禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm


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Presentation transcript:

禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm 青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

Please turn off your cell phones, thank you! 請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah, Our God reigns 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 神掌权 Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah, Our God reigns

今願諸天都要快樂 願全地百姓都要歡喜 同來歡唱讚美之歌 盼望中同心相信 Let the heavens be glad today Let the people of the earth rejoice Sing together in joyful praise In the hope that we all do share

主我神正運行 他要來使萬物復興 他要憑公義審判 傳這信息到地極 The Lord is on His way He will come to restore all things He will judge in righteousness Shout the message everywhere

He reigns in righteousness A reign of righteousness 神掌權 憑公義掌王權 他公義的權柄 永遠無止境 Our God reigns He reigns in righteousness A reign of righteousness That will never end

主再來 眾人都要看見 我主何等威嚴 他必要再來 Our Lord comes And ev’ry eye shall see The Lord of majesty When He comes again

众人聚集在这里 看见主荣耀显明 万国万民赞美 直到地极 All assemble come to you We see Your glory reveal Nations will praise Your name until the end 8

过去曾被人厌弃 悲哀日子已完毕 以色列圣者 他已荣耀你 Although you’ve been forsaken Your days of sorrow will end The Holy One of Israel glorifies you 9

兴起发光 主已经来临 为主兴起 勇敢向前行 耶和华荣耀发现 照耀你 Arise and shine for the Lord is coming Mighty warriors go forward bravely The glory of the Lord rises upon you 10

万国要来就近你 君王要来尊崇你 主的百姓要兴起 照耀全地 Nations will come to your light And kings come to honor you Arise, people of the Lord Shine in the world 11

我靠著主羔羊的寶血 進入神至聖之所 獻上全心全力和全人 來敬拜我全能之主 I enter the Holy of holies I enter through the Blood of the Lamb I enter to worship you only I enter to honor “I AM”

主我敬拜祢 我敬拜祢(2x) 因為你是聖潔 聖潔 喔主 For Your name is holy holy, O Lord Lord, I worship You, I worship You (2x)

We wait for You We wait for You We wait for You Walk in the room 我等候你 我等候你 我等候你 走进这里 We wait for You We wait for You We wait for You Walk in the room

Here we are standing in Your presence Shekinah glory come down 在这里 等候你的同在 Shekinah 荣耀降下 Here we are standing in Your presence Shekinah glory come down

Release fullness of Your Spirit 全然释放 你宝贵圣灵 Shekinah 降下来 Release fullness of Your Spirit Shekinah glory come

You move 我们要更多 You speak 我们要更多 You move 我们要更多 完全得着你 You move We want more You speak We want more You move We want more We want the fullness

Release fullness of Your Spirit 全然释放 你宝贵圣灵 Shekinah 降下来 Release fullness of Your Spirit Shekinah glory come

We want more We want more We want more 渴慕你 渴慕你 渴慕你 渴慕你 圣灵 We want more We want more We want more More of Your Spirit

我的心切慕你 如鹿切慕溪水 何时与你面对面 解我心思念 How my heart longs for You Like thirsting deer for streams Only when I’ve seen Your face Shall my longing ease 20 20

深愿永居你院宇 在你殿里求问 那日我将不再渴 永浴你爱河 O, to dwell within Your courts To live inside Your house Then Your love, a mighty flood Shall my thirsting douse 21 21

吹呀吹 神的风 把我带到他身边 烧呀烧 圣灵的火 让我消失他里面 吹呀吹 神的风 把我带到他身边 烧呀烧 圣灵的火 让我消失他里面 Fill my sails, wind of God Won’t You bring me to His side Brightly burn, blaze of the Lord And consume me in His fire 22 22