让赞美飞扬 Let Praise Arise
在这美丽的时刻 As we come into this place 我们相聚在一起 As we gather face to face 神的爱拥抱着我们 We can feel His sweet embrace 神的灵充满这地 And His Spirit fills this Place 1/3
当称谢进入他的门 Let us enter His gates with thanks 当赞美进入他的院 Let us enter His courts with praise 击鼓跳舞扬声欢呼 As we dance and sing for joy 凡有气息都要赞美他 Everything that has breath worship 2/3
让赞美从四处响起 Let us arise from all the earth 让音符在空中飞舞 Let songs of worship fill the air 让我们的心向神敞开(x2) We open our hands and hearts to God (x2) 3/3
让赞美飞扬 Let Praise Arise
在这美丽的时刻 As we come into this place 我们相聚在一起 As we gather face to face 神的爱拥抱着我们 We can feel His sweet embrace 神的灵充满这地 And His Spirit fills this Place 1/3
当称谢进入他的门 Let us enter His gates with thanks 当赞美进入他的院 Let us enter His courts with praise 击鼓跳舞扬声欢呼 As we dance and sing for joy 凡有气息都要赞美他 Everything that has breath worship 2/3
让赞美从四处响起 Let us arise from all the earth 让音符在空中飞舞 Let songs of worship fill the air 让我们的心向神敞开(x2) We open our hands and hearts to God (x2) 3/3