Phelps wins eighth gold medal; break tie with Spitz


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Presentation transcript:

Phelps wins eighth gold medal; break tie with Spitz Translation #1 Phelps wins eighth gold medal; break tie with Spitz

1st Paragraph Cheering from the pool deck, Michael Phelps won his record eighth gold medal of the Beijing Games on August 17 to become the grandest of Olympic champions.

參考翻譯 泳池畔傳來歡呼聲,菲爾普斯在8月17日的北京奧運場中勇奪史無前例的第八面金牌,成為奧運眾多冠軍中最偉大的冠軍。 泳池畔傳來菲爾普斯的歡呼聲,他在8月17日的北京奧運場中勇奪史無前例的第八面金牌,成為奧運眾多冠軍中最偉大的冠軍。

2nd Paragraph Jason Lezak held on to the lead Phelps gave him, anchoring the United States to a world record in the 400-meter medley relay against an Australian team that did its best to spoil history.

參考翻譯 萊札克守住了上一棒菲爾普斯的領先局面,帶領美國隊在四百公尺混合四式接力賽中「泳」破世界紀錄,力克一心想破壞美國隊歷史的澳洲隊。 萊札克守住了上一棒菲爾普斯的領先局面,帶領美國隊打破四百公尺混合四式接力賽世界紀錄,力克一心想破壞美國隊歷史的澳洲隊。

3rd Paragraph But Phelps, with a big hand from three teammates, would not be denied. He eclipsed Mark Spitz's seven-gold performance at the 1972 Munich Games, an iconic performance that was surpassed by a swimmer fitting of this generation: a 23-year-old from Baltimore who loves hip-hop music, texting with his buddies and wearing his cap backward.

Paraphrasing of 3rd paragraph But Phelps, with a big hand from three teammates, would not be denied. Although Phelps has the help from other teammates, which means he alone cannot make it, he cannot be denied of the glory he’s made in the Beijing Olympic.

Paraphrasing of 3rd paragraph …an iconic performance that was surpassed by a swimmer fitting of this generation… It was an symbolic performance, which was broken by a young swimmer who looks just like an ordinary young fellow of his age…

Paraphrasing of 3rd paragraph …: a 23-year-old from Baltimore who loves hip-hop music, texting with his buddies and wearing his cap backward. …He is a 23-year-old, born from Baltimore, loves hip-hop, sends text-message with friends, and likes wearing cap backward.

參考翻譯 雖有三位隊友鼎力相助,菲爾普斯的成就依然不容抹殺。他讓1972年慕尼黑奧運會中史畢茲個人獨得七金的光芒頓時黯然失色,而這個指標性的成就,是一位跟現代年輕人沒什麼兩樣的泳將超越:他23歲、出生於巴爾的摩、喜歡嬉哈樂、會跟朋友互傳手機簡訊跟反戴帽子。 …由一位年輕泳將所超越,而他跟現代年輕人沒什麼兩樣:23歲、出生於巴爾的摩、喜歡嬉哈樂、會跟朋友互傳手機簡訊跟反戴帽子。

5th Paragraph "Nothing is impossible," Phelps said. "With so many people saying it couldn't be done, all it takes is an imagination, and that's something I learned and something that helped me."

參考翻譯 「沒有事情不可能」,菲爾普斯這麼說。「(有)很多人都說不可能做得到,但我需要的就只是想像力,那是我學到的事,也真的幫助了我。」 「沒有事情不可能」,菲爾普斯這麼說。「有太多人都說辦不到,但我欠的只是想像力,這是我學到的事,也幫助了我。」

6th Paragraph Phelps set seven world records and one Olympic record, doing a personal best time in every event.

參考翻譯 菲爾普斯在每場賽事中維持個人巔峰狀態,也因此創下了七項世界記錄和一項奧運紀錄。 菲爾普斯個人創七項世界記錄和一項奧運紀錄,以每場賽事造就個人輝煌時光。