中國諺語Chinese adage 文字取自於:張忠謀 Words from: Zhang Zhongmou 白天的月亮 想與日爭輝


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Presentation transcript:

中國諺語Chinese adage 文字取自於:張忠謀 Words from: Zhang Zhongmou 白天的月亮 想與日爭輝 The moon in daylight Wants to challenge the sun 中國諺語Chinese adage 文字取自於:張忠謀 Words from: Zhang Zhongmou 攝於陽明山 Taken at Yangming Mountain

關於『金錢』 About “MONEY”

有了錢 $ With money$ 你可以買到房子 但買不到一個家 You can buy a house But you can’t buy a home

有了錢 $ With money$ 你可以買『時鐘』 但買不到『時間』 You can buy a clock But you can’t buy time

有了錢 $ With money$ 你可以買一張『床』 但買不到充足的『睡眠』 You can buy a bed But you can’t buy enough sleep

有了錢 $ With money$ 你可以買一本『書』 但買不到『知識』 You can buy a book But you can’t buy knowledge

有了錢 $ With money$ 你可以買到醫療『服務』 但買不到『健康』 You can buy medical treatment but you can’t buy health

有了錢 $ With money$ 你可以買到『地位』 但買不到『尊重』 You can buy a footing But you can’t buy respect

有了錢 $ With money$ 你可以買到『血液』 但買不到『生命』 You can buy blood But you can’t buy life

有了錢 $ With money$ 你可以買『性』 但買不到『愛』 You can buy sex But you can’t buy love

這個來自『荷蘭的諺語』 會帶來『幸運』 This adage from Netherland will bring you luck

這個諺語 已經環繞世界八次 現在是你得到 『幸運』的時候 This adage had been spread around the world for 8 times and now it is your turn to get luck

這不是一個玩笑 你的『幸運』會來自 郵件或網路 This is not a joke Your luck will come by mails or internet

在四天之內把這個諺語 傳給真正需要『幸運』的人 Send this adage to those who need luck indeed within 4 days

康斯坦於 1953 年 收到這個,『訊息』 然後叫他的秘書 傳送給 20人 4 天後他中了一億元彩票 Constan received this message in 1953, he asked his secretary to send it to 20 people. 4 days later, he won a 100 million lottery.

卡洛斯收到同樣的『訊息』 但沒有傳別人 結果他在 4 天後 被辭退工作 不久,他改變主意 把個訊息傳給了別人 最後變得富有 Caroes received the same message but he didn’t send it to anyone else. He was fired in 4 days. He changed his mind shortly and sent this message to others. In the end he became rich.

在 1967 年 貝魯收這個『訊息』後取笑它 數天之後他的兒子病倒了 In 1967, Beiru received this message but laughed at it. A few days later, his son got sick. 他立刻把這個『訊息』傳給20人 9天後他收到好消息 他的兒子痊癒了 He sent this message to 20 people immediately and good news came in 9 days that his son was healed.

這個『訊息』是由南非的傳教士ANTHONY DE CROUD寫的 This message was written by missionary ANTHONY DE CROUD from South Africa

在 4 天內將這『訊息』 傳遞給別人 Send this message to others within 4 days

由你把這『訊息』傳送給別人開始的 4 天後 你的『幸運』便會降臨 In 4 days after you sent this message to others, your luck will arrive

這是真的! 這訊息會傳播『幸運』 『幸運』最終會降臨 在你門前 It is true 這是真的! 這訊息會傳播『幸運』 『幸運』最終會降臨 在你門前 It is true! This message will spread luck Luck will come to you finally

這個『訊息』傳給 二十個朋友或親人 接下來的一天你便會收到一個好消息 或意外驚喜 Send this message to 20 friends or relations, you will receive a good news or surprise the coming day.

我希望這個『訊息』會流傳於世界各地 I hope this message will spread all over the world.

把這『訊息』傳給20人 『幸運』便會發生 Send this message to 20 people 把這『訊息』傳給20人 『幸運』便會發生 Send this message to 20 people. Luck will surely come.

IMPORTANT: Do not modify the TEXT that I sent you, copy it exactly the way you got it. GOOD LUCK ! J.A.B.