何淑琴 市场/培训经理 爱思唯尔(Elsevier)出版集团北京代表处


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Presentation transcript:

何淑琴 市场/培训经理 爱思唯尔(Elsevier)出版集团北京代表处 Scopus 使用指南及演示 何淑琴 市场/培训经理 爱思唯尔(Elsevier)出版集团北京代表处

培训议程 Scopus 简介 Scopus 特征与功能 支持服务 答疑 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.

Phylloscopus Collybita

Scopus简介 什么是 Scopus?-爱思唯尔(Elsevier)公司新近推出的独特的多学科导航的数据库产品 目前全球最大的文摘和索引数据库 记录包括文献题目、作者和摘要 + 参考文献 被引用次数(Cited By’s) 个性化定制的全文链接

内容 期刊: 摘要: 参考文献: 旗下拥有14,000种期刊 12,650学术期刊-1,100医学期刊(100%覆盖MEDLINE) 465种开放存取期刊 750种会议录 600种商业出版物 来自4,000 多家出版商 摘要: 超过2700万条摘要 回溯到1966年 每年新增110万记录 参考文献: 到2005年初,近10年的记录附有参考文献 2亿三千万参考文献(1966年以来) Note on References: Scopus now contains 5 years of reference back years going back to 1999. We are adding to this so that by 2005, 10 back years of references will be available on Scopus. Why 10 years? We conducted market research where we asked users across various subject areas how many back years they need for their research. While there are some disciplines where additional back years are necessary, such as Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics – for the most part 10 years is considered to be sufficient.

学科范围 化学、物理、数学和工程学: 生命科学及医学 社会科学、心理学及经济学 生物学、农业及环境科学 2,700 种 4,500 种 5,900 种 (涵盖100% Medline 的内容) 社会科学、心理学及经济学 2,700 种 生物学、农业及环境科学 2,500 种 Note on References: Scopus now contains 5 years of reference back years going back to 1999. We are adding to this so that by 2005, 10 back years of references will be available on Scopus. Why 10 years? We conducted market research where we asked users across various subject areas how many back years they need for their research. While there are some disciplines where additional back years are necessary, such as Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics – for the most part 10 years is considered to be sufficient.


Scopus 简介 旗下拥有逾14,000种期刊,涵盖面广 强大的检索/浏览功能,它与Scirus检索引擎整合,可同时检索网络上1亿8千万页的科技信息(包括专利) 图书馆资源整合 进入全文的捷径 简单易用,界面友好直观 作者分析工具

SCOPUS – 一种新型的导航工具 直观的检索浏览页面 世界上最大的文摘数据库 网络科技信息 14000种期刊 STM 和 社会科学 图书馆资源

我们如何打造Scopus 爱思唯尔公司与图书馆员和研究人员紧密协作的结晶 调查用户需求 与发展合作伙伴进行多次交流 包括用户、图书馆员和信息专家 来自不同的背景及年龄段 每月一次的用户测试 侧重在图书馆员 以市场调研为补充 We’ve done a lot of market research Much of the research we’ve commissioned in the last couple of years has looked at topics such as the development and direction of the digital library, the challenges facing librarians in a digital environment, and the evolving needs of researchers We’ve worked closely with 7 development partners: The 7 development partners are: University of Toronto (Canada), University of Pittsburgh(USA), Oxford University (UK), Granada University (Spain), Nice University (France), Lund University (Sweden – see note below), CSIRO (research organization in Australia) Note: Lund has now pulled out of the program since end 2003 due to conflicts with their own library initiative (ELIN)) These universities and research organizations represent leading international institutes and have played an instrumental role in ensuring that Scopus is built according to the needs of both librarians and researchers. We’ve conducted over 200 user tests We have user tested every button on Scopus – not only to see if it should be included but also how it should look and work. We’ve organized 7 librarian focus groups During the summer of 2003, we held focus groups with librarians from each of our development partners to discuss with them the immediate challenges they face in their roles today and their vision of tomorrow’s library. This is only the beginning: Since 2003 we have had 16 more universities and research institutes join on as development partners and we will continue to develop the product with planned releases twice a year based on regular user testing and feedback from our users. ___________________________________________________________________________________ notes to presenter: You should check Scopus nonsolus before each ppt to update the list of DPs as necessary: http://nonsolus/scopus/dev_partners.htm

