丝绸之路 The Silk Road Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung.


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Presentation transcript:

丝绸之路 The Silk Road Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

Objectives 教学目的和要求 After completing this topic, students need to be able to:学完之后学生应该会 Compare modern transportation with long time ago比较交通工具 Conclude the difficulties people faced when cross the silk road.总结人们遇到的困难 Describe the historical meaning of the silk road.说出丝绸之路的历史意义 Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

时间:汉代 Time: Han Dynasty 2000多年前 2000 years ago 汉武帝派遣张搴出使西域。 Emperor of Han sent Zhang Qian to adventure the west. Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

地理位置 Geographical Location 从西安到罗马 From Xi’An of China to Italy’s Rome. Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

交通工具 Means of transportation 没有汽车 No car Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

交通工具 Means of transportation 没有飞机 No airplane Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

交通工具 Means of transportation 没有火车 No train Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

交通工具 Means of transportation 没有摩托车 No motorcycle Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

交通工具只有 Means of transportation There was only 骆驼 The camel Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

只有 Only 马 The horse Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

只有 Only 船 The boat Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

只有 and only 两只脚步行 Two feet Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

路上有数不清的困难 Facing countless difficulties 路途遥远 It is far from China to Europe. Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

条件恶劣 Bad conditions 道路崎岖不平 Bad roads Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

要越过 Had to cross 大沙漠 The desert Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

要越过 Had to surmount 高山和雪山 Steep mountains and snowy mountains Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

要经过 Had to cross 许多河流和湖泊 Rivers and lakes Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

恶劣的气侯 Inclement climate 急风Violent wind Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

恶劣的气侯 Inclement climate 暴雨 Heavy rain Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

恶劣的气侯 Inclement climate 烈日Burning sun Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

恶劣的气候 Inclement climate 狂沙Sandy Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

困难 Other difficulties 饥饿 Starving Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

困难 Other difficulties 疾病 Illness Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

困难 Other difficulties 疲劳 Fatigue Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

为了什么? Why people had to created such a road from China to Europe? Why??? Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

贸易For Trading 丝绸 The Silk Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

贸易Trading 茶叶The Tea Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

贸易Trading 陶瓷The Ceramic Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

And cultural exchange 文化交流 Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

Now think Why people took many years to travel through the silk road? 为什么要许多年人们才可以走完这条路? Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

Now think Why only brave men can cross the silk road? 为什么人们说只有勇敢的人才可以走完这条路? Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

Now think What is the historical role and significance of the silk road? 请你说说丝绸之路的历史作用和意义。 Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

Summary 总结 Tell me what you have learnt about the Silk Road?说说你所知道的丝绸之路。 Silk Road Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung

End of slide show 完 Thank you for your attention. PGCE Asian Part-Time 2006-2007 Mandarin Group Ni Yi Lim Ting Chung