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Presentation transcript:


1》標題 License Agreement


2》前提 This AGREEMENT is entered into as of the first day of April, 2003, by and between KABUSHIKI KAISHA WAKABA MEDIA, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of Japan, having its principal place of business at 1-1, Kakunouchi l-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan (hereinafter referred to as “Licensor”) and PENCIL ENTERPRISE, INC., a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Delaware, having its principal place of business at One Pencil Park, New York, New York 23456, USA (hereinafter referred to as “Licensee’’),

本契約係由依日本法所設立存續之WAKABA MEDIA株式會社(位於日本國東京都千代田區角之內一丁目1番1號,郵遞區號100)(以下稱「授權人」) 與依美國德拉成州法所設立存續之PENCIL ENTERPRISE, INC.(位於美國紐約州紐約Pencil Park 1號,郵遞區號23456) (以下稱「被授權人」),於 2003年4月1日所簽訂。

3》前文 (Whereas Clause) WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Licensor owns or controls the rights in and to the Licensed Property (as defined below); WHEREAS, Licensee is engaged in the business of manufacturing, distributing, and selling Software Devices (as defined below) and desires to manufacture, distribute, and sell Software Devices embodying the Licensed Property; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do hereby agree as follows:

並證之如下: 鑒於,授權人保有或支配授權所有物(定義如下)之權力; 被授權人從事製造、流通、銷售電腦軟體設備(定義如下)之事業,並欲製造、流通及銷售包含該授權所有物的電腦軟體設備; 基於上述事實雙方茲合意如下:

4》本文 ▼Article 1. Definitions 第1條 定義 The following words shall have the following meanings:


The term “Bug’’ shall mean a repeatable phenomenon of unintended events or actions during the running of the Software for the hardware system for which such Software was intended to operate that result in: (a) the Software being rendered unfunctional; (b) detriment to the visual representation or sound of the Software; or (c) the destruction of data.

所謂Bug一詞,係指在硬體系統中操作軟體時,產生了非預期的事件或行為的重複現象,而造成以下結果 : (a)軟體功能不全; (b)影像或音質紊亂;或 (c)資料毀損。

The term “Delivery’’ shall mean the physical transfer to Licensee of the documentation and Software (which Software is free of“Bugs”).

所謂「交付」一詞,係指將文件與軟體 (無Bug之軟體) 物理性地移交給被授權人之意。

The term “Licensed Product(s)’’ shall mean Software Devices embodying the Licensed Property.


The term “Licensed Property’’ shall mean the Software embodying the game entitled “Fighting Spirits’’ created by Licensor.

所謂「授權所有物」,係旨由授權人所製作,包含以Fighting Spirts 為名的電腦遊戲軟體。

The term “Territory”shall mean the entire world.


The term “Net Sales’’ shall mean gross sales less returns.


▼Article 2.Grant of License 第2條 權利的授與 Licensor hereby grants and Licensee hereby accepts an exclusive license to utilize the Licensed Property during the Term and throughout the Territory in connection with the manufacture, distribution and sale of the Licensed Products.


This License shall include, without limitation, the following rights: (a) The exclusive right to sell, distribute, market, advertise, or sublicense the Licensed Products through normal retail channels, or to end-users by mail, over the air, telephone, satellite, cable, or by any other means of distribution, or by electronic or digital delivery systems, whether now known or hereafter devised.

此許可包括下列權利,但不限定於此: (a)透過一般的零售管道、郵件、無線、電話、衛星通訊、有線及其他流通方法,或是利用不論現階段所知或未來所考量之電子或數位傳送系統,進行授權產品的銷售、流通、市場開發、宣傳及轉授權等獨占性權利。

(b) The right to use or publish Licensor's name as well as any names or trademarks associated with or embodied in the Licensed Products.


(c)The right to use, in connection with the selling, marketing, and advertising of the Licensed Product, all artworks, textual materials, and other materials used for or in connection with such Licensed Property.


(d) The right to manufacture, print, publish, reproduce, sell, distribute or advertise strategy guides or “hint books’’ relating to the Software


▼Article 3. Delivery 第3條 交付 Licensor shall deliver the Software with the technical documentation for the Software to Licensee in accordance with the procedures set forth in the schedule attached hereto.


▼Article 4. Term 第4條 效期 The term of this Agreement (the “Term”) shall commence upon the date of execution of this Agreement and shall expire on the date that is five years after the release by Licensee of the Licensed Products.


▼Article 5. Consideration 第5條 對價 Licensee shall pay Licensor a royalty (“Royalty’’) of 15% of the Net Sales of the Licensed Products throughout the Territory. Provided Licensor delivers the Software without any Bug by no later than the Delivery Dates, Licensee shall pay Licensor a minimum guarantee (“Guarantee’’) of Royalties of one million U.S. dollars ($1,000,000).

