Unit 7 We will go by train Module 4 Travel 指导:市教育研究院 赵淑红


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 7 We will go by train Module 4 Travel 指导:市教育研究院 赵淑红 义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册 Module 4 Travel Unit 7 We will go by train Period 2 广 州 市 小 学 英 语 教 研 会 广州市小学英语中心组 指导:市教育研究院 赵淑红 制作:天河区体育西路小学 王 俊 审校:南沙区榄核小学 卢 锦

Unit 7 第2课时教学内容: 课文及词条 Unit 7 第2课时教学目标: 1、熟练掌握词条中的交通工具及地点词组,并学习新词exciting 2、复习巩固where/how/when/what句型,练习who句型 3、能理解并流利朗读Let’s talk中的对话。

Free talk. 1. Do you like travelling? 2. Where are you going for your holiday?

Ask and answer We are going to travel to ____________. Hainan Island Where are you going to travel? How will you travel? We are going to travel to ____________. Hainan Island We will travel to ___________ by ____. Hainan Island ship

Look and Say We are going to travel to __________________. Where are you going to travel? How will you travel? We are going to travel to __________________. Window of the World We will travel to _________________ by ____. Window of the World taxi

Look and Say We are going to travel to _________. Hong Kong Where are you going to travel? How will you travel? We are going to travel to _________. Hong Kong We will travel to _________ by ____. Hong Kong train

Look and Say We are going to travel to _________. Hangzhou Where are you going to travel? How will you travel? We are going to travel to _________. Hangzhou We will travel to _________ by ____. Hangzhou bus

Look and Say We are going to ______________. Guangzhou library Where are you going to travel? How will you travel? We are going to ______________. Guangzhou library We will go to ______________ _____. Guangzhou library on foot

1、看主题图,问答,学生问,学生答,预测Ben的计划。 Let's guess 1、看主题图,问答,学生问,学生答,预测Ben的计划。

2、问What do you want to know about his plan列出学生提的问题。 Let's ask: 2、问What do you want to know about his plan列出学生提的问题。 Where is Ben going to travel? Who will travel with Ben? How will he go there? What is he going to do there? When will he leave? When will he come back home? How does Ben feel about the travelling?

3、学生看图回答部分问题,看图回答不了的听课文完成信息点。 Let's look: 3、学生看图回答部分问题,看图回答不了的听课文完成信息点。

He is going to visit Window of the Let's answer: 3、学生看图回答部分问题,看图回答不了的听课文完成信息点。 Where is Ben going to travel? Who will travel with Ben? How will he go there? What is he going to do there? When will he leave? When will he come back home? How does Ben feel about the travelling? He is going to Shenzhen. He will go by train. He is going to visit Window of the World and Happy Valley.

Let's learn: Where is Ben going to travel? Who will travel with Ben? 4、阅读完成表格,同时学习新词。 Where is Ben going to travel? Who will travel with Ben? How will he go there? What is he going to do there? When will he leave? When will he come back home? How does Ben feel about the travelling? He is going to Shenzhen. He is going with his family. He will go by train. He is going to visit Window of the World and Happy Valley. He will leave on October 2nd. He will come back home on October 4th. He can’t wait. It’s very exciting.

Let's read: Do you have any plans for the holiday? 5、自读课文,找出课文的问句和相应的答语,实现人称的转换。 6、看表格复述课文。 Do you have any plans for the holiday? How will you go there? What will you do in Shenzhen? When will you come back home? Yes. I will go travelling with my family. We are going to Shenzhen. We will go by train. We will leave on October 2nd. We are going to visit Window of the World and I want to go to Happy Valley. We will come back home on October 4th.

Let's read: 7、多形式读课文:跟读;齐读;分角色读等。

Let's read: I will go travelling with my family. We will go by train. We will leave on October 2nd. We will come back home on October 4th. We are going to Shenzhen. We are going to visit Window of the World. will对于未经过考虑的打算,计划,只是临时之意 be going to对于事先经过考虑的打算、计划

1、听读课文。 2、仿照课文写对话。


It is . exciting ex ci ting 温馨提示: 第一步,描述人excited.

Going swimming is exciting. She is excited. Why? Going swimming is exciting. She is excited. Why? Getting money is exciting. excited:人的心情很兴奋 exciting:事情令人兴奋

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