IPC SERIES 3000 Super Nickel Alloy Coating IPC 3000系列超级镍合金镀层


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IPC SERIES 3000 Super Nickel Alloy Coating IPC 3000系列超级镍合金镀层 1

IPC SERIES 3000 Super Nickel Alloy Coating 超级镍合金镀层的力学性能取决于在镀层中磷的含量 Mechanical properties of the super nickel alloys are dependent upon the amount of phosphorus in the deposit. 许多镍镀层的性能和镀镍工艺是相互关联的,在S3000镀层中也是如此。改变某一个性能常常也会使其它不同的性能发生改变 Many of the properties of the nickel deposits and the nickel coating processes used to deposit them are interrelated and apply to Series 3000 in general terms. Changing one property will often change a different property. 比如:通过对镀层的热处理可以提高镀层的硬度,但同时会 降低镀层的防腐性能 For example, maximizing deposit hardness through a post plating heat treatment will reduce the corrosion resistance of the deposit. 在评估实际性能时,有时候要用一种不同的性能指标来度量 Sometimes a different property is evaluated for the actual one desired 两种性能之间存在一定的相关性,用较实用的检测方法测试其中一种性能来表征另一种性能 There is relationship between the two properties and a more practical test method exists for the substitute. 例如在一些要求量度磨损性能的时候,用测硬度的方法来代替测量磨损性能。因为通常情况下镀层的硬度和抗磨损之间有关联性,而硬度的测定被认为是更实用的方法。 For example, in some wear applications, hardness tests are often used as a substitute test method. Typically, deposit hardness has some relationship to wear resistance and deposit hardness testing may be considered a more practical test. 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd.

Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. IPC SERIES 3000 Engineering Properties Not an electroplated process . . . 工程性能,非电镀… 照片中的这些工件的化学镀镀层厚度小于5um(0.2密耳), 如果要达到相同防腐性能,电镀的镀层厚度要大两倍才行 Items shown plated with <5m (0.0002”) would require twice the thickness of Electrodeposited nickel for equivalent corrosion protection 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. ©1999 American Electroplaters & Surface Finishers Society, Inc. 2-99 3

Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. IPC SERIES 3000 Super Nickel Alloy Coating IPC3000系列超级镍合金是IPC专有的镀层工艺,经过了两年的研发和生产实践的探索 IPC Series 3000 Super Nickel Alloy is a proprietary coating process based on two years of research and development for Exploration and Production environments. 该镀镍工艺应用了最优化的工艺过程和条件,可获得优越的镀层和基体间的结合和最佳的防腐效果 IPC Series 3000 Super Nickel Alloy process uses the best technologies to achieve superior adhesion and corrosion resistance. 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd.

Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. IPC SERIES 3000 Primary Purpose - Barrier Corrosion Resistance 主要目的-耐腐蚀屏蔽层 Zn, Cd Al Sacrificial Protection Ni, Co Ag, Cu Barrier Protection 金属腐蚀通常属于的电化学反应 Corrosion occurs when metals react electrochemically 电子的转移导致腐蚀的发生 The electron transfer is what causes corrosion. 屏蔽镀层通过形成保护层来阻止腐蚀的发生 Barrier Coatings protect by forming a protective layer IPC3000为严格意义上的保护层 IPC Series 3000 is a true barrier coating. 牺牲阳极的保护是通过自身溶解来替代基体金属的溶解来防腐 Sacrificial Coatings protect by preferentially dissolving in lieu of the substrate 如镀锌 An example would be zinc coatings 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd.

Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. IPC SERIES 3000 Primary Purpose - Barrier Corrosion Resistance 主要目的-耐腐蚀屏蔽层 必须辨明孔隙和惰性的关系(耐化学溶液) Must discern between porosity and passivity (chemical resistance). 在几乎所有的情况下,3000系列镀层提供优越的屏障防腐和耐化学溶液 In most environments Series 3000 provides superior barrier corrosion protection and chemical resistance. 镍合金防腐主要受以下几个方面的影响: Corrosion protection of nickel alloys is governed by: Nickel chemistry/operation 镍合金成分和镀镍工艺 Deposit thickness 镀层厚度 Substrate condition/pretreatment 基体的状况和预处理情况 Post treatment 镀后处理 Environment 使用环境 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd.

Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. IPC SERIES 3000 Corrosion Protection Coating Thickness Requirements Minimum Deposit Thickness Requirements for Ni-P Alloy Deposits For Ferrous Substrates Deposit Thickness (µm) minimum Application Examples 0.1 Diffusion barrier, undercoat, electrical conductivity, wear and minimal corrosion protection in specialized environments 5 Light load lubricated wear, indoor corrosion protection, soldering and mild abrasive wear 13 Industrial atmospheric exposure on steel substrates in a dry or oiled environments 25 Non-marine outdoor exposure, or exposure to alkali salts and moderate wear 50-75 Exposure to acid solutions, elevated temperatures and pressure, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide, oil, high temperature chloride systems, very severe wear and marine immersion Source: ASTM B733 Standard Specification, American Society for Testing and Materials Annual Book of Standards, Metallic And Inorganic Coatings, Volume 2.05, (1997) pp: 454-464. ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd.

Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. IPC SERIES 3000 Corrosion Protection Coating Thickness Requirements镀层厚度要求 Ni-P合金镀层最低厚度要求(铁基体) 最低厚度 (µm) 应用环境 0.1 扩散屏蔽层, 底层镀层, 导电, 特定环境下的抗极轻微的磨损和防腐 5 低载荷有润滑磨损, 室内防腐,钎焊和中度磨蚀防护 13 暴露于工业大气环境中的干燥或涂油的钢体防护 25 非海水环境下的室外暴露,或暴露于碱性盐或中度磨损的环境 50-75 酸性环境,高温高压,硫化氢,二氧化碳,石油,高温含氯系统,严重磨损以及海水浸泡等 Source: ASTM B733 Standard Specification, American Society for Testing and Materials Annual Book of Standards, Metallic And Inorganic Coatings, Volume 2.05, (1997) pp: 454-464. ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. 8

Deposit Porosity in standard Nickel coatings IPC SERIES 3000 Corrosion Protection Deposit Porosity腐蚀防护—镀层孔隙率 在所有应用中,有超过75%的情况的腐蚀性能 取决于镀层的孔隙率 Deposit porosity dictates corrosion resistance in over 75% of all applications 相关的影响因素Highly dependent on: --镀层的合金成分和镀层操作工艺Nickel Chemistry and operation 基体的状况substrate condition 预处理pretreatment 3000系列镀层具有最少的孔隙率Series 3000 deposits offer lowest porosity of all nickel alloys 在超过1密耳厚度下镀层孔隙大大减少Deposit porosity is reduced with thickness (>1.0 mil is optimum) Deposit Porosity in standard Nickel coatings 5000X magnification 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd.

Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. IPC SERIES 3000 Corrosion Resistance Deposit Passivity耐腐蚀性能--镀层的惰性 电化学腐蚀的考虑Galvanic corrosion considerations 浓硝酸浸蚀法能够间接测量镀层的惰性 RCA nitric acid test indirectly measures passivity 热处理提高硬度的同时降低了防腐性能Heat treatment to increase hardness reduces Corrosion Resistance 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd.

Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. IPC SERIES 3000 Corrosion Performance Factors in the Plating Process 化学镀工艺的腐蚀性能指标 IPC3000 镀层能够提供最佳的防腐,主要基于:IPC Series 3000 deposits provide the best corrosion resistance due to: Lower porosity 低孔隙率 Better ductility as plated 更好的镀态延展性 Lower internal stress 较低的内应力 低磷镍镀层在碱性环境下更为有效Low phosphorous nickel deposits show advantages in alkaline environments 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd.

Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. IPC SERIES 3000 Corrosion Performance Neutral Salt Spray per ASTM B-117 按ASTM B-117中性盐雾试验的腐蚀性能 Series 3000 IPC3000镀层 25 – 50 microns25-50微米 240 – 750 hours 小时 50 microns and above 50微米以上– over 1000 hours大于1000小时 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. 13

Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. Corrosion Performance of Nickel based coatings in general 镍基镀层总体防腐性能 Kure Beach Study 日本吴港海滩研究结果(磷含量与防腐效果的关系) 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd.

IPC SERIES 3000 Super Nickel Alloy Coating Corrosion Resistance of IPC Series 3000 Alloy in various media Medium Exposure Concentration (wt. percent) Temperature °C Corrosion Resistance µm/yr Chlorine, wet 100 25 < 12.5 Chlorine, dry gas < 2.5 Exhaust Gases Reducing 260 > 25.0 Oxidizing 540 <2.5 Carbon Dioxide Crude Oil Source: R.N.Duncan, “Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Nickel for Petroleum Production Applications”, Electroless Nickel Conference II, Cincinnati, OH, March 1981 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd.

Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. IPC SERIES 3000 Super Nickel Alloy Coating IPC3000在不同介质中的防腐效果 暴露环境 浓度 (wt. percent) 温度 °C 防腐效果µm/yr 氯气,湿 100 25 < 12.5 氯气,干气体 < 2.5 尾气 还原性 260 > 25.0 氧化性 540 <2.5 CO2 原油 Source: R.N.Duncan, “Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Nickel for Petroleum Production Applications”, Electroless Nickel Conference II, Cincinnati, OH, March 1981 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. 16

IPC SERIES 3000 Super Nickel Alloy Coating Electrochemical Corrosion Comparisons Engineering Metals vs. IPC Series 3000 Coating Alloy 1% NaCl, 200 ppm H2S, saturated CO2 1% NaCl, Saturated CO2 IPC Series 3000 0.945 Standard EN coating A 2.80 1.500 Standard EN coating B 2.83 1.045 316 Stainless Steel 1.95 1.270 Nickel 200 1.97 3.690 Hastelloy 1.67 0.440 410 Stainless Steel 5.58 4.470 INCONEL 600 4.77 1.910 Monel 5.20 3.290 Source: V. Balint, J. Payer, D. Altura“Evaluation of Electroless Nickel Plate in H2S Environments-Internal Reports”, Witco-Allied Kelite R&D in cooperation with Batelle Columbus Laboratories, (1983), Summary report published World Oil, Nov 1985, Vol. 201, No.6. 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd.

Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. IPC SERIES 3000 Super Nickel Alloy Coating 工程金属材料与3000系镀层电化学腐蚀性能比较 Alloy 1% NaCl, 200 ppm H2S, saturated CO2 1% NaCl, Saturated CO2 IPC Series 3000 0.945 Standard EN coating A 2.80 1.500 Standard EN coating B 2.83 1.045 316 Stainless Steel 1.95 1.270 Nickel 200 1.97 3.690 Hastelloy哈氏合金 1.67 0.440 410 Stainless Steel 5.58 4.470 INCONEL 600铬镍铁合金 4.77 1.910 Monel蒙乃尔合金 5.20 3.290 Source: V. Balint, J. Payer, D. Altura“Evaluation of Electroless Nickel Plate in H2S Environments-Internal Reports”, Witco-Allied Kelite R&D in cooperation with Batelle Columbus Laboratories, (1983), Summary report published World Oil, Nov 1985, Vol. 201, No.6. 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. 18

Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. IPC SERIES 3000 Super Nickel Alloy Coating 不同化学环境下腐蚀速率的比较 Corrodent腐蚀剂 在40  2 C 下于腐蚀环境中暴露69天的腐蚀速率m / year Corrosion rates(m / year), 60 days exposure at 40  2 C Nickel 200 IPC Series 3000 Mild Steel AISI 315 SS Thionyl Chloride (FP)亚硫酰氯 7.0 2.5 200.0 5.1 Orthochlorobenzyl Chloride (crude)邻氯氯苄 12.7 7.1 N/A 25.0 Orthochlorobenzyl Acid (FP)邻氯苄酸 9.4 Phosphorous Acid (FP)磷酸 10.0 19.3 1270.0 Phosphorous Oxchloride (FP)氧氯化磷 100.0 18.8 Benzotrichloride (FP)三氯甲苯 6.1 9.0 Benzoyl Chloride (FP)氯苯 0.5 8.6 Sea Water海水 30 1.5 125 75 Sulfuryl Chloride硫酰氯 7.5 1.8 ----- N/A No data available, product polymerizes when exposed to mild steel FP Final Product Source: R. Tracy, T. Bleeks, “Using Electroless Nickel Coatings,” Materials Engineering, November, 1989, Penton Publishing, Inc., Cleveland OH. (1989) 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd.

IPC SERIES 3000 Super Nickel Alloy Coating Corrosion Rates of Series 3000 Coating in Various Chemical Process Environments 各种化学环境中3000系镀层的腐蚀速率 Environment环境 Temperature温度 oC Corrosion Rate腐蚀速率 um/yr Corrosion Rate腐蚀速率 mil/yr Acetone丙酮 20 0.08 0.003 Carbon Tetrachloride四氯化碳 Nil Hydrochloric Acid, 5%盐酸 24 0.9 Phosphoric Acid, 85% 磷酸 3 Sodium Hydroxide, 50% 氢氧化钠溶液 95 0.2 0.01 Sulfuric Acid, 65% 硫酸 9 0.4 Sea Water (3 ½ Salt) 海水(含盐3.5%) N/A No data available, product polymerizes when exposed to mild steel FP Final Product 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. ©1999 American Electroplaters & Surface Finishers Society, Inc. 2-99 20

Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. IPC SERIES 3000 Effect of Heat Treatment on Deposit Corrosion Resistance 热处理对高磷镍合金镀层防腐的影响 热处理工艺Heat Treatment Process 平均镀层硬度Avg Deposit Hardness (HV100) Rate Loss expressed in mm/hr CO2 Saturated Brine 饱和盐水 CO2 + H2S Saturated Brine饱和盐水 10% HCL Foil(箔试样) 10% HCL Coupon(试片) As Deposited未热处理 480 5 Nil 15 16 190C for 1.5 hrs 500 9 21 14 290C for 10 hrs 970 34 1400 7200 340C for 4 hrs 22 860 3000 400C for 1 hr 1050 33 4 1000 2500 Source: R.N. Duncan, R.N., “Corrosion Resistance of High Phosphorus Electroless Nickel Coatings” AESF Third Electroless Plating Symposium, Kissimmee, FL., January 31, (1986). 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd.

Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. IPC SERIES 3000 Effect of Heat Treatment on Deposit Corrosion Resistance 热处理对防腐性能的影响(10% HCL浸泡) Heat Treatment 镀层硬度Deposit Hardness HV 100 腐蚀速率Corrosion Rate um/yr 腐蚀速率Corrosion Rate mils/yr None无热处理 480 15 0.6 190oC (375oF) for 1.5 hours 500 20 0.8 290oC (550oF) for 6 hours 900 1900 75 290oC (550oF) for 10 hours 970 1400 55 340oC (650oF) for 4 hours 35 400oC (750oF) for 1 hour 1050 1200 47 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. ©1999 American Electroplaters & Surface Finishers Society, Inc. 2-99 22

Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. IPC SERIES 3000 Effect of Heat Treatment on Deposit Corrosion Resistance 热处理对镀层防腐的影响 406度热处理后IPC3000镀层的裂缝Cracks in Series 3000 after heat treatment at 406OC 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. ©1999 American Electroplaters & Surface Finishers Society, Inc. 2-99 23

IPC SERIES 3000 Effect of Heat Treatment on Deposit Corrosion Resistance First, the amorphous nature of the deposit begins to change. The deposit begins to crystallize as a result of distinct particles of nickel phosphide (Ni3P) is being formed through precipitation. 首先,镀层的无定形结构开始发生变化。镍磷(Ni3P)化合物质点析出导致镀层开始出现结晶。 At temperatures between 330o and 400C, the crystallization process is more complete as the amorphous character is completely lost. The formation of Ni3P particles cause the deposit to shrink by 0.3% or more, and can cause deposit cracking. 在温度为330-400C时,镀层结晶过程基本完成,而无定形特性基本完全消失。形成的Ni3P质点导致镀层收缩,收缩幅度为0.3%或更大,从而造成镀层破裂。 The result, from the formation of these intermetallic nickel phosphide particles, is an increase in the coating’s hardness, wear resistance and brittleness while the corrosion resistance is dramatically reduced. 这些镍磷金属间化合物质点析出的结果,使镀层硬度、耐磨性和脆性提高,而耐蚀性大大降低。 Laminar, homogeneous structure prior to heat treat Base Material Base Material Cross sectional view of a 25 µm thick Ni-P nickel coating after heat treatment at 400OC for 24 hours. 1000X magnification. 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd.

IPC SERIES 3000 Effect of Heat Treatment on Deposit Corrosion Resistance 首先,热处理后无定形的镀层由于在热处理过程中独特的Ni-P微粒的形成和沉积,发生晶体化 在330-400温度下对镀层进行热处理,镀层的晶体化程度最为彻底,无定形结构特点完全消失。Ni3P微粒的形成导致镀层收缩月0.3%甚至更多,导致镀层开裂 镍磷颗粒的形成提高了镀层的硬度,耐磨和脆性,但显著的降低了防腐性能. Laminar, homogeneous structure prior to heat treat Base Material Base Material Cross sectional view of a 25 µm thick Ni-P nickel coating after heat treatment at 400OC for 24 hours. 1000X magnification. 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. 25

Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd. IPC SERIES 3000 Enhanced for Corrosion Resistance and Wear Applications 强化IPC3000镀层适用于腐蚀与磨损共同存在的场合 防腐的性能和标准的IPC3000一样Corrosion resistance the same as standard Series 3000 表面的硬度通过特殊的化学处理可以达到RC60+/770 Vickers Surface hardness is achieved by a special chemical process resulting in a hardness of RC 60+ / 770 Vickers 不需要热处理,镀层的防腐性能没有损失No heat treating is required resulting in no loss of corrosion protection 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd.

IPC Series 3000 Conclusions IPC3000镀层采用最优化的化学配方和表面处理工艺Super Nickel Alloy utilizing the best technologies in chemistry and surface preparation. 有严酷油气环境使用的成功案例Proven performance in harsh Oil and Gas environments. 是解决腐蚀和磨损问题的省钱办法Cost effective means to deal with the issues of corrosion and wear 12.04.10 Neway Valve Suzhou Co. Ltd.