目 标 客 户 群 Our challenge is to become a leader in products and services for this industry by increasing our market share participation to 16% from the current.


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目 标 客 户 群 Our challenge is to become a leader in products and services for this industry by increasing our market share participation to 16% from the current share of 9%. This represents for the corporation an incremental margin of 2.8 $M and 30 KB of oil. A high portion of this margin will come from selling of OGL's for the cement mills around the world. In order to capture this opportunities, our challenge is to extract the value from this industry with a consistent product and service offering, positioning Mobil as the lubrication supplier of choice for the cement industry worldwide

机 械 加 工 设 备 简 介 In the shift to a global marketing environment, Mobil requires a consistent synthetic product price setting methodology. A uniform approach will enable consistent margins to be achieved globally, while also facilitating negotiations where customers are looking for global supply arrangements. The price setting of both mineral and synthetic lubricants has wide impacts across many market segments globally and needs to be approached on the basis of existing market conditions and company targets. This is a vital part of providing a standard global offer. Work carried out to date focussing on the cement industry Open Gear Lubricants has provided some guidelines as to the market margins which can be targeted. It is important to recognize that while an initial target margin is set, depending on the market starting point for each affiliate the time required reaching the goal would differ. The first step requires gaining recognition in the market for Mobil's synthetic Open Gear Lubricants namely, · Mobilgear SHC 22M/46M · Mobilgear SHC 3200/6800 via. equipment builders and customers. As a part of this process the building of a market position can be accompanied by a part build in margin through presenting the products as a part of a service package such as Geargardtm . Based on global data collated to date an initial margin target of US$500/BBL should be sought during the period 1999 to year-end 2002. Having achieved the target market share position the focus would then turn to consolidation of share and revenue and increased margin. 2

机 械 加 工 设 备 简 介 加工中心 In the shift to a global marketing environment, Mobil requires a consistent synthetic product price setting methodology. A uniform approach will enable consistent margins to be achieved globally, while also facilitating negotiations where customers are looking for global supply arrangements. The price setting of both mineral and synthetic lubricants has wide impacts across many market segments globally and needs to be approached on the basis of existing market conditions and company targets. This is a vital part of providing a standard global offer. Work carried out to date focussing on the cement industry Open Gear Lubricants has provided some guidelines as to the market margins which can be targeted. It is important to recognize that while an initial target margin is set, depending on the market starting point for each affiliate the time required reaching the goal would differ. The first step requires gaining recognition in the market for Mobil's synthetic Open Gear Lubricants namely, · Mobilgear SHC 22M/46M · Mobilgear SHC 3200/6800 via. equipment builders and customers. As a part of this process the building of a market position can be accompanied by a part build in margin through presenting the products as a part of a service package such as Geargardtm . Based on global data collated to date an initial margin target of US$500/BBL should be sought during the period 1999 to year-end 2002. Having achieved the target market share position the focus would then turn to consolidation of share and revenue and increased margin. 3

机 械 加 工 设 备 简 介 机床的主要润滑部位 导轨 液压系统 头架/齿轮箱 主轴轴承 金属切削液 其它 4 In the shift to a global marketing environment, Mobil requires a consistent synthetic product price setting methodology. A uniform approach will enable consistent margins to be achieved globally, while also facilitating negotiations where customers are looking for global supply arrangements. The price setting of both mineral and synthetic lubricants has wide impacts across many market segments globally and needs to be approached on the basis of existing market conditions and company targets. This is a vital part of providing a standard global offer. Work carried out to date focussing on the cement industry Open Gear Lubricants has provided some guidelines as to the market margins which can be targeted. It is important to recognize that while an initial target margin is set, depending on the market starting point for each affiliate the time required reaching the goal would differ. The first step requires gaining recognition in the market for Mobil's synthetic Open Gear Lubricants namely, · Mobilgear SHC 22M/46M · Mobilgear SHC 3200/6800 via. equipment builders and customers. As a part of this process the building of a market position can be accompanied by a part build in margin through presenting the products as a part of a service package such as Geargardtm . Based on global data collated to date an initial margin target of US$500/BBL should be sought during the period 1999 to year-end 2002. Having achieved the target market share position the focus would then turn to consolidation of share and revenue and increased margin. 4

