平衡可选附件安装使用说明 Installing & Operation Instruction of optional accessory for wheel balancer 版本号:F-1011 Version NO.:F-1011 编制:安春博 审核:宋志 日期:10.11.20 Made By:


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Presentation transcript:

平衡可选附件安装使用说明 Installing & Operation Instruction of optional accessory for wheel balancer 版本号:F-1011 Version NO.:F-1011 编制:安春博 审核:宋志 日期:10.11.20 Made By: An Chunbo Checked By: Song Zhi Date: 20/11/2010

目录 CATALOGUE 3-5 万能夹具Universal adaptor------------------------------------------------ ----- 四孔夹具Four Position Adaptor-------------------------------------------- --- 平衡摩夹1代Motorcycle Adaptor Ⅰ--------------------------------------- ----- 平衡摩夹2代Motorcycle Adaptor Ⅱ--------------------------------------- ---- 特大锥体Extra Large Cone------------------------------------------------- ------ 特大法兰Extra Large Flange------------------------------------------------ ----- 依维柯法兰Iveco Flange---------------------------------------------------- ---- 轮胎举升车Tire Lifting Unit------------------------------------------------- ---- 粘贴铅块量尺Weight Stick Scale------------------------------------------- ---- 6-7 8-13 14-15 16 17 18-20 21-22 23

Universal adaptor 万能夹具 附件名称:万能夹具 附件编码:6008836(适用36mm轴的平衡机) 返回BACK 附件名称:万能夹具 附件编码:6008836(适用36mm轴的平衡机) 如:CB900\CB910\CB920\CB953\CB960 附件编码:6009062(适用40mm轴的平衡机) 如:CB956\CB958 功能特点:平衡无中心孔轮辋时使用,有三等分、四等分、五等份组合形式,用量尺直接测量中心孔的间距可用来调节夹具的夹爪的相对位置 NAME: Universal adaptor CODE:6008836 (Suitable for the balancer with 36# main shaft) Applied Scope:CB900\910\920\953\960 CODE:6009062 (Suitable for the balancer with 40# main shaft) Applied Scope:CB956\958 Function & Characteristic: We balance the rim without the center hole. Use the scale to measure the distance of the rim fix screw hole. Determine the position of the fix screw according to the measured hole distance.

Universal adaptor 万能夹具 安装和使用说明: Installing & Operation: 返回BACK 安装和使用说明: Installing & Operation: 附件名称:万能夹具量尺 附件编码:6008835 NAME: Caliper CODE:6008835 测量轮毂的孔距,根据孔距调整固定万能夹具上的安装螺丝位置(螺丝的间距) 将万能夹具用固定螺丝安装在夹具盘上 Measure the hole distance using the caliper and adjust the universal flange bolt Assemble the flange in the wheel shaft and tighten the bolt in the flange

Universal adaptor 万能夹具 安装和使用说明: Installing & Operation: 返回BACK 安装和使用说明: Installing & Operation: 根据第一步测量的孔距,固定夹具的安装螺丝位置 将无中心孔的轮胎安装在夹具上将螺丝紧固 Fit the bolts according to hole distance measured by the first step. Assemble the rim in the flange, then tighten the bolts.

Four Position Adaptor 四孔夹具 附件名称:四孔夹具 附件编码:6008834(适用36mm轴的平衡机) 返回BACK 附件名称:四孔夹具 附件编码:6008834(适用36mm轴的平衡机) 如:CB900\CB910\CB920\CB953\CB960 功能特点:特制夹具,为特殊的无中心孔的四孔轮辋设计 NAME: Four Position Adaptor CODE:6008834(Suitable for the balancer with 36# main shaft) AppliedScope:CB900\910\920\953\960 Function & Characteristic: It‘s a special adaptor and is designed for the special rim without the center hole.

Four Position Adaptor 四孔夹具 安装和使用说明: Installing & Operation: 返回BACK 安装和使用说明: Installing & Operation: 步骤2:将四孔夹具用2个M10*25内六角螺栓固定 Step 2:Fix the adapter with 2 pieces of M10*25 screws. 步骤3:将轮胎用四颗螺栓紧固后即可以正常的方式进行平衡. 步骤1:除去平衡轴丝杆 Step 3:Tighten the tire with 4 Screws then you can balance the rim. Step 1:Remove the thread from main shaft.

