教會建堂計劃 Church Building Project


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Presentation transcript:

教會建堂計劃 Church Building Project CBCWLA April 18, 2010

回顧 Looking back

會堂簡史 A short history of the church building April 29, 1973: 洛杉磯西區華語浸信會遷入目前的堂址,在餐廳舉行主日崇拜。CBCWLA moved to the current address, met in the dinning room for Sunday services. Sep. 29, 1974: 開始在二層樓的大堂做禮拜 Begin to worship in the sanctuary of the two-story building

近期發展 Recent development July, 2008:與企劃經理楊幸浩弟兄及建築師蕭司提反弟兄會面 Met with project manager brother Scott Yang and architect brother Steven Hsiao. Sep. 28, 2008:會員大會以超過三分之二的票數通過建堂。The motion to build a new church building was passed by over 2/3 votes in a members’ meeting.

Jan. 2009:向市政府提出建築申請 The building plan was submitted to the L.A. city。 Sep. 3, 2009:舉行公聽會 Public hearing. April 9, 2010:收到建築許可 Received permit (CUP) from the Department of City Planning。

新舊比較 A comparison between the old and new

舊堂 Old 新堂 New 總面積 total area 7,300 sf 14,200 sf 大堂 sanctuary 副堂 overflow room 1,525 sf 375 sf 3,182 sf 教室 classrooms 8 間 rooms, 2,240 sf 12 間 rooms, 4,310 sf 餐廳 dinning room 875 sf 1,417 sf 辦公室 offices 3 間 rooms, 400 sf 5 間 rooms, 740 sf 車位 parking 21 44

舊堂 old building 新堂 new building A203 (嬰) 290 sf 206 274 sf A205 (大) 730 sf 207 251 sf A206 110 sf 208 253 sf A207 (圖) 250 sf 209 258 sf A208 210 280 sf A210 211 969 sf B101 (牧) 182 sf 306 241 sf C101 (彩) 448 sf 307 244 sf 308 232 sf 309 225 sf 310 177 sf 311 906 sf Total 2,240 sf 4,310 sf

關於財務 About the money

建堂預算 Building project estimate 總額 total cost $3,885,200 建築費 construction $3,172,500 軟性項目 soft cost (建築師,工程師,市政府..) $ 359,500 預備費 contingency $ 353,200

我們的財務狀況 Our financial situation 我們所有的 what we have: $1,913,000 可動用資產 total usable asset:1,572,000 未履行認獻 Unfulfilled pledge: 341,000 我們需要的 what we need: $3,691,000 建堂預算 project estimate: 3,885,200 已付款額 already paid: 194,200 不足款額 what we’re short of: $1,778,000

建堂認獻與奉獻 Building pledge and offering 已履行 fulfilled: $142,905 未履行 unfulfilled: $341,175 奉獻 offering: $129,881 總數 total: $613,961 尚需 still need: $1,778,000

感謝主,我們已經獲得了建築許可。Praise the Lord, we already got the CUP (conditional use permit). 是否可以動工,在於是否能夠籌到足夠的款項。When will the construction begin? That depends on when we will raise enough fund.

前瞻 Looking forward

估計日期表 Estimated Timeline 開工日期 :2011年1月15日 Construction begins: Jan. 15, 2011 施工期間 :19個月 Construction period: 19 months 完工日期:2012年8月15日 Completion date: Aug. 15, 2012

預備工作 Preparation 籌款(進行中)Fund raising (in progress) 當快要籌足款項,則需尋找聚會場地 When enough fund is almost raised, then we need to find a meeting place 教堂 church 學校 school 商業用地 commercial property 清理會堂 Clear up the old building

建堂的三個原則 Three principles of building project Faith:信心的原則 The Principle of Faith Focus:專注的原則 The Principle of Focus Finance:財務的原則 The Principle of Finance

信心的原則 The principle of faith 以信心祈禱 Pray in faith 以信心奉獻 Give offerings in faith 以信心與神同工 Work with God in faith

專注的原則 The principle of focus 專注於敬拜神 Focus on worship 專注於傳福音 Focus on evangelism 專注於造就門徒 Focus on discipleship

財務的原則 The principle of finance 建堂的款項,主要是來自於弟兄姊妹的奉獻 The project will be funded mainly through the offerings of Christians. 不用世俗的方法籌款 We won’t use worldly methods to raise fund. 不會大量貸款,造成教會的負擔 We won’t burden the church by getting a big loan.

有關建堂奉獻 Regarding offering for building project 這是十一奉獻之外額外的奉獻 It’s an extra offering beyond your tithes. 可以先認獻,再奉獻 You may pledge first and give the offering later. 各人按著心中的感動,甘心樂意的奉獻 Give willingly and gladly according to what God presses on your heart.