我们如何打造Scopus 自2002年中期以来的发展合作伙伴: University of Toronto, Canada 加拿大多伦多大学 University of Pittsburgh, USA 美国匹兹堡大学 Oxford University, UK 英国牛津大学 Universidad de Granada, Spain西班牙格拉纳达大学 Université de Nice, France 法国尼斯大学 CSIRO, Australia澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织 Lund University, Sweden 瑞典拉德大学 The 7 development partners are: University of Toronto (Canada), University of Pittsburgh(USA), Oxford University (UK), Granada University (Spain), Nice University (France), Lund University (Sweden – see note below), CSIRO (research organization in Australia) Note: Lund has now pulled out of the program since end 2003 due to conflicts with their own library initiative (ELIN))

特征与功能 特征 信息内容广泛,无重复使用 涵盖期刊、馆藏资源及网络等多种资源 接通全文链接 用户界面直观易用,列表式的结果显示,易于浏览及整理。检索方便快捷,并附有高级功能选项 通过浏览参考文献和引文发现有价值的信息

特征与功能 功能 提供基本检索、高级检索和作者检索 与科技检索引擎Scirus (www.scirus.com)整合,可同时检索网络信息 从宽泛的检索开始,利用限定工具迅速进行精确检索 检索结果限定,二次检索 保存、编辑检索、检索历史 浏览期刊 个性化定制的全文链接 提供个性化服务,如检索提示和引文提示 输出、打印和电邮检索结果 Note on integrated web search with Scirus: Many (novice) users now go directly to the web to begin their search so we’ve integrated Scirus, Elsevier’s scientific web search engine into Scopus so that the 2 can be searched simultaneously. This way you can easily compare the results of your search. Note on Refine Options: Scopus has been built based on the idea that users like to start their search broad and narrow down to relevant results. We have provided a number of tools to help users do that, such as refine results, which I’ll show you during the demo. Note on Document Citation alerts: Users can set up an alert based on a document/article in Scopus. Every time that document/article is cited, the user will get an alert (daily, weekly or monthly depending on set up) Note on Scopus Labs: This is a site showcasing new areas of development for Scopus. This is a test area to try out new functionality while it’s still being developed in order to give feedback. We encourage you to try out this site but be aware that things may work differently than you expect and not every feature will necessarily end up in Scopus. So, let’s see how Scopus really looks…(go to next slide)

Scopus 检索

Scopus 检索规则 逻辑算符:and、or、and not 截词/通配符 - 任意数量的截词符* 如:pharmac* 可检出pharmacy, pharmacology, pharmaceutics等; 只替代一个字母的截词符 如:wom?n可检出 woman;women; 词组检索“ ” 如:“oyster toadfish” 字段检索 字段名称(查询词) title (“prion disease”)单一字段检索 title-abs-key (koala)混合字段检索

主 页(基本检索页面) 运用Boolean运算符检索 检索字段 主页的Limiters

基本检索 基本检索 检索历史记录

Scopus—检索历史 组配检索 清除检索史 编辑检索策略 设置检索提示


高级检索 高级检索

结果显示页面 编辑/保存检索 建立检索提示 整合Scirus 网络检索 专利检索 打印、输出或电邮一个或多个结果 加入列表


Scopus--Scirus 检索结果 整合 Scirus 网络检索

检索结果限定 检索结果限定

检索结果页面(Cited By 检索) 显示文章被引次数

摘要+参考文献页面 被引用次数 引文链接

参考文献页面 链接到记录页和全文 被引用次数 检索该作者文章


Scopus 上的链接 -可链接至出版商网站的标准全文链接 -个性化定制的全文链接(图书馆可自主控制的全文链接) 无论您是否订购期刊,链接均可显示 通过交叉引用功能 (CrossRef) -个性化定制的全文链接(图书馆可自主控制的全文链接) 图书馆可以选择只显示已定购期刊的全文链接 图书馆员可以选择链接到馆际互借(ILL)或按篇付费(PPV)、馆藏书目以及其他电子资源 亦可不显示相关链接(即链接显示功能可以启动也可以关闭) The customizable full text linking options on Scopus will save time for users – they only see the full text button if they have access and don’t need to waste time clicking through to find out. Note to presenter: this is an additional point for librarians in the audience: By linking directly through to the full text at your institute, your users are more likely to be aware of your expensive full text subscriptions and they will get more usage!