Motorcycle Adaptor Ⅰ 平衡摩夹1代 附件名称:平衡摩夹1代 附件编码:6008838(适用36mm轴的平衡机) 返回BACK 附件名称:平衡摩夹1代 附件编码:6008838(适用36mm轴的平衡机) 如:CB900\CB910\CB920\CB953\CB960 附件编码:6009060(适用40mm轴的平衡机) 如:CB956\CB958 功能特点:平衡轮胎中心孔外径大于19mm摩托轮胎时使用,在选择摩托车平衡模式时必须使用延长尺进行测量 NAME: Motorcycle Adaptor Ⅰ CODE:6008838(Suitable for the balancer with 36# main shaft) Applied Scope:CB900\910\920\953\960 CODE:6009060(Suitable for the balancer with 40# main shaft) Applied Scope:CB956\958 Function & Characteristic: It is used when we balance the motorcycle tire, the OD of which is more than 19mm. When we choose MOT mode, we use the extend scale to measure.

Motorcycle Adaptor Ⅰ 平衡摩夹1代 A:摩托车轮胎丝杆 Screw shaft for motorcycle wheel 返回BACK A:摩托车轮胎丝杆 Screw shaft for motorcycle wheel B:锥体 Cone C:隔套 Spacer D:隔套 Spacer E & F:锁紧螺母 Locknut

Motorcycle Adaptor Ⅰ 平衡摩夹1代 安装和使用说明: Installing & Operation: 返回BACK 安装和使用说明: Installing & Operation: Step 1: Put adaptor on balancing shaft. Step 2: Put fixing cone onto the adaptor.

Motorcycle Adaptor Ⅰ 平衡摩夹1代 安装和使用说明: Installing & Operation: 返回BACK 安装和使用说明: Installing & Operation: Put fixing cone outside. Put fixing cone inside. Step 3: Put motorcycle wheel on.

Step 4: Fix the wheel tightly. 平衡摩夹1代 Motorcycle Adaptor Ⅰ 返回BACK 安装和使用说明: Installing & Operation: Choose a quantity of parts1 and 2 based on wheel width. Step 4: Fix the wheel tightly.

Optional accessory for fixing. 平衡摩夹1代 Motorcycle Adaptor Ⅰ 返回BACK 安装和使用说明: Installing & Operation: Optional accessory for fixing.

Motorcycle Adaptor Ⅱ 平衡摩夹2代 附件名称:平衡摩夹2代 附件编码:6008839(适用36mm轴的平衡机) 返回BACK 附件名称:平衡摩夹2代 附件编码:6008839(适用36mm轴的平衡机) 如:CB900\CB910\CB920\CB953\CB960 附件编码:6009061(适用40mm轴的平衡机) 如:CB956\CB958 功能特点:平衡轮胎中心孔外径大于14mm摩托轮胎时使用,在选择摩托车平衡模式时必须使用延长尺进行测量 NAME: Motorcycle Adaptor Ⅱ CODE:6008839(Suitable for the balancer with 36# main shaft) Applied Scope:CB900\910\920\953\960 CODE:6009061(Suitable for the balancer with 40# main shaft) Applied Scope:CB956\958 Function & Characteristic: It is used when we balance the motorcycle tire, the OD of which more than 14mm. When we choose MOT mode, we use the extend scale to measure.

平衡摩夹2代 Motorcycle Adaptor Ⅱ 返回BACK 安装使用说明: Installing & Operation:

Extra Large Cone 特大锥体 附件名称:特大锥体 附件编码:6008842(适用36mm轴的平衡机) 返回BACK 附件名称:特大锥体 附件编码:6008842(适用36mm轴的平衡机) 如:CB900\CB910\CB920\CB953\CB960 附件编码:6009059(适用40mm轴的平衡机) 如:CB956\CB958 功能特点:适合大中心孔轮胎平衡时装夹 NAME: Extra Large Cone CODE:6008842 (Suitable for the balancer with 36# main shaft) Applied Scope:CB900\910\920\953\960 CODE:6009059(Suitable for the balancer with 40# main shaft) Applied Scope:CB956\958 Function & Characteristic: It is suitable for clamp the large center hole tire.

