PART FOUR: Significance and impact of SWPRP


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Presentation transcript:

PART FOUR: Significance and impact of SWPRP

推动促进了中国政府“八七计划”的进程,极大的改善了中国最贫困地区最贫困人口的生产生活条件。 It boosted the progression of “ the Seven-year Priority Poverty Alleviation Program” and greatly improved the living and production environment of the poorest in the poorest regions in China.

借鉴国际反贫困经验,总结形成了一些符合中国贫困地区实际的扶贫开发模式 International and local experiences are combined to form poverty reduction models fit well in China’s context. 西南项目创造的经验,特别是大规模减贫的经验,与5月上海全球扶贫大会的主题完全一致。 Experiences gained from the Southwest Project, especially experience on scaling up poverty reduction, have been chosen by the World Bank as the main topic for the Global Conference on Poverty Reduction in Shanghai this May. 世行方面高度肯定西南项目,随着项目的实施,中国政府与世界银行又陆续开展了秦巴、西部和四期扶贫项目。 The World Bank also highly recognizes the project. With the implementation of Southwest Project, the Chinese government and the World Bank have also collaborated on several other poverty reduction projects, including Qinba and Western, and Poverty IV projects. 这些经验不仅得到了当地政府的高度重视,而且许多已在全国推广,有些成为《中国农村扶贫开发纲要(2001-2010年)》的政策要点 These valuable experiences, not only stressed by the Chinese government, have been replicated nationwide and served the base for development of some key policies of the Framework for Chinese Rural Poverty Reduction (2001--2010). 统一规划,分年实施,综合治理,联片开发;村为基础,整村推进;参与式扶贫,可持续发展;等等 a uniform planning, implementing year by year, multi-sectoral attack on poverty, village plans, participatory approach to poverty reduction and sustainable development.

对一些富有挑战性的扶贫方式进行了有益的尝试,探索了新的道路 Exploration has been made into some new and challenging ways of poverty reduction. 这些项目都取得了不同程度的成功,为中国农村日后出现的大规模劳务输出、小额信贷、新型农村合作医疗制度和城市扶贫积累了重要的经验。 Most of the projects have achieved success to some extent, and also has accumulated valuable experience for the future expansion of projects such as microfinance, large-scale labor mobility and new rural cooperative health initiatives in rural areas as well as urban poverty reduction. 小额信贷项目,劳务输出项目,农村合作医疗项目,以及利用硬贷款扶贫项目 microfinance project, labor mobility project, rural cooperative health project and poverty reduction by using Hard-loan

提高了贫困地区干部群众的综合素质,培养锻炼了一支战斗力强的扶贫工作队伍 It has helped to developed human resources in local areas and build up a strong poverty alleviation team. 培训了管理人员、财务人员、监测人员、技术人员等等 共1000多人 To have trained more 1000 staffs about management, financial, monitoring and technical 不仅在西南项目中发挥了重要作用,而且成为中国农村和扶贫工作的骨干力量,这是西南项目留下的最宝贵的一笔财富。 They not only have played an essential role in the southwest project, but also have become the core staff in rural work and poverty reduction effort in China. This is the most valuable legacy that the project has left behind.

It has promoted the opening up of poverty-stricken areas. 推动和促进了贫困地区的对外开放 It has promoted the opening up of poverty-stricken areas. 西南项目改变了以往扶贫单纯依靠国内资金的传统方式,开创了国内扶贫机构与国际组织相结合,国内扶贫资金与国际组织援助相结合的扶贫开发新格局。 The project has innovated a model, with which the traditional way of funding poverty reduction projects from domestic sources alone has been changed, and set a new way of collaboration between Chinese organizations and international organizations and integrating domestic funds with international assistance. 项目的成功实施,扩大了项目区对内、对外的广泛交流与合作,提供了招商引资的机会。 The successful implementation of the project has expanded internal and external exchange and cooperation for the project areas and has provided new opportunities for businesses and further investments.

实践证明,世行西南扶贫项目取得了巨大成功,项目的设计、实施以及取得的效果,充分体现了中国政府提出的以人为本、科学全面的发展观,贫困地区和贫困人口成为项目最大的受益者。项目探索的大规模减贫的扶贫模式,可以在中国贫困地区和其他发展中国家推广 As the practice has shown, the WB Southwest Poverty Alleviation Project is a great success. Its design, implementation and result are all in line with the human-based, scientific and comprehensive view of development advocated by the Chinese government. Poverty-afflicted areas and population are the biggest beneficiary of the project. The large-scale poverty reduction model employed in the project can be replicated in other regions of China and in other developing countries.