标准的全文链接 一次点击,即可从结果显示页面链接到全文 标准的全文链接 一次点击,即可从结果显示页面链接到全文 预先设定的链接连通出版商网址,不保证您有权限访问全文

全文链接 从结果显示页面到全文

个性化定制的链接 标准的全文链接 馆际互借链接可设在此处 Now we are on the Abstract and References Page: Here you see the journal within which the article can be found, the article title and the authors The author names are linkable and will bring up a list of all articles by that particular author. The journal name is also linkable and will bring you to that journal’s homepage in Scopus where you’ll find the publisher information, ISSN, Coden and list of records available per year. The abstract contains the highlighted terms which you used for your search. On the right side of the page you’ll see a Citations box. User testing has shown that researchers really value having this information on the same page as the abstract. Very quickly you’re able to see which articles have gone on to cite the article you’re now looking at. The citations box lists the 3 most recent articles that have cited the article you are viewing and below these 3 you’ll see a link to a full list of articles that cite the article, if there are more than 3. •From here you are able to link directly to the abstract and references of the citation. Linking options at top of page There can be up to 5 links at the top of this page. View at Publisher : Again, this will bring you to the publisher site via CrossRef (or other algorithmic link) where you can find the full text of the article but you are not guaranteed access to the full text via this link The next 4 buttons are customizable per institute and can be set up to link to: (click mouse once for circle to appear around 4 customizable buttons) Your OPAC or other library catalogue A web search engine, for example Scirus or Google Another database, such as Ulrich (but this requires a separate subscription) A document delivery or Inter-library loan service Your librarian can give you more information about which options he/she has chosen for your library. Note to presenter: This information is here if you get questions but otherwise leave out as it may confuse users when they go to the product and don’t see the same options. - The Full text button depends on whether your library has activated their link resolver in Scopus. If so, this link will find the full text copy at your institute. If your link resolver is image-enabled, you’ll go directly through to the full text article if you have a subscription. If you don’t have a subscription, you won’t see any link. If your link resolver isn’t image-enabled, you’ll always see the link to full text and will have to go to an intermediate page to check if you’re entitled. •The 3rd and 4th buttons can be used to link out to additional services, such as library catalogues, your OPAC, or other databases such as Ulrich. •The 5th button can be a link to your library loan or document delivery service. The last link is turned off by default and libraries need to request that this option be turned on for their users.) So now let’s go to the next slide to see what the bottom of this abstract page looks like… (go to next slide)

结果显示页上的链接 预先设定的链接连通出版商网址 不保证您有权限访问全文 有全文访问权限的个性化链接

有权限的全文链接 Scopus的权限链接 图像链接 - 立刻了解能否有权限访问全文 - 一个点击即可访问全文 即 LSI (Library Service Integration) 链接 通过链接解析器(Link Reslover) 目前由LinkFinderPlus来支持,可以只显示有全文访问权限的链接全文访问权限的个性化链接

个性化服务 检索保存 检索提示 引文提示

注册 个人注册界面

个性化设置 已存检索内容 我的提示 保存的列表 个人信息 更改密码


作者检索 查找某一作者发表的文章数 查找该作者某篇文章被引用的次数,及被何人何处引用


浏 览

浏览 分类浏览 字顺浏览 检索期刊







Scopus --独特性 特征 最终用户 图书馆员 涵盖世界上88%的经过专家精审的期刊 一个检索入口,简单易用节省时间,获取全面的有针对性的研究结果 获取宝贵的全文信息,取代小型数据库,减少资源重复 个性化定制的全文链接 可以通过Scopus,以最少的链接,快速访问全文资源 增加全文电子资源的使用量,真正掌控数字化信息中心的建立及管理 优越的检索功能 快速链接到全文,使用简单,易如Google,能获取最相关的记录 无须大量的培训

相关的支持服务 Scopus 信息网站 (www.scopusinfo.com) 图书馆员: 如何在图书馆设置Scopus 链接 最终用户 快速参考指南 常见问题解答 联系爱思唯尔(Elsevier)北京代表处 电话:85185800-209 电邮: cninfo@elsevier.com

如果有一个工具可以找到您需要的所有信息, 并且会给您带来更多的惊喜 - 您一定会使用它! www.scopus.com