L3 review.


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Presentation transcript:

L3 review


watch a video watched


They watched a touching video yesterday.

參加 三項全能賽

join a triathlon joined

The Long brothers 去年一起參加三項全能賽

The long brothers joined a triathlon together last year.


pull Cayden in a boat pulled

推著推車上的 Cayden

push Cayden in a cart pushed


give up gave

Conner 絕不放棄

Conner never gave up.


Nothing stopped him. stop / stopped


stand along the road stood


cheer for them cheered


get to the finish line got

人們沿路站著為他們加油 在他們抵達終點線之前

People stood along the road and cheered for them before they got to the finish line.

有些人 嘲笑他

Some people laughed at him. laugh / laughed


He felt sad about this. feel / felt

有些人嘲笑他, 所以他感到悲傷

Some people laughed at him , so he felt sad.


The teacher felt angry about this yesterday.

改變 他們的想法

change their ideas changed


He teamed up with Cayden for the race. team / teamed


ride a bike rode

他拉推車上的Cayden 當他騎腳踏車時

He pulled Cayden in a cart when he rode a bike. pull / pulled ride / rode


win the race won


They didn’t win the race , but they won people’s heart.

L2 review

因為Linda 生病了, 她沒來上學

Because Linda was sick, she didn’t come to school. is am / was come / came


I caught a cold last night. catch / caught


She had a high fever, so she saw a doctor. have has / had see / saw

他吃藥 因為他喉嚨痛

He took medicine because he had a sore throat. take /took


What is wrong (with you)? is / was

Linda 頭痛, 所以 奶奶帶她去醫院

Linda had a headache, so Grandma took her to the hospital. take / took


Because my parents were both out of town, my grandma took care of me. take / took


Grandma sat by my side all night. sit / sat


Grandma lives alone in Tainan. live / lived

祖父母節時, 我們拜訪她

On Grandparents Day, we visited her. visit / visited


Mom and Dad told funny stories. tell / told

我們小孩子 唱歌

We kids sang songs. sing / sang

奶奶把Tiger 抱在手上

Grandma held Tiger in her arms. hold / held


Grandma smiled at us. smile / smiled

Tiger在大門口 歡迎我們

Tiger welcomed us at the gate. welcome / welcomed


all the way home


The sweet smell went with us all the way home. go / went


We had a great afternoon together. have / had

我太晚起床, 所以我錯過公車

I got up late, so I missed the bus. get / got miss / missed


I stayed up too late because I had to prepare for tests. stay / stayed prepare / prepared

L1 review


How was your summer? is am / was


What did you do? do / did


Where did you go? go / went

我今年夏天 參加籃球營

I joined a basketball camp this summer. join / joined


I learned some useful skills. learn / learned

Jeremy Lin 昨天 拜訪我們的營隊還跟我們打了場球賽

Jeremy Lin visited our camp yesterday and played a game with us. visit / visited play / played


What happened? happen / happened


I failed English and math last semester. fail / failed


I studied the subjects. study / studied


I prepared for tests in a cram school all day. prepare / prepared


I asked for it. I played video games too much. ask / asked play / played


Did you exercise yesterday? exercise / exercised

Maggie 上學期 參加街舞社

Maggie joined a street dance club last semester. join / joined


Maggie and her friends worked different jobs. work / worked

Maggie 在爸爸的洗車場打工

Maggie worked part-time at her dad’s car wash. work / worked

Tim and Ivy 幫鄰居們遛狗

Tim and Ivy walked dogs for their neighbors. walk / walked


Simon painted pictures for people. paint / painted

終於, 他們為社團籌到了足夠的錢

Finally, they raised enough money for the club. raise / raised


They were all tired but happy. are / were