Extra Large Flange 特大法兰 附件名称:特大法兰 附件编码:6008540(适用36mm轴的平衡机) 返回BACK 附件名称:特大法兰 附件编码:6008540(适用36mm轴的平衡机) 如:CB900\CB910\CB920\CB953\CB960 附件编码:6009058(适用40mm轴的平衡机) 如:CB956\CB958 功能特点:适合大中心孔轮胎平衡时装夹 NAME: Extra Large Flange CODE:6008540(Suitable for the balancer with 36# main shaft) Applied Scope:CB900\910\920\953\960 CODE:6009058(Suitable for the balancer with 40# main shaft) Applied Scope:CB956\958 Function & Characteristic: It is suitable for clamp the large center hole tire.

Iveco Flange 依维柯法兰 附件名称:依维柯法兰 附件编码:6000378(适用36mm轴的平衡机) 返回BACK 附件名称:依维柯法兰 附件编码:6000378(适用36mm轴的平衡机) 如:CB900\CB910\CB920\CB953\CB960 功能特点:适合依维柯轮胎平衡时装夹 NAME: Iveco Flange CODE:6008540(Suitable for the balancer with 36# main shaft) Applied Scope:CB900\910\920\953\960 Function & Characteristic: It is suitable for clamp the Iveco tire.

Cone & Flange 锥体和法兰 安装和使用说明: Installing & Operation: 返回BACK 安装和使用说明: Installing & Operation: 将法兰盘装在主轴上注意法兰盘上的两个螺丝孔对准主轴螺丝孔。 将螺丝拧紧。 Tighten it with the screws. Put the flange onto the balance shaft and note that the screw holes on the flange most be on the same line with the two holes on the balance shaft.

Cone & Flange 锥体和法兰 安装和使用说明: Installing & Operation: 将轮胎装在主轴上。 返回BACK 安装和使用说明: Installing & Operation: 将轮胎装在主轴上。 Install the rim onto the balance shaft. 将快速螺母锁紧。 Use the quick locking nut to lock them. 在放上相应匹配的锥体。 Then install the suitable cone.

Tire Lifting Unit 轮胎举升车 附件名称:轮胎举升车 附件编码:6008841 适用范围:所有平衡机 返回BACK 附件名称:轮胎举升车 附件编码:6008841 适用范围:所有平衡机 功能特点:辅助提升轮胎至平衡轴,节省人力,配备移动转轮 NAME: Tire Lifting Unit CODE: 6008841 Applied Scope: All models of wheel balancer Function & Characteristic: Assist lifting the tire to the balance shaft and can save the man power. It is equipped with the movable rotation wheel.

Tire Lifting Unit 轮胎举升车 附件名称:轮胎举升车 附件编码:6009254 适用范围:所有平衡机 返回BACK 附件名称:轮胎举升车 附件编码:6009254 适用范围:所有平衡机 功能特点:辅助提升轮胎至平衡轴,节省人力,配备移动转轮 NAME: Tire Lifting Unit CODE: 6009254 Applied Scope: All models of wheel balancer Function & Characteristic: Assist lifting the tire to the balance shaft and can save the man power. It is equipped with the movable rotation wheel.

Weight Stick Scale 粘贴铅块量尺 附件名称:粘贴铅块量尺 附件编码:6008833 适用范围:所有平衡机 返回BACK 附件名称:粘贴铅块量尺 附件编码:6008833 适用范围:所有平衡机 功能特点:铝合金平衡模式使用,能准确的标定粘贴铅块的位置并进行粘贴 NAME: Weight Stick Scale CODE: 6008833 Applied Scope: All models of wheel balancer Function & Characteristic: It is used when we operate the ALU mode. It can accurately mark the weight stick position and stick the weight.