域名稱。 At July 1997, there are 171 countries connecting to the Internet. 1997年7月,有171個國家聯繫上網。





互聯網的發展 (動畫) 完成 工作紙3.4.1.1a 根據現下趨勢,估計互聯網未來有甚麼發展。 http://www.dmedia.com.hk/c_edu/flash/3_4_a1.htm 完成 工作紙3.4.1.1a 根據現下趨勢,估計互聯網未來有甚麼發展。 更為普及,更多國家,更多人上網; 解決頻寬問題,多媒體應用越來越普及; 無線技術日漸成熟,隨時隨地可以上網; 更趨商業化,保安問題解決,電子商貿更普及; 互聯網提供更多元化服務,eg.電影、租用軟件; ……………。

內聯網 參考網址 http://www.learnthenet.com/english/html/41intra.htm 內聯網有著許多和互聯網相用的特性,當中只有一個基礎的分別,(就是對內和對外,但不是以空間而言,是以功能而喻)。 內聯網可視作一個迷你的互聯網,主要存在目的卻局限於某一「組織」內。 內聯網基本可以說是「私家地方」。

內聯網 通常內聯網都設有「登入」的設定,以驅別使用者的權限。 內聯網雖然是「私人地方」,但其通常亦提供了使用互聯網的功能,為了分隔開內聯網和互聯網,便需要利用到「防火牆」。 後文會更詳細討論……

Internet VS Intranet 其實﹐最早出現的名詞應該是 Internet﹐然後人民將 Internet 的概念和技巧引入到內部的私人網路﹐可以是獨立的一個 LAN 也可以是專屬的 WAN ﹐於是就稱為 Intranet 了。它們之間的最大分別是﹕開放性。Internet 是開放的﹐不屬於任何人﹐只要能連接得到, 您就屬於其中一員﹐也就能獲得上面開放的資源﹔相對而言﹐Intranet 則是專屬的﹑非開放的﹐它往往存在於於私有網路之上﹐只是其結構和服務方式和設計﹐都參考 Internet 的模式而已。 http://www.study-area.org/network/networkfr1.htm

研究典型學校內聯網的功能 完成 工作紙3.4.1.1b 參考Schoolteam的功能 http://download.schoolteam.net/UserManual/Chinese/plus_help.htm 完成 工作紙3.4.1.1b