H034 我要抬頭向眾山嶺舉目 UNTO THE HILLS AROUND (1/4) 我要抬頭向眾山嶺舉目,切切仰望: Unto the hills around do I lift up my longing eyes; 我的幫助,我切需的幫助,來自何方? O whence for me shall my salvation come, from whence arise? 我的幫助從耶和華而來; From God the Lord doth come my certain aid, 祂曾創造諸天、大地、洋海。 From God the Lord who heav'n and earth hath made. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會
祂必不叫你的腳步動搖,你可安穩! 保護你的不打盹,不睡覺,你可安心! 看哪!那保護以色列的神, 祂不睡覺,祂永遠不打盹。 H034 (節2/4, 頁1/1) 祂必不叫你的腳步動搖,你可安穩! He will not suffer that thy foot be moved: Safe shalt thou be. 保護你的不打盹,不睡覺,你可安心! No careless slumber shall His eyelids close, who keepeth thee. 看哪!那保護以色列的神, Behold our God the Lord, He slumbereth ne'er, 祂不睡覺,祂永遠不打盹。 Who keepeth Israel in His holy care. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會
主耶和華親作你的護庇,信實不變! 主耶和華親作你的蔭蔽,站你右邊! 白日太陽必不將你灼傷, 夜間月亮必不叫你遭殃。 H034 (節3/4, 頁1/1) 主耶和華親作你的護庇,信實不變! Jehovah is Himself thy keeper true, Thy changeless shade; 主耶和華親作你的蔭蔽,站你右邊! Jehovah thy defense on thy right hand Himself hath made. 白日太陽必不將你灼傷, And thee no sun by day shall ever smite; 夜間月亮必不叫你遭殃。 No moon shall harm thee in the silent night. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會
祂保守你免受一切災害,平安無恙! 你出,你入,祂都保護無駭,在上守望! 可頌之神,我讚美祢恩典, 因祢保守從今時到永遠。 H034 (節4/4, 頁1/1) 祂保守你免受一切災害,平安無恙! From every evil shall He keep thy soul, from every sin; 你出,你入,祂都保護無駭,在上守望! Jehovah shall preserve thy going out, thy coming in. 可頌之神,我讚美祢恩典, Above thee watching, He whom we adore 因祢保守從今時到永遠。 Shall keep thee henceforth, yea, forevermore. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會