Majesty, worship His majesty,


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Presentation transcript:

Majesty, worship His majesty,   敬拜主,敬拜全能的主, 榮耀能力,一切讚美都歸給祂。 敬拜主,敬拜權柄的主, 從祂寶座能力流出,流到萬民。  Majesty, worship His majesty, Unto Jesus be all glory power and praise, Majesty, kingdom authority, Flow from His throne unto His own, His anthem raise.

So exalt lift up on high the name of Jesus, 來高舉,一同高舉,主耶穌聖名, 來彰顯,一同彰顯,耶穌榮耀王。 敬拜主,敬拜尊貴的主, 祂曾捨命,今得榮耀, 萬王之王。 So exalt lift up on high the name of Jesus, Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus, the King. Majesty, worship His majesty, Jesus who died, now glorified, King of all Kings.

Majesty, worship His majesty,   敬拜主,敬拜全能的主, 榮耀能力,一切讚美都歸給祂。 敬拜主,敬拜權柄的主, 從祂寶座能力流出,流到萬民。  Majesty, worship His majesty, Unto Jesus be all glory power and praise, Majesty, kingdom authority, Flow from His throne unto His own, His anthem raise.

So exalt lift up on high the name of Jesus, 來高舉,一同高舉,主耶穌聖名, 來彰顯,一同彰顯,耶穌榮耀王。 敬拜主,敬拜尊貴的主, 祂曾捨命,今得榮耀, 萬王之王。 X 3 So exalt lift up on high the name of Jesus, Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus, the King. Majesty, worship His majesty, Jesus who died, now glorified, King of all Kings.

我要跳舞讚美主 / I will dance, celebrate I will dance, celebrate x 3 向主歌唱 X 2 I will dance, celebrate x 3 Sing to the Lord X 2

With my voice to praise You With my heart to love You *用我口讚美祢 用我心來愛祢 生命中每個氣息 我要用來讚美祢 **哦 我神 祢真配得 With my voice to praise You With my heart to love You Every single breath I breathe I will use to praise the Lord  Oh my God You are worthy

我要跳舞讚美主 / I will dance, celebrate I will dance, celebrate x 3 向主歌唱 X 2 I will dance, celebrate x 3 Sing to the Lord X 2

With my voice to praise You With my heart to love You *用我口讚美祢 用我心來愛祢 生命中每個氣息 我要用來讚美祢 **哦 我神 祢真配得 X 3 With my voice to praise You With my heart to love You Every single breath I breathe I will use to praise the Lord  Oh my God You are worthy

One thing have I desire in my life ,Lord , 深深愛祢 / Deeper In Love 我生命中最渴望的一件事 切慕祢單單尋求祢 用我全心全意 用我全力愛祢 敬拜祢 讓祢榮耀充滿全地 One thing have I desire in my life ,Lord , To thirst and hunger after You alone. With all my heart and soul, with all my strength and love, to worship as Your glory fill this place.

I love You more than anything in life. *深深愛祢 耶穌 深深愛祢 耶穌 我愛祢超越生命中一切 深深愛祢 耶穌 深深愛祢 耶穌 **哦 我愛祢耶穌 Deeper in love with You, deeper in love with You, I love You more than anything in life. Oh how I love You Lord.

One thing have I desire in my life ,Lord , 深深愛祢 / Deeper In Love 我生命中最渴望的一件事 切慕祢單單尋求祢 用我全心全意 用我全力愛祢 敬拜祢 讓祢榮耀充滿全地 One thing have I desire in my life ,Lord , To thirst and hunger after You alone. With all my heart and soul, with all my strength and love, to worship as Your glory fill this place.

I love You more than anything in life. *深深愛祢 耶穌 深深愛祢 耶穌 我愛祢超越生命中一切 深深愛祢 耶穌 深深愛祢 耶穌 **哦 我愛祢耶穌 X 3 Deeper in love with You, deeper in love with You, I love You more than anything in life. Oh how I love You Lord.