在世間萬有中-獻上頌 在世間 萬有中 My Jesus My Savior 哪會有仿似耶穌 Lord there is name like you 我願頌揚 竭力頌揚 All of my days I want to praise 主愛是奇妙浩大.


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Presentation transcript:

在世間萬有中-獻上頌 在世間 萬有中 My Jesus My Savior 哪會有仿似耶穌 Lord there is name like you 我願頌揚 竭力頌揚 All of my days I want to praise 主愛是奇妙浩大 the wonder of Your mighty love

在世間萬有中-獻上頌 是我主 是救主 My comfort My Shelter 作我安穩庇護所 Tower of refuge and strength 我的全人 一息尚存 Let every breath all that I am 也要定意敬拜祢 Never cease to worship You

在世間萬有中-獻上頌 獻上頌讚 要吶喊 要頌揚 Shout to the Lord All the earth let us sing 各處頌讚 眾山歡呼拍掌 Power and majesty praise to the King 遍野萬里 也和應叫嚷 Mountain bow down and the sea will roar 與眾海呼喊 傳揚上主 and the sound of Your name

在世間萬有中-獻上頌 跳躍和唱 要述說 祢創造 I sing for joy at the work of your hand 願永遠愛祢 我這生不變更 Forever I’ll love you forever I’ll stand 這世上永 再沒有別人像祢 Nothing compare to the promise I have in You