导轨 液压缸 主轴轴承 切削液喷嘴 机 械 加 工 设 备 简 介- 加 工 中 心 5 In the shift to a global marketing environment, Mobil requires a consistent synthetic product price setting methodology. A uniform approach will enable consistent margins to be achieved globally, while also facilitating negotiations where customers are looking for global supply arrangements. The price setting of both mineral and synthetic lubricants has wide impacts across many market segments globally and needs to be approached on the basis of existing market conditions and company targets. This is a vital part of providing a standard global offer. Work carried out to date focussing on the cement industry Open Gear Lubricants has provided some guidelines as to the market margins which can be targeted. It is important to recognize that while an initial target margin is set, depending on the market starting point for each affiliate the time required reaching the goal would differ. The first step requires gaining recognition in the market for Mobil's synthetic Open Gear Lubricants namely, · Mobilgear SHC 22M/46M · Mobilgear SHC 3200/6800 via. equipment builders and customers. As a part of this process the building of a market position can be accompanied by a part build in margin through presenting the products as a part of a service package such as Geargardtm . Based on global data collated to date an initial margin target of US$500/BBL should be sought during the period 1999 to year-end 2002. Having achieved the target market share position the focus would then turn to consolidation of share and revenue and increased margin. 导轨 切削液喷嘴 5

导轨 主轴 切削液喷管 齿轮变速箱 机 械 加 工 设 备 简 介- 机 床 6 In the shift to a global marketing environment, Mobil requires a consistent synthetic product price setting methodology. A uniform approach will enable consistent margins to be achieved globally, while also facilitating negotiations where customers are looking for global supply arrangements. The price setting of both mineral and synthetic lubricants has wide impacts across many market segments globally and needs to be approached on the basis of existing market conditions and company targets. This is a vital part of providing a standard global offer. Work carried out to date focussing on the cement industry Open Gear Lubricants has provided some guidelines as to the market margins which can be targeted. It is important to recognize that while an initial target margin is set, depending on the market starting point for each affiliate the time required reaching the goal would differ. The first step requires gaining recognition in the market for Mobil's synthetic Open Gear Lubricants namely, · Mobilgear SHC 22M/46M · Mobilgear SHC 3200/6800 via. equipment builders and customers. As a part of this process the building of a market position can be accompanied by a part build in margin through presenting the products as a part of a service package such as Geargardtm . Based on global data collated to date an initial margin target of US$500/BBL should be sought during the period 1999 to year-end 2002. Having achieved the target market share position the focus would then turn to consolidation of share and revenue and increased margin. 6

埃 克 森 美 孚 产 品 Reiner: It has the most visible offering in Open Gear Lubricants, high market support through builders and users, good support for distributor sales efforts and a global presence 7

埃 克 森 美 孚 产 品 Reiner: It has the most visible offering in Open Gear Lubricants, high market support through builders and users, good support for distributor sales efforts and a global presence 8

埃 克 森 美 孚 产 品 Reiner: It has the most visible offering in Open Gear Lubricants, high market support through builders and users, good support for distributor sales efforts and a global presence 9

机加工设备润滑要求 机床液压系统 润滑要求 合适的粘度和良好的粘温特性 良好的润滑性 良好的抗氧化性和抗剪切安定性 良好的防锈防腐蚀性能 良好的抗乳化和水解安定性 良好的抗泡性和空气释放性 与密封材料的良好相容性 10

埃 克 森 美 孚 产 品 美孚 DTE 20系列 美孚 DTE 超凡系列 埃索 UNTO H 系列 埃索UNIVIS HP 系列 适用于高速高压活塞泵,叶片 泵,齿轮泵 独特的无灰抗磨添加剂,能为要求严苛的液压元件提供突出的防腐蚀保护 与金属加工所用的冷却液有相当好的相容性 优异的高温性能和热稳定性能减少油泥形成 美孚 DTE 20系列 埃索 UNTO H 系列 适用于由普通至负荷极重的各种固定或流动式的液压系 减少液压系统故障、减少保养及修理费用;延长机器寿命 较长的使用寿命 出色的抗乳化性能 优异得保持清洁能力 11

