至高圣名 The Highest Name.


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你的創造奇妙,你的能力無限 你的榮耀我們親眼看見
Presentation transcript:

至高圣名 The Highest Name

从诸天之上来到人世间 荣耀之身降卑为人 藉着你宝血完成了救赎 使我们蒙神称义 从诸天之上来到人世间 荣耀之身降卑为人 藉着你宝血完成了救赎 使我们蒙神称义 Came to earth from heaven your glorious body humbly became a human You completed redemption through your precious blood  So that we are justified by God’s grace

你复活成了赐生命的灵 叫我们都有分于你 成为你新妇,成为你身体 至终随你进荣耀里 你复活成了赐生命的灵 叫我们都有分于你 成为你新妇,成为你身体 至终随你进荣耀里 You became a life-giving spirit through resurrection, That we can come to share in you; We become your bride and your body Eventually we will follow you to enter into your glory

神已升你为至高 赐你名超乎万名 万膝跪拜万口称耶稣是主 神已升你为至高 赐你名超乎万名 万膝跪拜万口称耶稣是主 God has exalted you to the highest place Give you the name that is above every name Every knee shall bow  every tongue shall acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord

赞美你是阿拉法 赞美你是俄梅嘎 荣耀权能永归你 哈利路亚 阿们 赞美你是阿拉法 赞美你是俄梅嘎 荣耀权能永归你 哈利路亚 阿们 Praise that you are the Alpha and the Omega  Glory and power are yours forever!  Hallelujah Amen!