Xiangping JIA Professor at College of Economics and Management,


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Presentation transcript:

Digital Revolution and Agriculture in China: Opportunities and Challenges Xiangping JIA Professor at College of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China

NWAFU Programs Enhancing on-farm productivity Smart climate by using drones and remote sensing Precision farming such as fertigation and pest & disease control “E-center” of agricultural information and service, Shaanxi Facilitating market transparency (by using smart-phone APP and e-marketplace) Price disclose Identify transaction Rating Conflicting resolve Enabling efficient logistics and improving quality control

NWAFU Programs Lessons Agriculture is becoming increasingly knowledge-intensive and high-tech Basic price and market information systems can improve efficiency and welfare Technology-enabled interventions are no panacea in themselves, and need to be backed by complementary investments in infrastructure and institution Finally, information technology (IT) policy and the broader regulatory environment and the social context in a country should be discussed jointly

烟田数字化服务 2 远程病虫害专家会诊系统 工作界面及工作流程

陕西省农业科技信息服务云平台 4 基于滑索机器人的园区区域尺度霜冻预测预报系统 (全景相机、红外热成像、激光面阵相机3个传感器)

参数采集 手工录入 自动采集

Smart-phone Application

二维码追溯体系:从田间到餐桌全程监控 农业全产业链综合服务平台

Using ICT to Mitigate Price Volatility Source: WDR (2014)

‘Big Data’ for Small Farms in China: Challenges

Data Intensive Science that Works with Localized Participation Can agriculture be digitalized and analyzed, given biological complexities? highly location-specific, soil, water, land, weather, climate? localized capabilities and human behavior? heterogeneous institutions and policies? Institutions matter. Localized/community participation Localized food system towards less waste and health-enhancement Public & private partnership Incentive and regulatory for innovative IPR

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