机加工设备润滑要求 适当的粘度 头架/齿轮箱 润滑要求 良好的极压和抗磨性 良好的抗氧化性安定性 良好的抗剪切安定性 良好的抗泡性 良好的防锈防腐蚀性能 12

埃 克 森 美 孚 产 品 美孚 SHC 600 系列 美孚齿轮油 600系列 广泛适用于各种极端严苛 用途 适用于各种密封式齿轮。 使用寿命为矿物油的6至 8倍 能延长机器部件的使用寿 命 应用范围广,故可减少润 滑油的品种 美孚齿轮油 600系列 适用于各种密封式齿轮。 特别适合用于负荷重或受 冲击性负荷的齿轮 减低操作成本,提高生产 力,延长机械寿命 齿轮油的寿命较长 13

机加工设备的润滑要求 什么是导轨? 线性轴承 导轨有三种不同类型,分别用不同的方法来支承滑块 线性滑动轴承 滚动线性轴承 导轨是一种特殊轴承 - 线性轴承 导轨有三种不同类型,分别用不同的方法来支承滑块 线性滑动轴承 滚动线性轴承 液力静压或空气静压线性轴承 14

机加工设备的润滑要求 线性滑动轴承 导轨表面一般有以下几种材料 金属 - 金属 特富龙 - 金属 树脂 - 金属 线性滑动导轨有以下几种形状 线性滑动轴承是常用的导轨 导轨表面一般有以下几种材料 金属 - 金属 特富龙 - 金属 树脂 - 金属 线性滑动导轨有以下几种形状 绿色为滑块, 红色为导轨 V 形 楔 形 圆柱形 V 形 和扁平形 15

机加工设备的润滑要求 线性滚动轴承 线性滚动导轨形状 能完全消除爬行现象 低摩擦 速度更快 安装容易,维护少 精度高 滑 块 导 轨 滚 子 球或滚子被安放在导轨和滑块之间以减少摩擦 能完全消除爬行现象 低摩擦 速度更快 安装容易,维护少 精度高 线性滚动导轨形状 滑 块 导 轨 滚 子 16

机加工设备的润滑要求 液压静力及空气静力线性轴承 特点: 润滑油被泵送至轴承表面,所以没有金属与金属间的接触 只有润滑油内部的摩擦,爬行现象得以消除 液压静力线性轴承定位更精确 系统较昂贵但长期来讲更经济 空气静力线性轴承是用空气来支撑轴承 泵 滑 块 导 轨 17 典型液压静力线性轴承导轨

机加工设备的润滑要求 导轨的润滑要求 工作温度下合适的粘度 *粘度高,油膜厚,机床精 度低 *粘度低,抗磨保护差 足够的油膜强度,当负荷极重 时,还需要具有极压性能 良好的润滑性:使机床滑行顺 畅 良好的粘附性:防止导轨油流 失,特别是在立式机床 良好的防锈防腐蚀性能 18

埃 克 森 美 孚 产 品 美孚威达数字系列 埃索 FEBIS K 系列 美孚威格力1400系列 适用于精密度极高,负荷重, 而进给速度低的横卧或垂直 导轨 消除震颤及爬行现象,使工 件表面更光滑,公差更少。 容易与水溶性切削液分离 超过二百家机床制造商认可 美孚威格力1400系列 适用于以液压油兼作滑道润 滑油的机床 消除滑台及导轨之震颤及 爬行 使液压系统保持最佳之操作 性能 简化润滑品种 19

