秋雨之福 Autumn Blessings Grace Tseng 曾祥怡 CCLI #1133585.


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Presentation transcript:

秋雨之福 Autumn Blessings Grace Tseng 曾祥怡 CCLI #1133585

I long to be in Your dwelling place 主耶和華 Almighty God 我願常住在祢的殿中 I long to be in Your dwelling place 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus CCLI #1133585

I will daily lift my voice And gaze upon Your beauty 日日歌頌讚美祢 I will daily lift my voice 瞻仰祢的榮美 And gaze upon Your beauty 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus CCLI #1133585

I know that Your joy will be my strength 主耶和華 Almighty God 我必靠著祢力量得福 I know that Your joy will be my strength 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus CCLI #1133585 CCLI #1133585

我雖經過流淚谷 祢使它為泉源之地 蓋滿秋雨之福 In the valley of my tears You’ve made a place of flowing springs 蓋滿秋雨之福 And blessed me with autumn rain 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus CCLI #1133585 CCLI #1133585

Hear my prayer my Sun and my Shield I will trust You my God and King 求祢垂聽我的禱告 Hear my prayer my Sun and my Shield 我的日頭我的盾牌 I will trust You my God and King This is Chorus: slide 3 & 4 CCLI #1133585

Let me see Your face and Your beauty I place my hope in You my Lord 我要單單倚靠仰望祢 Let me see Your face and Your beauty 我的神啊﹐我的王啊 I place my hope in You my Lord This is Chorus: slide 3 & 4 CCLI #1133585

求你賜下恩典榮耀 我的避難所我的山寨 You’re my fortress my hiding place I will set my heart upon Your strength 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus CCLI #1133585 8

我要單單倚靠仰望祢 我的神啊﹐我所依靠的 Let me see Your grace and Your glory I trust in You, trust in You my Lord 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus 秋雨之福 Autumn Blessings Grace Tseng 曾祥怡 CCLI #1133585 9