被授權人必須支付授權人授權產品於契約地區內淨銷價15%之權利金。授權人於交付日之前交付無瑕之軟體時,被授權人應支付授權人一百萬( 1,000,000)美元權利金,做為最低應付之保證金額。

▼Article 6. Accounting第6條 會計 (1) Licensee shall calculate the amount of payment based on the preceding Article four times per year, at the end of March, June, September, and December. Within sixty (60) days after each such date, Licensee shall remit the amount calculated in accordance with the Article.


(2) Licensee shall make a detailed statement of account of all payments due to Licensor under the preceding Article for each calendar quarter in each year of the Term and shall provide such accounts to and pay to Licensor the amount due to it for each such period, within sixty days of the end of each calendar quarter.


(3) Licensee shall keep full and proper books and records of all revenue derived from the exploitation of the Licensed Products in the Territory during the Term sufficient to provide a full audit trail to the original source thereof.


(4)Licensor shallhave the right through a Em of certified public accountants, at reasonable hours and upon reasonable notice, but not more than once during each calendar year, to conduct an examination of and take copies and extracts from Licensee's books and records relating to the revenue derived from the exploitation of the Licensed Product in the Territory during the Term.


▼Article 7. Representation and Warranties 第7條 聲明及保證 (1)Licensee hereby represents and warrants that Licensee has the full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder, and is free to enter into this Agreement.


(2) Licensor hereby represents and warrants that: (a) Licensor has the full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder, and is free to enter into this Agreement.

(b) The Software and the Game are original, and neither the Software nor the documentation thereto, or any part of any character, object, sound or music in the Software, infringes any common law or statutory rights of any third party, including, without limitation, contractual rights, patents, copyrights, trade secrets, right of publicity, or other intellectual property rights.

(2)授權人特此聲明與保證: (a)授權人具有完全能力與權限締結此契約及履行此契約之義務,並且無締結此契約之障礙。 (b)軟體與遊戲為原版著作,且不論是軟體及文件,或任何在軟體中出現之人物、物體、聲效、音樂等部分,都不侵犯第三者之習慣法或法定權利,包括契約上的權利、專利、著作權、商業機密、隱私權、公開權或其他智慧財產權等,但不限定於此。

▼Article 8. Indemnification 第8條 補償 (1) Licensee shall indemnify Licensor and undertake to defend Licensor and hold Licensor harmless from any claims, suits, losses, liabilities, costs or expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) and damages suffered by Licensor arising out of or connected in any way with any claim against it by reason of Licensee’s breach of any of its representations, or agreements herein made.

Licensor shall promptly notify Licensee of any such claim or proceeding, and Licensor shall not settle any such claim or proceeding without Licensee’s prior written consent. Licensee shall have the right, at Licensee's expense, to participate in the defense thereof with counsel of Licensee's choice.


(2)Licensor shall indemnify License and undertake to defend Licensee and hold Licensee harmless from any claims, suits, losses, liabilities, costs or expense (including reasonable attorney’s fees) and damages suffered by Licensee arising out of or connected in any way with any claim against it by reason of Licensor's breach of any of its representations, or agreements herein made.

Licensee shall promptly notify Licensor of any such claim or proceeding without Licensee shall not settle any such claim or proceeding without Licensor's prior written consent. Licensor shall have the right, at Licensor’s expense, to participate in the defense thereof with counsel of Licensor’s choice.


▼Article 9. Expiration of Agreement第9條 契約期間之屆滿 Upon expiration of the Term of this Agreement, all exclusive rights granted to Licensee herein shall revert to Licensor, provided that Licensee shall continue to pay all royalties which become due and payable.


▼Article 10. Assignment 第10條 讓渡 Neither party shall have the right to assign any ofits rights or obligations provided hereunder to any third party without the other party's prior written consent.


▼Article 11. Entire Agreement 第11條 完全合意 This Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto relating to the subject matter contained herein, and will supersede all representations, warranties, terms, conditions, undertakings or oral agreements, express or implied, between the parties other than those set forth in this Agreement.


▼Article 12. Governing Law 第12條 準據法 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.


▼Article 13. Jurisdiction第13條 管轄 The parties hereby agree that any disputes arising out of this Agreement shall be brought to before the Tokyo District Court of Japan for the first instance.


5》結語與署名 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate by its duly authorized officers or representatives as of the date first above written. Licensor: Licensee: Name of Licensor ( )Name of Licensee ( ) Signature ( ) Signature ( ) By ( ) By ( ) Title ( ) Title ( )

為證明起見,本契約之各當事人委其正式授權之高階職員或代表於本契約首開日期,簽署本契約並作成正本兩份。 授權人: 背授權人: 授權人名稱 ( ) 背授權人名稱 ( ) 簽名欄 ( ) 簽名欄 ( ) 簽名人 ( ) 簽名人 ( ) 職 稱 ( ) 職 稱 ( )