HK4As Students’ Award Brief 香港廣告商會學生大獎 2018
Media Sponsor 媒體贊助
Mindfulness and Living Well 多關注你自己 Mindfulness and Living Well
Be Mindful of Yourself Three in 100 Hongkongers suffer from depression.
Even worse… Figures show 55% of these sufferers, aged between 16 and 75, did not seek professional help Source: SCMP, April, 2017
But you can help. A new study from the University of Oxford finds that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is just as effective as antidepressants for preventing a relapse of depression.
Brief: Create a CSR campaign that highlights the benefits of mindfulness and how it can help deal with stress, depression and other mental illnesses. The creative channels can be integrated, TVC, print, social or digital activation.
挑戰 Challenge Even though the rate of depression is rising in HK, the issue hasn’t had an impactful campaign to support those suffering from it.
對象 Target Audience 全香港市民 All Hong Kong People
風格 Style 吸引眼球 人性化 富新鮮感 Eye-opening Empathetic/Human Fresh
商標 Logo 設計商標 Design logo 為4AsNetwork設計一個商標用於你的廣告上 Design a logo for 4AsNetwork to use in the campaign
參賽規則 每組參賽隊伍由最多4名本地大專院校全日制學生組成 可以任何格式遞交參賽作品,但不可多於3個作品單件。 音效、 影視、 互動/數碼類的作品必須存於DVD或USB 有關參賽詳情及格式指引,請瀏覽本會網頁 如有任何查詢,請聯絡香港廣告商會 電話:2979 1506 電郵
THE RULES A MAXIMUM of 4 full-time local students per team Entries can be in any format with a MAXIMUM of 3 items. All work using Audio, Video, Interactive/Digital materials must be saved onto a DVD/USB drive Details and Submission Format Guidelines are on the Students' Award Website Any question please contact HK4As at 2979 1506 or
截止報名日期 2018年10月19日(星期五) 下午5:00 作品遞交地址: 香港北角英皇道338號華懋交易廣場2期1906室 *不接受網上報名
SUBMISSION DEADLINE 5:00 p.m., Friday, 19 October 2018 Send your entries to: 1906 Two Chinachem Exchange Square 338 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong *No online submission
Thank you