Only by the Blood of the Lamb


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Presentation transcript:

Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血 Authors: Nelson, Jeff and Foster, Rosemary. Copyright: 1992 Maranatha! Music HeartService Music, Inc. CCLI# 407327

(1) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血 Are you washed in the blood, in the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb? Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? 你是否靠寶血,靠羔羊寶貴血洗潔淨? 你的衣裳是否洗淨白如雪? 你是否靠寶血洗潔淨? (1) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血

(2) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血 We’ve overcome, in His grace we now stand, 惟有靠羔羊的寶血, 惟有靠羔羊的寶血 靠主恩典我能站立得穩 惟有靠羔羊的寶血 (2) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血

(3) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血 We’ve overcome, in His grace we now stand, 惟有靠羔羊的寶血, 惟有靠羔羊的寶血 靠主恩典我能站立得穩 惟有靠羔羊的寶血 (3) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血

(4) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血 There was nothing we could do to make a way, We were dead ‘til He gave us life. Now we’re raised with Christ by His gift of grace, It was for love that He sacrificed. 沒有一個人能夠拯救自己,惟有主,給我新生命 今我與主活,是靠祂恩典 因主的愛,祂為我捨命 (4) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血

(5) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血 We’ve overcome, in His grace we now stand, 惟有靠羔羊的寶血, 惟有靠羔羊的寶血 靠主恩典我能站立得穩 惟有靠羔羊的寶血 (5) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血

(6) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血 We’ve overcome, in His grace we now stand, 惟有靠羔羊的寶血, 惟有靠羔羊的寶血 靠主恩典我能站立得穩 惟有靠羔羊的寶血 (6) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血

(7) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血 We were enslaved by the nature of sin, We were strangers to the household of faith. Now we’re seated with Him in a heavenly place, We’re His beloved, the heirs of His grace. 世上人人原本都是罪人 在神家中,我們都是外人 今我與主坐席,在那天家美地 是神的兒女,同享主恩典 (7) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血

(8) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血 Are you washed in the blood, in the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb? Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? 你是否靠寶血,靠羔羊寶貴血洗潔淨? 你的衣裳是否洗淨白如雪? 你是否靠寶血洗潔淨? (8) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血

(9) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血 For there is power, wonder-working power In the blood of the Lamb. Yes, there is power, wonder-working power In the precious blood of the Lamb. 因真有權能,奇妙大權能,在羔羊寶血內 是真有權能,奇妙大權能,在羔羊寶血內 (9) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血

(10) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血 We know it’s only by the blood of the Lamb, Only by the blood of the Lamb. We’ve overcome, in His grace we now stand, 因我知惟有靠羔羊的寶血, 惟有靠羔羊的寶血 靠主恩典我能站立得穩 惟有靠羔羊的寶血 (10) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血

(11) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血 Yes, it is only by the blood of the Lamb, Only by the blood of the Lamb. We’ve overcome, in His grace we now stand, 我確信惟有靠羔羊的寶血, 惟有靠羔羊的寶血 靠主恩典我能站立得穩 惟有靠羔羊的寶血 (11) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血

(12) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血 Are you washed in the blood? There is power, wonder-working power, Only by the blood of the Lamb. 你是否靠寶血? 真有權能,奇妙大權能 惟有羔羊血有權能 (12) Only by the Blood of the Lamb 惟靠羔羊寶血