机加工设备润滑要求 机床的主轴轴承 润滑要求 合适的粘度和粘温特性 良好的润滑性 良好的抗氧化性 良好的防锈性 20

埃 克 森 美 孚 产 品 美孚维萝斯系列 埃索 SPINESSO 系列 适合机床高转速锭子润滑 优良的化学稳定性、抗氧化和消泡能力高 容易与水份分离 21

埃 克 森 美 孚 产 品 美孚拉玛双字母系列 埃索 RUST-BAN 系列 适用于铁和铁合金的防锈处理 优异的防锈保护性能 产品挥发损失较少 产品使用较为安全 对储存条件要求不高 22

埃 克 森 美 孚 产 品 美孚滑脂XHP222 埃索 UNIREX N 系列 美孚力士滑脂EP系列 埃索 BECAN EP 系列 用于有冲击性及重负荷情 况下能够防止磨损,耐热及防水冲洗等条件各种一般用途 满足多种工业要求,简化滑脂品种 美孚滑脂XHP222 埃索 UNIREX N 系列 推荐用于要有良好的高温 性和抗泄漏性滑脂的各种 严苛环境 在严苛的工作环境下不会 软化并有超卓的粘附能力 抗甩脱能力和密封特性优 异 23

埃 克 森 美 孚 产 品 美孚力富SHC系列滑脂 合成复合锂基滑脂 极佳的抗磨极压性能 出色的高低温性能 优异的抗水冲刷性能 用途广泛 24

产 品 选 择 指 南 设 备 用 油 的 选 择 直接查找机器上的润滑油推荐铭牌 25 Speaker notes are on most pages, so hopefully you won’t have to take a lot of notes. 25

产 品 选 择 指 南 设 备 用 油 的 选 择 查阅设备使用说明书上的润滑油推荐表 26 Speaker notes are on most pages, so hopefully you won’t have to take a lot of notes. 26

产 品 选 择 指 南 设 备 用 油 的 选 择 与美孚销售人员或工程师联系进一步确认有关产品 27 Speaker notes are on most pages, so hopefully you won’t have to take a lot of notes. 27

润 滑 解 决 方 案 设备用油常见问题 机床导轨爬行 可能原因 导轨上的油膜太薄 解决办法 选择粘度合适、品质优良的导轨油 28

润 滑 解 决 方 案 机床导轨滑行不畅或磨损较大 润滑油粘附力不够或 导轨上有污染物 被水溶性冷却液冲刷 及时清洁导轨上 的污染物 润滑油粘度选择不当 润滑油粘附力不够或 被水溶性冷却液冲刷 导轨上有污染物 选择合适粘度的润滑油 选用粘附力好, 抗冲刷能力强的润滑油 及时清洁导轨上 的污染物 29

润 滑 解 决 方 案 导轨油或液压油中 混入水溶性切削液 及时排除油柜中 沉积的水份 润滑油润滑性下降, 导轨滑行和控制部件运动不畅, 机床生锈, 液压油或导轨油中有絮状沉淀物 导轨油或液压油中 混入水溶性切削液 及时排除油柜中 沉积的水份 尽可能把水溶性切削液与 导轨油和液压油隔离 30

润 滑 解 决 方 案 润滑管路堵塞 或导轨被擦伤 润滑油中含有 颗粒杂质 润滑管路中的滤器 需要清洗或更换 及时清洁机床上 的污染物 31

润 滑 解 决 方 案 液压油泵噪声大, 工作压力不足 液压系统可能 有空气进入 检查液压油泵吸入端 检查油柜油位, 管路,堵住泄漏的地方 如过低,补油至正常位置 检查液压油泵吸入端 管路,堵住泄漏的地方 32

润 滑 解 决 方 案 取样 跟进 若不能马上解决问题 立即向客户汇报结果 抄取桶上的产品批号 确信客户知道问题产生的原因 取样用于实验室分析(一瓶样品瓶的容量) 尽可能多地给实验室提供信息 跟进 立即向客户汇报结果 确信客户知道问题产生的原因 利用这次机会加强与客户的关系 提供培训以减少今后可能出现的问题 33

美孚液压程序 润 滑 解 决 方 案 美孚液压程序是一个快速的现场分析手段,它能提供如下数据: 黏度 水分 杂质 这三个数据对于液压油和液压系统的维护很有用 34 13