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Presentation transcript:

Hello! Everyone! Welcome to our class!

The forty-fifth lesson

启动思维 summer hot spring warm autumn cool winter cold

学习目标 1、学习并掌握有关描述天气的词汇: sunny、 cloud、 cloudy 、wet、 rainy、 wind、 windy 、snowy 、later、later on 2、掌握关于谈论天气的日常交际用语: What’s the weather like? It’s very cold but quite sunny and…… 3、掌握并运用what和how引导的 感叹 句。

sun cloud sunny cloudy rain rainy wind windy snow snowy 归纳总结:名词 形容词 (1)名词+y (2)双写末尾的辅音字母+y

Put in the missing letters sunny 1.When the sun is shining ,it is _______. 2.When there are clouds ,it is______. 3.When it is raining ,it is _______. 4.When it is snowing ,it is _______. 5.When the wind is blowing ,it is_______. cloudy rainy snowy windy

归纳总结:What +(a /an )+(形容词 ) +名词(s)+主语 +谓语 ! 感叹句 观察与思考 1、多冷的天! What a cold day it is ! 2、多干燥的天气啊! What dry weather it is ! 3、多高的树啊! What tall trees they are ! 归纳总结:What +(a /an )+(形容词 ) +名词(s)+主语 +谓语 ! 感叹句

What beautiful flowers (they are)! Practise 用what翻译 1、她是多好的女孩啊! 2、它是多好的新闻! 3、它们是多美的花啊! What a good girl she is ! What good news (it is)! What beautiful flowers (they are)!

用how改感叹句 How cold the day is ! How dry the weather is ! 1、多冷的天! How cold the day is ! 2、多干燥的天气啊! How dry the weather is ! 3、多高的树啊! How tall the trees are ! How +形容词/副词 +the +名词 + 谓语 ! 归纳总结:

How beautiful the flowers are ! Practise 用How 引导 1、多好的女孩啊! 2、多好的新闻! 3、多美的花啊! How good the girl is ! How good the news is ! How beautiful the flowers are !

Use exclamatory sentences to talk about the pictures A:What a cold day it is ! B:Yes,But it will be warmer later on . A:How cold it is today ! B:Yes, and it will be colder later on .

colder drier hotter wetter cloudier rainier sunnier windier snowier 归纳描述天气的 有关形容词的比较级 cold dry hot wet cloudy rainy sunny windy snowy colder drier hotter wetter cloudier rainier sunnier windier snowier

5、hot (最高级) 6、cloudy (名词) 7、windier(原级) 8、snowy(最高级) 二、 将下列句子改为感叹句 发展训练 一、按要求写出下列单词的相应形式 1、sun (形容词) 2、cool (反义词) 3、rain (形容词) 4、wet (比较级) 5、hot (最高级) 6、cloudy (名词) 7、windier(原级) 8、snowy(最高级) 二、 将下列句子改为感叹句 1The boy is very clever. 2 These are very interesting books. It’s very bad weather today. 3 多么愉快的年青人啊! sunny warm rainy wetter hottest cloud windy snowiest How clever the boy is ! What a clever boy he is! What interesting books these are! How interesting these books are! What bad weather it is! How bad the weather is!

What happy young men they are! How happy the young men are! 发展训练 二、 中译英(用what 和how 翻译下列感叹句) 1 这是一座多么高的大楼啊! 2 多么美味的食物啊! 3 多么愉快的年青人啊! What a tall building this is ! How tall this building is! What delicious food it is! How delicious the food is! What happy young men they are! How happy the young men are!

Thank you,everyone! Goodbye!