主必快来 He’s Coming Soon.


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Presentation transcript:

主必快来 He’s Coming Soon

1.黑夜已深白昼将近, 荣耀盼望使我欢愉, 主为万王之王,万主之主。 In these, the closing days of time, 荣耀盼望使我欢愉, What joy the glorious hope affords, 奇妙信息主快再来, That soon—O wondrous truth sublime! 主为万王之王,万主之主。 He shall reign, King of kings and Lord of Lords.

我知主快再来。 We know He’s coming soon. 副歌 Refrain: 主必快来,主必快来, He’s coming soon, He’s coming soon; 我们欢乐迎接主再来, With joy we welcome His returning; 或在早晨,或正午或夜深, It may be morn, it may be night or noon— 我知主快再来。 We know He’s coming soon.

2.世界潮流天空现象, 都已显明主来预兆, 我救主再临日期已非遥。 The signs around—in earth and air, 都已显明主来预兆, Or painted on the starlit sky, 见证上主确实信息: God’s faithful witnesses—declare 我救主再临日期已非遥。 That the coming of the Savior draweth nigh.

3.在基督内已安睡者, 当主再来都要复活; 主必来亲设立快乐之国。 The dead in Christ who ’neath us lie, 当主再来都要复活; In countless numbers, all shall rise 彼时天上金门大开, When through the portals of the sky 主必来亲设立快乐之国。 He shall come to prepare our paradise.

4.我们活着存留信徒, 将要被提与主相见, 故我们要互相安慰劝勉。 And we, who living, yet remain, 将要被提与主相见, Caught up, shall meet our faithful Lord; 所存盼望必得实现, This hope we cherish not in vain, 故我们要互相安慰劝勉。 But we comfort one another by this word.