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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
進入我的心,親愛耶穌, 求主來進入我的心; 因我心靈極疲乏困倦, 現在進入我的心。
What’s wrong with the world today?
Search me, O God, and know my heart today;
Presentation transcript:

JESUS, THINE ALL VICTORIOUS LOVE 耶穌,祢的全勝的愛 JESUS, THINE ALL VICTORIOUS LOVE Hymnary 233 Thomas Hastings Charles Wesley

Jesus, Thine all victorious love Then shall my heart no longer rove, (1) 耶穌,祢的全勝的愛, 已經澆灌我心; Jesus, Thine all victorious love Shed in my soul abroad; 我心就不再會搖擺, Then shall my heart no longer rove, 就能生根於神,就能生根於神。 Rooted and fix'd in God, Rooted and fix'd in God.

就已發旺不休; 燒掉所有卑情下品, 並使高山鎔流,並使高山鎔流。 (2) 但願聖火今在我心, 就已發旺不休; Oh that in me the sacred fire Might now begin to glow! 燒掉所有卑情下品, Burn up the dross of base desire, 並使高山鎔流,並使高山鎔流。 And make the mountains flow, And make the mountains flow.

求祢燒掉我罪; 我向焚燒的靈呼喊, 聖靈滿我心內,聖靈滿我心內。 (3) 祢曾賜下祭壇火炭, 求祢燒掉我罪; Thou, who at Pentecost didst fall, Do Thou my sins consume; 我向焚燒的靈呼喊, Come, Holy Ghost, for Thee I call; 聖靈滿我心內,聖靈滿我心內。 Spirit of Burning, come, Spirit of Burning, come !

照亮我魂光耀; 散佈生命在每角落, 並使全人聖潔,並使全人聖潔。 (4) 我心要接鍛鍊的火, 照亮我魂光耀; Refining fire, go through my heart, Illuminate my soul; 散佈生命在每角落, Scatter Thy life through every part, 並使全人聖潔,並使全人聖潔。 And sanctify the whole, And sanctify the whole.

使它變成堅崖; 基督成為我的世界, 我的全心成愛,我的全心成愛。 (5) 搖動的心求祢扶掖, 使它變成堅崖; My steadfast soul, from falling free, Shall then no longer move, 基督成為我的世界, While Christ is all the world to me, 我的全心成愛,我的全心成愛。 And all my heart is love, And all my heart is love.