二.我们不会疲倦 词:Fanny J.Crosby 曲:William J.Kirkpatrick


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Presentation transcript:

二.我们不会疲倦 词:Fanny J.Crosby 曲:William J.Kirkpatrick 1. 我们不会疲倦不唱这首旧诗章; 荣耀归神,哈利路亚! 我们声浪依旧,信心比前更坚强; We are never weary singing our eternal song: Glory to God, hallelujah! We would sing His praise forever with our spirit strong:

二.我们不会疲倦 副:神的儿女有权利,可以大喊并大唱因为前途更光明,我们魂乐似飞翔, 不久我们到天上,就要朝见我君王, 荣耀归神,哈利路亚! O the children of the Lord have a wondrous song to sing, For the Lord will by His grace many sons to glory bring. We are going in that day to the presence of the King: Glory to God, hallelujah!

二.我们不会疲倦 2. 我们浸沉在那救赎大爱、极乐中; 荣耀归神,哈利路亚! 我们心中乐极有如插翅上高空; 荣耀归神,哈利路亚! We are lost amid the rapture of redeeming love: Glory to God, hallelujah! We are seeking every moment all its grace to prove:

二.我们不会疲倦 副:神的儿女有权利,可以大喊并大唱因为前途更光明,我们魂乐似飞翔, 不久我们到天上,就要朝见我君王, 荣耀归神,哈利路亚! O the children of the Lord have a wondrous song to sing, For the Lord will by His grace many sons to glory bring. We are going in that day to the presence of the King: Glory to God, hallelujah!

二.我们不会疲倦 3. 我们所去之地乃是精金所建造; 荣耀归神,哈利路亚! 那里,我可面见我王所有的光耀; 荣耀归神,哈利路亚! We are going on to glory as the Lord has told: Glory to God, hallelujah! Where the King in all His beauty we shall soon behold:

二.我们不会疲倦 副:神的儿女有权利,可以大喊并大唱因为前途更光明,我们魂乐似飞翔, 不久我们到天上,就要朝见我君王, 荣耀归神,哈利路亚! O the children of the Lord have a wondrous song to sing, For the Lord will by His grace many sons to glory bring. We are going in that day to the presence of the King: Glory to God, hallelujah!

二.我们不会疲倦 4. 那里,我们要藉新诗喊出救赎恩; 荣耀归神,哈利路亚! 那里,我们要同众圣拥挤耶稣身; 荣耀归神,哈利路亚! There we’ll sing His grace and mercy in a glad new song: Glory to God, hallelujah! There we’ll praise our glorious Savior with the blessed throng:

二.我们不会疲倦 副:神的儿女有权利,可以大喊并大唱因为前途更光明,我们魂乐似飞翔, 不久我们到天上,就要朝见我君王, 荣耀归神,哈利路亚! O the children of the Lord have a wondrous song to sing, For the Lord will by His grace many sons to glory bring. We are going in that day to the presence of the King: Glory to God, hallelujah!